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    Page 1311 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 1311
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

               Consumer purchasers of automotive  manufacturer may not require the use
               filters  are  sometimes  told  by  an  of  any  brand  of  filter  (or  any  other
               automobile dealer’s service writer or  article)  unless  the  manufacturer
               mechanic   that   a   brand   of  provides  the  item  free  of  charge
               replacement filter cannot be used in  under the terms of the warranty.
               the  consumer’s  vehicle  during  the
               warranty period. The claim is made  So if the consumer is told that only
               that  use  of  the  brand  will  “void  the  the  original  equipment  filter  will  not
               warranty,”  with  the  statement  or  void the warranty, he should request
               implication  that  only  the  original  that the OE filter be supplied free of
               equipment  brand  of  filters  may  be  charge. If he is charged for the filter,
               used. This, of course, tends to cast  the manufacturer will be violating the
               doubt  on  the  quality  of  the  Magnuson-Moss  Warranty  Act  or
               replacement filter.             other applicable laws.
               That claim is simply not true. If the  By  providing  this  information  to
               consumer asks for the statement in  consumers,  the  AFMC  can  help  to
               writing,  he  will  not  receive  it.  combat  the  erroneous  claim  that  a
               Nevertheless,  the  consumer  may  brand  of  replacement  filter  other
               feel   uneasy   about   using   than original equipment will “void the
               replacement  filters  that  are  not  warranty.” It should be noted that the
               original  equipment.  With  the  large  Magnuson-Moss Act applies only to
               number  of  do-it-yourselfers  who  consumer  products,  and  not  to
               prefer to install their own filters, this  businesses  such  as  fleets  or
               misleading   claim   should   be  government agencies.
               Under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty
                                               Reprinted  with  permission  from  the  Filter
               Act  and  general  principles  of  the  Manufacturers  Council,  Research  Triangle  Park,
               Federal  Trade  Commission  Act,  a  North Carolina 27709-3966.
                 Please refer to inside back cover for the Warranty to
                 Farmers Using Baldwin Filters on Farm Equipment.
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