Page 1080 - Catalog spare parts SACHS for cars
P. 1080
Page 1080 - Catalog spare parts SACHS for cars
Auto Parts / Ø
21 (B48_), (K48_),(L48_) 07.89 - 06.94
2.0 4x4 (B48R/Y) 09.90 10.92 J7R740 3082 899 001 215
3151 600 559
1863 869 009 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
2.0 Turbo (L48L) 02.90 10.92 J7R756,
1878 002 059 228 21
2.0 Turbo (L485) 04.87 03.90 J7R752
3151 600 559
1863 869 009 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
2.0 Turbo 4x4 (L48L) 02.90 10.92 J7R756, 3151 600 559
2.0 Turbo 4x4 08.89 10.93 J7R752 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
1863 869 009
1.9 D 03.86 08.94 F8Q710 3000 154 002 ->Mot. C002006 200 26
3000 440 001 Mot. C002007-> 200 26
Nur zusammen verbauen / (157)
Only install together
2.1 D (K/S486) 10.86 09.90 J8S600, 3000 169 004 200 21
2.1 D 4x4 (K486) 10.88 05.92 J8S704, 1863 869 009 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
2.1 D (K480) 02.92 09.95 J8S784,
2.1 D (K/S48V, K/S48O) 08.89 12.92 J8S740
25 (B29_) 04.84 - 12.93
2.0 (B297) 04.84 12.92 J7T707, 3000 128 001 215 21
2.0 12V (B294) 06.89 12.92 J6R763, 1863 869 009 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
2.0 12V 06.88 12.93 J7T714,
2.2 (B29) 11.85 03.89 J7T708,
2.2 (B29B) 09.86 12.92 J6R760,
2.2 (B29E), 89 kW 04.84 12.89 J6R707,
2.2 (B29E), 91 kW 04.84 12.89
2.1 Diesel (B296), 46 kW 04.84 05.89 J8S736, 3000 169 004 200 21
2.1 Diesel (B296), 51 kW 06.89 12.92 J8S706 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
1863 869 009
2.1 Turbo-D FWD (B290, 04.84 12.92 J8S738, 3000 569 001 215 21
B29W) J8S708
1863 869 009 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
AVANTIME (DE0_) 09.01 - 05.03
2.0 16V Turbo (DE0U, 11.01 05.03 F4R761, 3000 951 220 230 21
DE0V) F4R760
2294 501 196 enthält Schwungradbefestigungsschrauben / (183) 230
includes bolt for flyweel mounting
3.0 V6 (DE04, DE0T) 09.01 05.03 L7X720, 1863 869 009 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
2.2 dCi (DE01) 05.02 05.03 G9T712 3000 990 116 Anzahl der Befestigungsbohrungen am CSC: 3 / (9) 230 21
Number of fastening bores at the CSC: 3
2294 501 081 enthält Schwungradbefestigungsschrauben / (183) 240
includes bolt for flyweel mounting
1863 869 009 Kugellager / Ball Bearing (78)
CAPTUR (J5_) 06.13 -
0.9 TCe 90 06.13- H4B400 3000 950 677 ->07.2014 215 26
3182 654 204 Durchmesser Druckleitungsanschluss [mm] / (37)
Pressure hose connector diameter [mm]:12,2
Immer erneuern / Renew everytime (73)
896 ZF Friedrichshafen AG | ZF Aftermarket | Obere Weiden 12 | 97424 Schweinfurt | Germany | |