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    Page 2 - Catalog auto parts VECTOR for trucks DAF
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    Auto Parts / Firmamýz ticari araçlarýn otobüs ve kamyon yedek parçalarýnýn toptan satýþ, ihracat ve ithalatý ile iþtigal etmektedir. Merkezi Ýstanbul
             Ýkitelli’de olan  firmamýz 5500 m² kapalý alanda toplamda 120 çalýþanýyla ticari araçlarýn yedek parça satýþý konusunda uzmanlaþmýþtýr.
             Ürünlerimizin ihracatýný kendi tescilli markalarýmýz olan "FABIO"  ve “VECTOR” adý altýnda gerçekleþtirmekteyiz. Aksaray-Ýstanbul,
             Moskova-Rusya, Almaata-Kazakistan, da satýþ yerlerimiz bulunmaktadýr.
                 Faaliyet konusu süspansiyon hava körüklerinin üretimi olan fabrikamýz Bursa’dadýr. Fabrikamýz; rol,metalli, komple, kabin körük
             çeþitleriyle  750’den fazla geniþ bir ürün yelpazesine sahip olup pazarýn artan talebine cevap vermektedir. Fabrikamýzýn temel
             felsefesi kaliteli üretim, zamanýnda yükleme ve müþteri memnuniyetidir
                 Firmamýz bünyesinde baþta MAN, MERCEDES, olmak üzere SCANIA, VOLVO, DAF, SETRA, NEOPLAN, IVECO, RENAULT, KHD,
             IKARUS gibi ticari araçlarýn her türlü motor, þase, sanzuman, defransiyel, karoseri, elektrik ve aksesuar parçalarýnýn toptan satýþýný
             52 deðiþik ülkeye ihracatýný yapmaktayýz.
                 Bu alanda 28 yýlý aþkýndýr edindiðimiz bilgi birikimi ve tecrübe ile sizlere daha iyi hizmet vermek için, her zaman Müþteri memnuniyetini
             ve daima kaliteyi yükseltmeyi hedefleyen firmamýz  ÖNCE MÜÞTERÝ, ÖNCE KALÝTE, ÖNCE HÝZMET Ýlkesiyle her geçen gün
             sizinde bize olan ilgi ve desteði ile büyümeye devam etmektedir.
                 Ticari araçlarýn her türlü yedek parçalarý ile ilgili istek, talep ve görüþlerinizi gerek OEM referans numaralarý ile gerekse üretici
             referans numaralarý ile bize bildirdiðiniz takdirde, ilgili departmanýn size en kýsa sürede cevap vereceðini memnuniyetle bildiririz.
                 Hedefimiz tüm ürün çeþitleriyle sektörde lider firma olmak, güvenilirlikten taviz vermeden esneklik ve performansý bir arada sunup
             müþteri memnuniyetini saðlamaktýr.
                 We are active in whole sales, export and import of commercial vehicle auto parts. Our companies headuarter located in Ikitelli – Ýstanbul
             who is specialized in auto part sales with its 5500 m2 closed area, with totally 120 employees.
                 We export our own products under our registered brands "FABIO" and “VECTOR.
                 Our factory is  manufacturing suspension air springs and located in Bursa.Our factory responds to market demands with more than 750
             types of air springs with categories of Roll, Service Assembly, Complete Assembly, Cabin and Convoluted air springs. Our plant's annual
             capacity is more than 150.000 pieces of air springs that are used in commercial vehicle applications. Our company's main mission is top-quality
             production, on-time delivery and customer satisfaction.
                 Besides; we have 3 branches for world-wide sales in, Aksaray-Istanbul, Moscow-Russia, Almaty-Kazakhstan
                 Our company has a wide range of products in engine parts, chasis parts, gearbox parts, cabin parts, electrical and accesorries parts for
             the commercial vehicles such as; especially for MAN, MERCEDES-BENZ  and also for SCANIA, VOLVO, DAF, SETRA, NEOPLAN,
             IVECO, RENAULT, KHD , IKARUS. We wholesale and export these products to 52 different countries.
                 Our company maintains customer satisfaction as a main principle and always aims to increase the quality by its 28 years of experience
             and knowledge and this is also documented by ISO 9001:2000 quality management system.. Our company who owned the principle of
             and knowledge and this is also documented by ISO 9001:2000 quality management system.. Our company who owned the principle of
             FIRST CUSTOMER, FIRST QUALITY, FIRST SERVICE, continues to growing by your interest and support day by day.
                 We are pleased to inform you that our concerning department will immediately respond to your any request, desire and opinions if you
             inform us either OEM references or manufacturer references for the commercial vehicles all types auto parts.
                 Our main target is to be a leader in the sector with whole product range and to obtain customer satisfaction by serving performance and
             flexibility together without any compensation. / Auto Parts
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