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    Auto Parts / Mirrors
                                Spiegel - eSpejo - RétRoviSeuR - Specchietti - luStRo - eSpelhoS e aceSSóRioS - Зеркала
                      PART NUMBER    DESCRIPTION                           TYPE / MODEL          TECHNICAL DETAILS   OE NO.
                      008.368-00A  EN  Wide angle mirror, right                           170 x 219 x 120 / 24V
                                   DE  Weitwinkelspiegel, rechts
                                   ES  espejo granangular, derecho
                                   FR  Rétroviseur grand angle, droite
                                   IT  Specchietto grandangolare, destra
                                   PL  lusterko szerokokątowe, prawa
                                   PT  espelho de ângulo alargado, à direita
              Ru  Панорамное зеркало, справа
                      PART NUMBER    DESCRIPTION                           TYPE / MODEL          TECHNICAL DETAILS   OE NO.
                      008.018-00A  EN  Wide angle mirror                                      209 x 218 x 136
                                   DE  Weitwinkelspiegel
                                   ES  espejo granangular
                                   FR  Rétroviseur grand angle
                                   IT  Specchietto grandangolare
                                   PL  lusterko szerokokątowe
                                   PT  espelho de ângulo alargado
              Ru  Панорамное зеркало
                      PART NUMBER    DESCRIPTION                           TYPE / MODEL          TECHNICAL DETAILS   OE NO.
                      008.149-00A  EN  Mirror glass                                        171 x 171 x 3 / 400
                                   DE  ersatzglas
                                   ES  cristal de repuesto
                                   FR  verre de rétroviseur
                                   IT  vetro di ricambio
                                   PL  Szkło zastępcze
                                   PT  vidro de espelho
              Ru  Запасное стекло
                      PART NUMBER    DESCRIPTION                           TYPE / MODEL          TECHNICAL DETAILS   OE NO.
                      008.239-00A  EN  heat foil, outside mirror                              130 x 186 / 12V
                                   DE  heizfolie
                                   ES  Lámina calefactora
                                   FR  Film chauffant
                                   IT  Pellicola di riscaldamento
                                   PL  Folia grzewcza
                                   PT  Película de aquecimento
              Ru  Плёночный нагреватель
                      PART NUMBER    DESCRIPTION                           TYPE / MODEL          TECHNICAL DETAILS   OE NO.
                      008.020-00A  EN  Ramp mirror                                             150 x 260 x 59
                                   DE  Rampenspiegel
                                   ES  Espejo de rampas
                                   FR  Miroir de rampe
                                   IT  Specchio rampa
                                   PL  lusterko rampowe
                                   PT  Retrovisor de rampa
              Ru  Бортовое зеркало
                      PART NUMBER    DESCRIPTION                           TYPE / MODEL          TECHNICAL DETAILS   OE NO.
                      008.090-00A  EN  Ramp mirror                                             157 x 247 x 63
                                   DE  Rampenspiegel
                                   ES  Espejo de rampas
                                   FR  Miroir de rampe
                                   IT  Specchio rampa
                                   PL  lusterko rampowe
                                   PT  Retrovisor de rampa
              Ru  Бортовое зеркало
                                                OE parts nos. serve for comparison only and may not appear on invoices and delivery notes to the vehicle owners.   37
                                 The products we supply should only be used as intended and they should only be installed by trained staff. / Auto Parts
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