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    Auto Parts / Tightening torques for spark plugs
                   Torques                           Most spark plug failures can be   If the tightening torque is set too
                   A torque wrench is required for   traced back to an incorrect       high, the spark plug can snap off.
                   the professional installation of a  tightening torque. If it is set too  The casing can also expand or
                   spark plug. Even for professionals  low, there is a risk of compression  warp.  Heat dissipation zones are
                   the estimation of the tightening  losses and overheating. A break   disrupted, overheating and
                   torque is nearly impossible.      of the insulator or middle        melting of the electrodes or even
                                                     electrode as a result of vibrations  engine damage can occur.
                   That is because a torque can be   is also feasible.
                   calculated from two sizes which
                   are multiplied by one another: the
                   force which is applied to the                        Spark plug with flat seat      Spark plug with
                                                                             (with gasket)              conical seat
                   respective centre of rotation and
                   the length of the handle.          Cylinder head        Thread diameter            Thread diameter
                                                      material     18 mm    14 mm   12 mm    10 mm    18 mm    14 mm
                                                      Cast iron head  35-45 Nm  25-35 Nm 15-25 Nm 10-15 Nm  20-30 Nm  15-25 Nm
                                                      Aluminium head  35-40 Nm  25-30 Nm 15-20 Nm 10-12 Nm  20-30 Nm  10-20 Nm
                                                     The torques depend on the cylinder head material and the thread diameter.
                   Tightening torques for spark plugs
                   The correct torque                a glow plug, a compression loss   The application of a tightening
                   For the professional installation of  can result. Based on the      torque which is too great, in
                   a glow plug, the use of a torque  vibrations, it is also possible in the  particular, can lead to the
                   wrench is recommended. Even for   case of ceramic glow plugs that   contraction of the annular gap
                   professionals the estimation of   the ceramic will break.           between the metal case and glow
                   the tightening torque is nearly                                     tube. In this case the glow plug
                   impossible.                                                         overheats and fails.
                   That is because a torque can be
                                                              Tightening torque for           Tightening torque for
                   calculated from two sizes which                glow plugs                  the connecting nuts
                   are multiplied by one another: the
                                                      Thread          Tightening         Thread         Tightening
                   force which is applied to the      diameter        torque             diameter       torque
                   respective centre of rotation and
                                                            8 mm           8-15 Nm         4 mm (M4)       0,8.1,5 Nm
                   the length of the handle.
                                                           10 mm          15-20 Nm         5 mm (M5)       3,0-4,0 Nm
                   If the incorrect torque is applied to
                                                           12 mm          20-25 Nm
                                                           14 mm          20-25 Nm
                                                           18 mm          20-30 Nm
                                                     Glow plugs will only function faultlessly when they are screwed in with the correct torques.
                                                            GB   3
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