Page 729 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for cars
P. 729
Catalog Baldwinfilters for cars
Auto Parts / Transmission Identification
Code Listing
1. Warm up the vehicle so the transmission is at normal 6. Inspect the pan before cleaning. A small amount of fine gray
operating temperature. Pull the transmission dipstick clutch dust is normal. However, if you find metal shavings, M
(located near the firewall in most cars). Fresh fluid is there has been transmission damage. Clean the pan T
translucent and cherry red. Some darkening is normal, but thoroughly with solvent and wipe dry so there is no harmful I
if it is a reddish-brown or mustard color and smells like residue. V
burnt varnish, it is worn out. Turn the vehicle off. 7. Position gasket on pan. Some gaskets have four holes E
2. Drain the fluid by loosening the pan. Select the correct slightly smaller than the rest to allow four bolts through the
Baldwin replacement filter and prepare a large pan to catch pan and through these smaller holes to hold the gasket in
the fluid. Then, loosen each pan bolt a turn or two, place.
loosening one corner more than the rest. Drain mostly from 8. Hand tighten pan bolts in a criss-cross pattern. After that,
this corner. use a torque wrench to tighten to 10 or 15 pounds
3. Finish removing the pan and any gasket material from the maximum.
pan or case. Avoid scratching the metal and make sure the 9. Refill the transmission fluid using only the amount and type
pan’s gasket surface isn’t bent or distorted. of fluid specified. Be sure the dipstick funnel is clean before
4. Remove the old filter. Most transmission filters are held in using it.
place with a bolt or two, but some are held by a clip. Be 10. Recheck the fluid level. With the vehicle on level ground,
careful to include O-Rings or other seals. set the parking brake and the transmission in “Park” or
5. Install a new filter. Use the clips or bolts from the old filter. “Neutral.” Let the engine idle for a few minutes. Shift the
Be sure O-Rings, etc. are in place. If the filter has a long transmission into different positions before returning the
intake neck, gently push the neck into place without lever to “Park” or “Neutral.” Check the fluid level again and
unseating the O-Ring. check for leaks.
The transmission code is shown on the vehicle identification plate located on the driver’s side door frame. The code letter
is the first character listed under Trans. or TR.
I.D. Baldwin Ford I.D. Baldwin Ford
Code Year Model Number Number Code Year Model Number Number
A 2000-02 4F27E 18267 XS4Z-7A098-AB R 2002-03 5R55S 20006 3W4Z-7A098-AB
A 2000-03 5R55N 20007 XW4Z-7A098-BB R 2002-03 5R55W 20002 1L2Z-7A098-AC
B 1981-95 ATX (Automatic Transaxle) 18040 E1EZ-7A098-A T 1980-96 AOD,AOT (RWD, AutomaticOverdrive) 19640 E0AZ-7A098-A
C 1982-87 C5 (RWD, Select Shift) 18082 E2DZ-7A098-A T 1985-95 AOD,AOT(4WD Trucks, AutomaticOverdrive) 18198 E4TP-7F003-AA
C 1986-96 AXOD (Overdrive Transaxle) 18171 E6SP-7G186-AB T 1986-88 A4LD (RWD) 18147 E6TZ-7A098-B
C 1989-90 GA4-HL 19828 D5AZ-7A098-A T 1986-on A4LD (4WD) 18025 E6TZ-7A098-A
D 1997-on 5R55E (RWD) 18024 F5TZ-7A098-A T 1986-96 AXOD-E (FWD, Overdrive Transaxle) 18171 E6SP-7G186-AB
D 1997-on 5R55E (4WD) 18025 F5TZ-7A098-B U 1973-on C6 (Deep Pan) 18015 D3TZ-7A098-B
E 1989-92 4EAT-G (Probe) 18270 E92Z-7A098-A U 1975-82 C6 (XPL) 19828 D5AZ-7A098-BA
E 1991-2002 4EAT-F (Escort, Tracer) 18268 F1CZ-7A098-A U 1994-2006 AOD-E/4R70W (4WD) 18029 F4TZ-7A098-A
E 1993-97 4EAT-G (Probe) 18005 F32Z-7A098-A V 2002-03 5R55S 20002 1L2Z-7A098-AC
E 1989-2006 E4OD/4R100 (RWD) 18264 E9TZ-7A098-A W 1967-69 C4 (XP3) 19941 C5AZ-7A098-C
E 1989-on E4OD/4R100 (4WD) 18265 E9TZ-7A098-B W 1970-81 C4 19879 D0DZ-7A098-B
G 1970-81 C4 (Trucks) 19879 D0DZ-7A098-C W 1973-77 C4 (Bronco) 18023 D3BZ-7A098-A
G 1973-77 C4 (Deep Pan) 18023 D3BZ-7A098-A W 1974-81 C4 (Bobcat, Capri, Mustang, Pinto) 19801 D4FZ-7A098-A
G 1973-on C6 (4WD Trucks) 18015 D3TZ-7A098-A W 1982-84 C5 18082 E2AZ-7A098-A
H 1997-2003 4R70W (4WD) 18029 F4TZ-7A098-A X 1968-77 FMX 19925 D0AZ-7A098-A
J 1979-82 C4 (Trucks) 19879 D0DZ-7A098-C X 1978-80 FMX 19925 C8AZ-7A098-C
K 1979-on C6 (RWD) 19828 D5AZ-7A098-BA X 1993-99 AX4N 18033 F5DZ-7A098-A
L 1986-88 A4LD (RWD) 18147 E6TZ-7A098-B X 2006-on 6R60 20018 6L2Z-7A098-AA
L 1986-on A4LD (4WD) 18025 E6TZ-7A098-A X 2007-on 6R60 20019 7L1Z-7A098-A
L 1989-on A4LD (Cars) 18024 E9TZ-7A098-C Z 1973-on C6 (Deep Pan) 18015 D3TZ-7A098-B
L 1996-on AX4S 18034 F6DZ-7A098-A Z 1975-on C6 (XPL Special) 19828 D5AZ-7A098-BA
O 1984-on ATX (Automatic Transaxle) 18040 E1EZ-7A098-A 6 1966 C4 (XP) 19941 C5AZ-7A098-C
P 1992-2001 AODE, AODE-W 18002 F2VY-7A098-A
727 / Auto Parts