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    Auto Parts / A20  |  Cable connectors
            Cable connectors
            universally applicable
             Figure                 Design         Contact  Contact   For conductor  Colour  Material/   Qty. per   Part number
                                                   width   thickness  cross section   finish *)  pack
                                                   mm      mm      mm 2
                                    Multiple butt                  0.5 – 1.5  red   CuZn/tin-plated  25  7 781 700 027
                                    connector                      1.5 – 2.5  blue  CuZn/tin-plated  25  8 784 485 034
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0  yellow  CuZn/tin-plated  25  7 781 700 028
                                    Wire end                       up to 1.0        Cu/tin-plated  100  8 780 422 000
                                    ferrule                        1.0 – 2.5        Cu/tin-plated  100  7 781 700 019
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0        CuZn/tin-plated  100  7 781 700 020
                                    Spark-plug                                      CuSn/bright  50     8 780 499 002
                                    Cable lug      M3              0.5 – 1.0  red   Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 119
                                                                   1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  7 781 700 032
                                                   M4              0.5 – 1.0  red   Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 121
                                                                   1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 125
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0  yellow  Cu/tin-plated  50  7 781 700 025
                                                   M5              0.5 – 1.0  red   Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 122
                                                                   1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 126
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0  yellow  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 130
                                                   M6              0.5 – 1.0  red   Cu/tin-plated  100  7 781 700 021
                                                                   1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 127
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0  yellow  Cu/tin-plated  50  8 781 353 131
                                                   M8              0.5 – 1.0  red   Cu/tin-plated  100  7 781 700 022
                                                                   1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 128
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0  yellow  Cu/tin-plated  50  8 781 353 132
                                                   M10             1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  50   7 781 700 023
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0  yellow  Cu/tin-plated  50  8 781 353 133
                                    Open cable lug  M4             0.5 – 1.0  red   Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 007
                                                                   4.0 – 6.0  yellow  Cu/tin-plated  50  7 781 700 026
                                                   M5              1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 009
                                                   M6              4.0 – 6.0  yellow  Cu/tin-plated  50  8 781 353 008
                                    Open cable lug  M4             1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 000
                                                   M5              1.5 – 2.5  blue  Cu/tin-plated  100  8 781 353 001
                                    Soldered       M6              up to 3.0        Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 011
                                    cable lug                      up to 4.0        Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 003
                                                                   up to 5.0        Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 004
                                                   M8              up to 5.0        Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 005
                                                                   up to 6.0        Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 006
                                                                   up to 8.0        Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 007
                                                   M10             up to 8.0        Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 008
                                                                   up to 10.0       Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 009
                                                                   up to 12.0       Cu/tin-plated  5    1 901 353 010
                                    Claw-type      M4              0.5 – 2.5        CuZn/bright  100    8 781 354 002
                                    cable lug      M5              0.5 – 2.5        CuZn/bright  100    8 781 354 003
                                                   M6              0.5 – 2.5        CuZn/bright  100    8 781 354 004
                                                   M8              0.5 – 2.5        CuZn/bright  100    8 781 354 005
                                                   M10             4.0 – 6.0        CuZn/bright  50     8 781 354 006
            *) CuSn = bronze. CuZn = brass
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