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    Page 222 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
    P. 222
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and technics


    Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references

    Auto Parts / N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code
                  4051572 ..................... H9075 EUCL 40536186 ................... PA641 TRCT 40555633 ........... Pri. F916-C ALCH 4057143 ..................... PF942 TRCT 406 ..................... PA1977-FN  AMP
                  4051572 ..................... H9074  VME 4053800 ..................... BF988  SULL  Sec. PF916  405716R1 ................ PA1969 CASE 406 ..................... PA1977-FN  BGA
                  405158 ..................... PA3978  SULL 4053800 ..................... BF988  ZETT 40555633 ........... Pri. F916-C BUDA 405716R1 ................ PA1969  IHCO 406 ............................. PF827  CRM
                  405158S .................. PA3978  SULL 40538001 ................... BF988 HAMM  Sec. PF916  405716R2 ................ PA1969 CASE 406 ........................... PA2200 PROT
                  405174 ..................... PA2405 DEMA 40540 [H] ..............................  SULL 40555633 ........... Pri. F916-C TRCT 405716R2 ................ PA1969  IHCO 40600169 ................... PF950 GMEI
                  4051840 ..................... BF836 HYST  Filter Only PT207-HD  Sec. PF916  40576 ................... BF9892-D  ROO 40600169 ................... PF231 KALB
                  4051918 ................... PA1701 ALCH 405416136 ................... B114 CASE 40555639 ........... Pri. F916-C ALCH 4057728 ....................... P116 ALCH  Check Applications
                  4051918 ................... PA1701 BUDA 405434 ........................... P41 VOLV  Sec. PF916  4057728 ....................... P116 BUDA 40600226 ..................... P235 GMEI
                  4051918 ..................... PA616  FIAT 4054551 ................. BF957-D EUCL 40555639 ........... Pri. F916-C BUDA 4057728 ....................... P116 TRCT 40600226 ..................... P235 KALB
                  4051918 ................... PA1701 TRCT 4054552 ........Standard B196 EUCL  Sec. PF916  4058 .....................[4]CS5008  NAP 406003 ....................... PF834 SLAN
                  40519188 ................. PA1701 ALCH  Extended Life B96  40555639 ........... Pri. F916-C TRCT  or CS5009  40600491 ....................... P42 KALB
                  40519188 ................. PA1701 BUDA 4054554 ................... C750-E EUCL  Sec. PF916  40580 ....................... BF5800 GLOB 40600493 ................... BT292 KALB
                  40519188 ................. PA1701 TRCT 4054555 .................. BW5137 EUCL 4055591 ............ P A 5 4 8 1        9 0  CUMM 40581 ....................... BF5810 GLOB 40600494 ....................... P42 KALB
                  4051919 ................... PA1700 ALCH 4054556 ..................... BF596 EUCL 4055592 ............ P A 5 4 8 0        9 0  CUMM 4058189 ................... PA1912 EUCL 406005 ....................... PF847 SLAN
                  4051919 ................... PA1700 BUDA 4054557 .................. BW5139 EUCL 4055633 ................... PA1776 ALCH 405819124 ............... PA3757 CASE 4060050 ..................... BF825 ALCH
                  4051919 ..................... PA617  FIAT 4054618 ..................... H9058 EUCL 4055633 ................... PA1776 BUDA 40583 ......................... BF583 GLOB 4060050 ..................... BF825 BUDA
                  4051919 ................... PA1700 TRCT 4054618 ..................... H9058  VME 4055633 ................... PA1776  FIAT 40584 ......................... BF584 GLOB 4060050 ..................... BF825 TRCT
                  40519198 ................. PA1700 ALCH 405484 ........................... BT5  TIMB 4055633 ................... PA1776 TRCT 40588 ......................... BF588 GLOB 40600504 ................... BF825 ALCH
                  40519198 ................. PA1700 BUDA 4055 ......................... CS5011  NAP 40556334 ................. PA1776 ALCH 4058964 .................. BW5073 CUMM 40600504 ................... BF825 BUDA
                  40519198 ................. PA1700 TRCT 405501C1 .................. PF827 CASE 40556334 ................. PA1776 BUDA 4058965 .................. BW5076 CUMM 40600504 ................... BF825  FIAT
                  4051924 ................... PA1899  FIAT 405501C1 .................. PF827  IHCO 40556334 ................. PA1776 TRCT 4059092 ................PA1642-2 ALCH 40600504 ................... BF825 TRCT
                  4051925 ....... PA1701 FOAM ALCH 4055020005 ............. BF1195 RENA 4055695 ................PA1630-2 ALCH 4059092 ................PA1642-2 BUDA 4060100260 ............. BT8917  MITS
                  4051925 ....... PA1701 FOAM BUDA 4055036001 ............. BF1177 RENA 4055695 ................PA1630-2 BUDA 4059092 ................PA1642-2  FIAT 406037 ....................... BF790 SLAN
                  4051925 ............. PA2657-FN  FIAT 4055040 ............. PA1637-FN  HITA 4055695 ................PA1630-2  FIAT 4059092 ................PA1642-2 TRCT 406038 ....................... BF825 SLAN
                  4051925 ....... PA1701 FOAM TRCT 4055040004 ................. P235 RENA 4055695 ................PA1630-2 TRCT 40590922 ..............PA1642-2 ALCH 406041 ....................... BF988 SLAN
                  40519257 ..............................  ALCH 4055040006 ................. P235 RENA 40556956 ..............PA1630-2 ALCH 40590922 ..............PA1642-2 BUDA 406042 ....................... BF884 SLAN
                         PA1701 FOAM  4055040870 ................. P235 RENA 40556956 ..............PA1630-2 BUDA 40590922 ..............PA1642-2 TRCT 406051022 ............... PA1625 ECOA
                  40519257 .............................. BUDA 4055092 ................PA1642-2 ALCH 40556956 ..............PA1630-2  FIAT 405916 ............... PA1667-FN  IHCO 406070049 ................... PT12 STEY
                         PA1701 FOAM  4055092 ................PA1642-2 BUDA 40556956 ..............PA1630-2 TRCT 405916R1 .......... PA1667-FN CASE 4060716 ....................... B229 STEY
                  40519257 ..............................  TRCT 4055092 ................PA1642-2  FIAT 4055916 ............. Sec. PF906 ALCH 405916R1 .......... PA1667-FN  IHCO 4060718 ........................... B2 STEY
                         PA1701 FOAM  4055092 ................PA1642-2 GMCX 4055916 ............. Sec. PF906 BUDA 40592 ......................... BF592 GLOB 4060749 ....................... PT12 STEY
                  4052 ...................... CTK5029  NAP 4055092 ................PA1642-2 TRCT 4055916 ..................... PF906  FIAT 4059252 ............. PA1681-FN ALCH 4060757 ........................... B2 STEY
                  405211 ........................ S16-1  TIMB 40550926 ..............PA1642-2 ALCH 4055916 ............. Sec. PF906 TRCT 4059252 ............. PA1681-FN BUDA 4060883 ......................... P40 ALCH
                  4052172 ..................... PF910 ALCH 40550926 ..............PA1642-2 BUDA 40559164 ........... Sec. PF906 ALCH 4059252 ............. PA1681-FN  FIAT 4060883 ......................... P40 BUDA
                  4052172 ............. Sec. PF902 AMHO 40550926 ..............PA1642-2 TRCT 40559164 ........... Sec. PF906 BUDA 4059252 ............. PA1681-FN TRCT 4060883 ......................... P40  FIAT
                  4052172 ............. Sec. PF902 BDWL 40551 .............. PT8992-MPG  DON 40559164 ........... Sec. PF906 TRCT 40592526 ........... PA1681-FN ALCH 4060883 ......................... P40 HEST
                  4052172 ..................... PF910 BUDA 4055125 ................PA1621-2 ALCH 4055920 ............. Sec. PF902 ALCH 40592526 ........... PA1681-FN BUDA 4060883 ......................... P40  IVEC
                  4052172 ..................... PF902  FIAT 4055125 ................PA1621-2 BUDA 4055920 ............. Sec. PF902 BUDA 40592526 ........... PA1681-FN TRCT 4060883 ......................... P40 TRCT
                  4052172 ..................... PF910 TRCT 4055125 ................PA1621-2  FIAT 4055920 ..................... PF902  FIAT 4059263 ................... C750-E ALCH 4061 [H] ............... OB40078  NAP
                  40521721 ................... PF910 ALCH 4055125 ................PA1621-2 TRCT 4055920 ............. Sec. PF902 TRCT 4059263 ................... C750-E BUDA 406113 ....................... B7031  ZETT
                  40521721 ................... PF910 BUDA 40551253 ..............PA1621-2 ALCH 40559203 ........... Sec. PF902 ALCH 4059263 ................... C750-E  FIAT 4061130 ..................... B7031  SULL
                  40521721 ................... PF910 TRCT 40551253 ..............PA1621-2 BUDA 40559203 ........... Sec. PF902 BUDA 4059263 ................... C750-E TRCT 4061130 ..................... B7031  ZETT
                  4052520 ................... PA1702 ALCH 40551253 ..............PA1621-2 TRCT 40559203 ........... Sec. PF902 TRCT 40592635 ................. C750-E ALCH 40611302 ................... B7031  ZETT
                  4052520 ................... PA1702 BUDA 4055126 ................PA1621-2 ALCH 4056 ......................... CS5008  NAP 40592635 ................. C750-E BUDA 406130R91 [H] .....................  IHCO
                  4052520 ................... PA1702  FIAT 4055126 ................PA1621-2 BUDA 4056350 ..................... BF790  ZETT 40592635 ................. C750-E TRCT  Outer , Filter Only PA2314
                  4052520 ................... PA1702 TRCT 4055126 ................PA1621-2  FIAT 40563502 ................... BF790  ZETT 4059292 ............. PA1681-FN ALCH  Inner, Filter Only PA2332
                  40525206 ................. PA1702 ALCH 4055126 ................PA1621-2 TRCT 4056630 ............. PA1636-FN ALCH 4059292 ............. PA1681-FN BUDA 406130R95 .............. PA2332  IHCO
                  40525206 ................. PA1702 BUDA 40551262 ..............PA1621-2 ALCH 4056630 ............. PA1636-FN BUDA 4059292 ............. PA1681-FN  FIAT 40614 ................... BF9847-D  ROO
                  40525206 ................. PA1702 TRCT 40551262 ..............PA1621-2 BUDA 4056630 ............. PA1636-FN  FIAT 4059292 ............. PA1681-FN TRCT 4062072 ..................... PA675  FIAT
                  4052531 ....... PA1702 FOAM ALCH 40551262 ..............PA1621-2 TRCT 4056630 ............. PA1636-FN TRCT 40592922 ........... PA1681-FN ALCH 4062075 ......................... B50  FIAT
                  4052531 ....... PA1702 FOAM BUDA 4055279 ................... PA5464 CUMM 40566301 ........... PA1636-FN ALCH 40592922 ........... PA1681-FN BUDA 4062434 ............. PA1637-FN ALCH
                  4052531 ....... PA1702 FOAM TRCT 4055280 ................... PA2612 CUMM 40566301 ........... PA1636-FN BUDA 40592922 ........... PA1681-FN  FIAT 4062434 ............. PA1637-FN BUDA
                  40525315 ..............................  ALCH 4055313 ..................... PF949 ALCH 40566301 ........... PA1636-FN TRCT 40592922 ........... PA1681-FN TRCT 4062434 ............. PA1637-FN TRCT
                         PA1702 FOAM  4055313 ..................... PF949 BUDA 4056632 ..................... PF910 ALCH 40593 ......................... BF593 GLOB 40625 ................. BF46043-D  ROO
                  40525315 .............................. BUDA 4055313 ..................... PF949  FIAT 4056632 ..................... PF910 BUDA 4059343 ................... C750-E ALCH 406294 ............... PA1637-FN  TIMB
                         PA1702 FOAM  4055313 ..................... PF949 TRCT 4056632 ..................... PF910  FIAT 4059343 ................... C750-E BUDA 4063 ...................... CTK5029  NAP
                  40525315 ..............................  TRCT 4055345 ..................... PF943 ALCH 4056632 ..................... PF910 TRCT 4059343 ................... C750-E  FIAT 4063224 ................................  ALCH
                         PA1702 FOAM  4055345 ..................... PF943 BUDA 40566321 ................... PF902 ALCH 4059343 ................... C750-E TRCT  Standard PA1885
                  4052572 ....................... B118 ALCH 4055345 ..................... PF943 TRCT 40566321 ................... PF902 BUDA 40593436 ................. C750-E ALCH  Upgrade PA1885XP
                  4052572 ....................... B118 BUDA 40553451 ................... PF943 ALCH 40566321 ................... PF902 TRCT 40593436 ................. C750-E BUDA 4063224 ................................ BUDA
                  4052572 ....................... B118 TRCT 40553451 ................... PF943 BUDA 4056633 ............. Sec. PF906 ALCH 40593436 ................. C750-E TRCT  Standard PA1885
                  4052677 ........... PA1701 ELE ALCH 40553451 ................... PF943 TRCT 4056633 ............. Sec. PF906 BUDA 4059373 .................... C704-L ALCH  Upgrade PA1885XP
                  4052677 ........... PA1701 ELE BUDA 4055533 ............. Pri. F916-C ALCH 4056633 ..................... PF906  FIAT 4059373 .................... C704-L BUDA 4063224 ................................  TRCT
                  4052677 ..................... PA616  FIAT  Sec. PF916  4056633 ............. Sec. PF906 TRCT 4059373 .................... C704-L TRCT  Standard PA1885
                  4052677 ........... PA1701 ELE TRCT 4055533 ............. Pri. F916-C BUDA 40566331 ................... PF906 ALCH 40595 [H] ..............................  SULL  Upgrade PA1885XP
                  40526771 ................... PA616 ALCH  Sec. PF916  40566331 ................... PF906 BUDA  Filter Only PA1681-FN  4063262 ................... BT7349 CUMM
                  40526771 ................... PA616 BUDA 4055533 ..................... PF916  FIAT 40566331 ................... PF906 TRCT 40596 ......................... BF596 GLOB 4063396 ....................... B141  MITS
                  40526771 ................... PA616 TRCT 4055533 ............. Pri. F916-C TRCT 4056773 ................... PA4163 FORD 40596 ................. PA1681-FN  SULL 4063800 ................... PA2364 WABC
                  4053 ....................... PA10146  NAP  Sec. PF916  4057 ......................... CS5010  NAP 405969 ..................... PA2023 FORD 4064 ......................... PA2204 APRO
                  40530W ......................BF956 PETR 4055563 ............. Pri. F916-C ALCH 405712 ...........Others BT292  ZETT 4059721 ..................... H9084 EUCL 4064 ......................... PA2204 AUTO
                  4053603 ..................... PA641  FIAT  Sec. PF916  Caterpillar BT364  4059721 ..................... H9084  VME 406453C1 .................. PA602 CASE
                  40536037 ................... PA641 ALCH 4055563 ............. Pri. F916-C BUDA  Check Applications  4059818 ................... PA1911  HITA 406453C1 .................. PA602  IHCO
                  40536037 ................... PA641 BUDA  Sec. PF916  4057120 ....................... B236  SULL 4059976 ..........Lube P20-HD EUCL 4065 ......................... PA4365  NAP
                  40536037 ................... PA641 TRCT 4055563 ..................... PF916  FIAT 4057120 ..................... BT292  ZETT  Trans. PT385  40652 ............ PT23273-MPG  DON
                  4053618 ..................... PA641  FIAT 4055563 ............. Pri. F916-C TRCT 40571203 ................... BT292  ZETT 4059979 .................. BW5071  FIAT 40653 ............ PT23221-MPG  DON
                  40536186 ................... PA641 ALCH  Sec. PF916  4057143 ..................... PF942 ALCH 405F ........................... PF313 GREY
                  40536186 ................... PA641 BUDA  4057143 ..................... PF942 BUDA 405H10 .................... BF7750 AQUS
                   90   Obsolete Pending.
                   H   H o u s i n g
                  CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
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