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    Auto Parts / A16  |  Materials and lubricants
            Materials and lubricants                                                           Note:
                                                                                               Safety data sheets
                                                                                               on the MKC homepage
              Lubricating greases
            Rolling-bearing grease             High temperature grease            Lubricating grease VS 17 427-FT
            Color: Light brown to natural      Color: Dark natural tone           Color: black
            Thermal application range: –20...+100 °C.  Thermal application range: –10…+90 °C.  Thermal application range: –30…135 °C
            Properties: Mineral, thin gear grease with good   Properties: Heat-resistant, highly adhesive. Not   Properties: Synthetic, oxidation protection, wear
            adhesion.                          suitable for rolling bearings, and lubrication   protection, resistant to aging.
            Application: Power tools, toothed gearing, plain   points which come into contact with water.  Application: Slot bushing for freewheeling, for
            and roller bearings.               Application: Ignition cam and cam follower on   start-stop-starters and conventional starters
            225 ml tube            5 700 053 025  the ignition contacts.          225 ml tube            1 987 123 080
                                               225 ml tube            5 700 002 025
            Synthetic grease                                                      Anti-friction bearing grease VS 15-164 FT
            Color: Blue                        Rolling-bearing grease             Color: green
            Thermal application range: –45…+120 °C.  Color: Beige                 Thermal application range: –20…+150 °C
            Properties: Fully synthetic, water-repellent, high   Thermal application range: –20…+80 °C.  Properties: Excellent thermal and squeeze
            adhesion properties, non-hostile to   Properties: Mineral.              stability, oxidation resistant, water repellent,
            seals and gaskets.                 Application: Electric-motor bearings   anti-corrosion.
            Application: Automotive pneumatics.  up to 5,000 min , rolling bearings without   Application: DC and AC alternators, for anti-
            225 ml tube            5 995 588 025  contact with water.             friction bearings with higher loads and speeds.
                                               225 ml tube            5 700 003 025  225 ml tube         1 987 123 090
            Lubricating grease
            Color: Beige                       Rolling-bearing grease             Lubricating grease FT 2 V 1
            Thermal application range: –50…+150 °C.  Color: Blue                  Color: white
            Application: R starter motor with   Thermal application range: –20…+120 °C.  Thermal application range: –70…+160 °C
            planetary gear                     Properties: Water-resistant, protects against   Properties: Water repellent, excellent resistance
            225 ml tube            1 987 123 040  corrosion.                      to aging, soft.
                                               Application: DC generators, power tools, sliding   Application: Clutch plates, longitudinal grooves,
            Lubricating grease                 and rolling bearings in case of high surface    for permanent lubrication with high thermal
            Color: Light beige                 pressures, engine ring gears, starter pinions.  loads.
            Application: Repair of CP3 pumps   225 ml tube            5 700 005 025  225 ml tube         1 987 123 100
            225 ml tube            1 987 123 050
                                               Rolling-bearing grease              Polishing and grinding
            Silicone grease                    Color: Beige                        products and abrasivesl
            Color: Black-grey                  Thermal application range: –20…+130 °C.
            Thermal application range: –40…+120 °C.  Properties: Mineral, highly adhesive, protects
            Properties: Synthetic, water-repellent, out-  against corrosion, water-repellent.  Lapping abrasive
            standing non-aging properties, contains high-  Application: DC generators and alternators,   Color: Green
            pressure additives.                sliding and rolling bearings in case of medium   Condition: Fine
            Application: Rolling bearings, shifting shafts,   thermal loading.    Application: Seats and fits, for lapping and
            pinion shafts.                     225 ml tube            5 700 009 025  polishing with lapping arbors and lapping plates.
            225 ml tube            5 700 082 025                                  50 g tin               5 837 010 105
                                               Lubricating grease VS 18 036-FT
            Special silicone grease VS 17 050 FT  Color: black                    Lapping abrasive
            Color: White                       Thermal application range: –50…150 °C  Color: Dark
            Thermal application range: –50…+180 °C.  Properties: Synthetic, oxidation protection,    Condition: Course
            Properties: Water repellent and resistant to   wear protection, resistant to aging.  Application: Seats and fits, for lapping and poli-
              oxidation, large thermal application range,   Application: Planetary gearbox, spiral spline,   shing with lapping arbors and lapping plates.
            change of consistency, good pressure  absorption.  commutator end shield cap, for electrically   50 g tin   5 837 011 105
            Application: Adjusting lever shaft bearing for      energized starters.
            distributor injection pumps.       Spiral spline and commutator end shield cap, for
            50 g tube              5 994 420 005  permanently energized starters (R and S series).  Anticorrosion agents
                                               225 ml tube             1 987 123 060
            Special gear grease FT 1 V 24
            Color: Beige                       Lubricating grease VS 17 707-FT    Acid-proof grease
            Thermal application range: –20...+100 °C.  Color: beige               Color: Red
            Properties: Mineral, good draw properties, highly   Thermal application range: –45…120 °C  Properties: Mineral, acid-resistant, prevents
            adhesive, serves to reduce wear at high surface   Properties: Synthetic, oxidation protection,    formation of salt.
            pressures.                         wear protection, resistant to aging.  Application: Battery terminals.
            Application: Power tools, highly stressed    Application: Relay armature, for electrically and   225 ml tube   5 700 102 025
            geartrains, very heavy drilling mammers.  permanently energized starters with solenoid
            225 ml tube            5 700 052 025  switch.
                                               Do not use with relay armatures with sliding
                                               lacquer coating (start-stop starter and starter
                                               with rubber bellows).
                                               225 ml tube            1 987 123 070
            Bosch Automotive Aftermarket                                                                  2010  |  2011 / Auto Parts
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