Page 224 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
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Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references
Auto Parts / N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code
4099537 .......... PT9432-MPG HITA 4100290 ..................... B7422 NAPT 4102H1520 .......... BF1295-O DCD 41060 [H] .............................. SULL 41078 ......... MWM, VW B114 IPS
4099538 .......... PT9559-MPG EUCL 41003 ........................... B178 IPS 4103 ....................... PA10032 NAP Outer Standard, Filter Only Isuzu, Nissan B118
4099601 .................. BW5073 VOLV 41004 ........................... P176 IPS 410308 ........................... P40 BEK PA1886 Check Applications
4099799 .................. BW5071 VOLV 410043 ......................... P174 BEK 41031 ............................. P41 IPS Outer Upgrade, Filter Only 410784 ......................B173-S BEK
40997991 ................ BW5071 VOLV 41004346 ................... PA645 LEYL 410316 ........................... P40 BEK PA1886XP 410788 ......................... B163 BEK
409F .......................... F950-F GREY 410068 ......................... PT29 BEK 41033 ............................. P40 IPS Inner, Filter Only PA1904 410789 ....................... B1402 BEK
40A134 .............. PA1690-FN MINN 41007148 .............................. LEYL 410332 ......................... B253 BEK 4106001 ..................... BF865 CHRY 41079 ........................... B295 IPS
40A134 .............. PA1690-FN WHIT Standard PA1884 410333 ................ OAS98003 SULL 4106001 ..................... BF865 MOP 410791 ....................... P1418 BEK
40C0872 .................. RS4989 LIUG Upgrade PA1884XP 41034 ........................... P125 IPS 410613 ......................... B120 BEK 410792 ......................... B178 BEK
40C0873 .................. RS4629 LIUG 41007148 ............ PA1884XP ROVE 410340 ....................... BT292 BEK 410616 ..................... PA2577 HYDX 410796 ........................B43-S BEK
40DM007 ................. PA1860 AIM 41007448 .............................. LEYL 4103452................. BF63000 HYST 410616 .................... . PA2577 TIMB 410797 ....................... B1402 BEK
40DN010BN3HC .................. HYHH Standard PA1884 41035000133546 ....... BF876 RENA 410617 ..................... PA2578 HYDX 41080 ........................... P174 IPS
PT23107-MPG Upgrade PA1884XP 41035000133555 ........... B76 RENA 410617 ..................... PA2578 TIMB 410804 ....................... P7137 BEK
40DN010BNHC .................... HYHH 41007448 .............................. ROVE 41035000541768 ....... BF877 RENA 4106178 ..................... P7050 HITA 41083 ........................... B227 IPS
PT23107-MPG Standard PA1884 410351022 .......... OAS99047 ECOA 41063 ................... BF7785-D ROO 4108311 ............. PA1690-FN HYDR
40HE ............................ P174 BOG Upgrade PA1884XP 410357 ......................... P496 BEK 410639 ......................B173-S BEK 4108311 ............. PA1690-FN HYMA
40LK65 ............... RS3539XP GRNG 41008 ........................... B163 IPS 41036 ........................... P171 IPS 41064 ........................... P125 IPS 4108311 ............. PA1690-FN HYVA
40LK66 .................BF1278-O GRNG 4100806 ................................ HITA 410365 ............................. B2 BEK 410647 ......................... B114 BEK 41084 ........................... B195 IPS
40LK67 .................... CA5500 GRNG Standard PA1884 410365 .................. Lube P82 DANA 410662 ....................... B7424 BEK 41085 ........................... P102 IPS
40LK68 .................... PA5786 GRNG Upgrade PA1884XP Fuel PF822 41067 ........................... P497 IPS 41086 ........................B173-S IPS
40LK69 .................... CA5791 GRNG 410084 .................................. BEK Hyd. PT82-HD 41067 ..................... PF821-S PHHR 41087 ........................... B243 IPS
40LK70 .................... PA5781 GRNG w/o End Seals P171 41037 ........................... P171 IPS 410670 ......................... B131 BEK 41088 ............Others B161-S IPS
40LK71 .................... RS5742 GRNG w/End Seals P172 410373 ......................... P497 BEK 410685 ....................... PA618 CATP Bobcat, Pinto B199
40LK72 .................... CA5790 GRNG 41008819 .............................. LEYL 41038 ......... MWM, VW B114 IPS 410685 ....................... PA618 TOWM Check Applications
40LK73 .................... RS5285 GRNG Standard PA1885 Isuzu, Nissan B118 410688 ......................... B156 BEK 4108913A ................ RS3943 AHLM
40LK74 .................... PA5289 GRNG Upgrade PA1885XP Check Applications 41069 ........................... B233 IPS 4108914A ................ RS3942 AHLM
40LK75 .................... CA5514 GRNG 41008819 ................. PA1885 ROVE 410399 ......................... P174 BEK 410696 ......................... B163 BEK 410891A .................. RS3942 MANO
40LK76 .................... RS5746 GRNG 41009 ........................... P174 IPS 4104 .................. B F 7 6 0 9 9 0 NAP 410697 ......................... B132 BEK 4109 ............................. B218 TEHO
40LK77 ........... PT9537-MPG GRNG 410092 ......................... P271 BEK 41040 ........................... B195 IPS 410698 ......................... B178 BEK 41090 ........................... B166 IPS
40LK78 ....................... P9605 GRNG 4101 ..................................... NAP 410407 ......................... B166 BEK 410699 ......................... B113 BEK 41091 ........................... B156 IPS
40LK79 ....................... B9604 GRNG Filter Only BF7609 41041 ............................. P41 IPS 4107 ...................... CTK5029 NAP 41092 ........................... B131 IPS
9 0
40LK80 .................BF9926-O GRNG 41010 ........................... P174 IPS 41042 ......................... BF825 CARO 41070 ............................... B2 IPS 41093 ......... MWM, VW B114 IPS
40LK81 .................... PA5282 GRNG 41011 ........................... P176 IPS 41042 ............................. P40 IPS 410703 ......................... B120 BEK Isuzu, Nissan B118
40LK82 .................... PA5780 GRNG 41012 ........................... P106 IPS 410423 ............................. B2 BEK 410704 ......................... B295 BEK Check Applications
40LK83 .................... PA5515 GRNG 41013 ........................... B131 IPS 410444 ................... H9076-V WABC 410705 ......................... P125 BEK 41096 ........................... B178 IPS
40LK84 .................... PA5451 GRNG 41013 [H] .............................. SULL 4104441 ..................... H9076 WABC 410706 ......................... B227 BEK 41097 ......... MWM, VW B114 IPS
40LK85 .................... PA5785 GRNG Filter Only PT207-HD 410449 ......................... B195 BEK 410707 ......................... B109 BEK Isuzu, Nissan B118
40LK86 .................... CA4996 GRNG 4101300 ............. PA1667-FN HYDR 41045 ........................... B132 IPS 410708 ......................... B178 BEK Check Applications
40LK87 .................... PA4489 GRNG 4101303 [H] .......................... HYDR 410451022 ............... PA2772 ECOA 410709 ......................... B228 BEK 41098 ........................... B178 IPS
40LK88 .................... CA5789 GRNG Filter Only PA1667-FN 41046 ........................... B132 IPS 41071 ........................... B295 IPS 41099 ........................... B120 IPS
40LK89 .................... RS5749 GRNG 410134 ......................... B233 BEK 41047 ............................... B2 IPS 410710 ......................... B109 BEK 411 ........................... PA1867 AMP
40LK90 .................... PA5762 GRNG 4101346 ................... BF7726 HYDR 41048 ............................... B9 IPS 410714 ......................... B178 BEK 411 ............................. PA642 AUTP
40LK91 .................... PA4483 GRNG 4101431 ................... BF7534 GMCX 41049 ........................... P176 IPS 410717 ......................B201-S BEK 411 ........................... PA1867 BGA
40LK92 .................... PA4487 GRNG 4101444 ................... RS3542 HYDR 410498 ......................... P102 BEK 410719 ......................... B202 BEK 411 ............................. BF989 CRM
40LK93 .................... PA5299 GRNG 41015 ........................... B166 IPS 4105 ......................... PA2623 ERO 41072 [H] .............................. SULL 411 ............................... P176 CRO
40LK94 .................... PA5787 GRNG 41015 ....................... PA1802 VALU 4105 ...................... CTK5029 NAP Filter Only PT207-HD10 411 ...................... Lube P194 DEL
40LK95 .................... CA5450 GRNG 410151022 .......... OAS99032 ECOA 41052 ......................... PF834 CARO 410720 ......................B161-S BEK Hyd. P194-HD
40LK96 .................... PA4488 GRNG 41016 ........................... B141 IPS 41052 ........................... P174 IPS 410721 .......................BD142 BEK 411 .................... P A 4 3 5 7 9 0 PROT
40LK97 .................... PA5792 GRNG 41017 ........................... PT12 IPS 410522 ..................... B40125 BEK 410725 ....................... P7615 BEK 4110 ....................... PA10162 NAP
40LK98 ................................. GRNG 41017 ..................... PF821-S PHHR 4105290 ................... PF7872 WAKR 410726 ......................... B143 BEK 411005 ............Lube P20-HD DONT
Standard Media RS5288 41017301 ................. PA1893 LEYL 41053 ........................... P190 IPS 410728 .......................BD142 BEK Trans. PT385
Upgrade RS5288XP 41017302 .............................. LEYL 410530 ....................... P7114 BEK 41073 ........................... B229 IPS 411007 ......................... P235 DONT
40LK99 .................... CA5788 GRNG Standard PA1885 4105404 ..................... BT223 CHRY 4107301 ................... PA1893 LEYL 411008 ......................... PT29 DONT
40LL01 ..................... RS5748 GRNG Upgrade PA1885XP 4105409 ..................... BT223 CHRY 410731 ......................... B113 BEK 411009 ....................... P7052 DONT
40LL02 ..................... PA5281 GRNG 410183 ......................... P176 BEK 4105409 ..................... BT223 MOP 410737 ............................. B2 BEK 41101 ........................... B295 IPS
40ME150 .................. CLN&R CAP 410191 ......................... PT12 BEK 4105409AA ................ BT223 CHRY 410738 ......................B173-S BEK 4110147 ................... BT8830 JCBM
40ZJ92 ..................... RS5783 GRNG 4102 ......................... PA3951 ERO 4105409AA ................ BT223 MOP 410739 ......................... B141 BEK 41102 ............... PT207-HD10 SULL
40ZJ93 ..................... RS5782 GRNG 41020 ........................... B281 CARO 4105409AB ................ BT223 CHRY 410749 ......................B161-S BEK 411020 ..............Lube PT108 DONT
410 ........................... PA1849 AMP 410209 ........................... P41 BEK 4105409AB ................ BT223 MOP 410750 ........................... B33 BEK Hyd. PT108-HD
410 ............................. PA658 AUTP 410217 ......................... P125 BEK 4105409AC ................ BT223 CHRY 410752 ......................... B141 BEK 411023 ......................... P106 DONT
410 ........................... PA1849 BGA 41022 ......................... BF988 CARO 4105409AC ................ BT223 MOP 410755 ......................B161-S BEK 411024 ......................... P176 DONT
410 ....................... PF894-RV CRM 41023 ........................... P271 IPS 4105409BB ................ BT223 CHRY 410756 ......................... B163 BEK 41103 .......GMC, Isuzu B109 IPS
410 .......................... PT193-3 DEL 410233 ......................... B228 BEK 410548 ......................... B156 BEK 410758 ........................... B37 BEK Ford B202
410 ........................... PA4173 PROT 41024 [H] .............................. SULL 410551022 ............... PA2845 ECOA 410759 ........................... B33 BEK Check Applications
4100 [H] ................................ LUF Filter Only PA1916 410555 ......................... B166 BEK 41076 ......................... P7114 IPS 411033 ....................... P7114 DONT
Filter Only C750-E 4102463 ..................... H9086 LETR 41056 ........................... B131 IPS 410761 ....................... B1422 BEK 411039 ......................... PT12 DONT
4100 ..................................... NAP 4102463 ..................... H9086 WABC 410563 ............................. B2 BEK 410762 ......................... P172 BEK 41104 ........................... B109 IPS
9 0
Filter Only BF7609 410251012 .......... OAS99029 ECOA 41058 ......................... P7607 CARO 4107629 ......................... B50 FIAT 411041 ......................... P721 DONT
410000207 ................. P7052 MBNZ 41026 ........................... P177 IPS 410589 ......................B161-S BEK 410763 ......................... P176 BEK 411042 ......................... PT12 DONT
4100010 ..................... P9600 NAPT 410274 ........................... P41 BEK 41059 ........................... B163 IPS 410764 ......................... P177 BEK 4110470A ................. PT9161 AHLM
4100021 ............. PA1865-FN HYDR 41028 ......................... PF834 CARO 4106 ......................... PA2703 ERO 410767 ........................... B33 BEK 41105190703 ........... PA2767 STEY
4100021 ............. PA1865-FN HYMA 41028000 ................. PA1904 LEYL 4106 ...................... CTK5029 NAP 41077 ........................B173-S IPS 411052 ......................... P721 DONT
4100021 ............. PA1865-FN HYVA 41028001 ................. PA1886 LEYL 4106 ............................. B156 TEHO 410774 ....................... BT223 BEK 411053 ................... P106-HD DONT
41001 ........................... PT29 IPS 410282 ................... P106-HD BEK 4107755 ......................... B50 FIAT 4110530 ................... PA1814 FIAT
410017301 ............... PA1893 LEYL 41029 ........................B161-S IPS 410777 ......................... B178 BEK 4110551A .................BF7866 AHLM
410019 ............................. B2 BEK 4102AZL1440 .............B7393 DCD 4107775 ....................... B296 FIAT 4110552A ................ RS3923 AHLM
41002 ............................. BT5 IPS 4102H1510 .............. BF9816 DCD 41105530 ................. PA1814 FIAT
90 Obsolete Pending.
H H o u s i n g
CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
222 / Auto Parts