Page 804 - Catalog spare parts LASO for trucks
P. 804
Page 804 - Catalog spare parts LASO for trucks
Auto Parts / Mercedes-Benz Cars, Cross-country, Van / PKW, Geländewagen, Transporter
Coolant pump Group 20
Kühlmittelpumpe Gruppe 20
Camp arisen-no LASO-no Denomination Engine Model Re merits
Vergleichs-Nr. LASO-Nr Benennung Motor Beu muster Bemerkungen
Auci43tliv^iL*4Jb>>ii « ■ Ji t«i ir» * M nog «in IjnijTegü^u*i »• ■**n{j»i
647 2DD DIDI 2020 0013 COOlant pump OM64J 647.981
/ with gasket
= E47 2DD DD01
OM 647 LA 647.961
mit Dichtung
coolant pump
2020 0027
E51 200 0301
Cade. ^29K437K~940K-Ba2-f339-t900-MW4tf906
with gasket, pulley M65I 022 651.955 cede. 427-ruar+Ba9i-igaa
a 105 mm and
long shaft.
housing with core M65I 022 O 651.957 code. -929K-937K-940t.-B02-t63g-f9aa-Mia4tf906
mit Dichtung, M6SI 022 R 651.956 cade. -929K-937K-940K-803-i639-i9aa-MWdtf906
Rieme nscheiue
a 105 mm und
langer Welle,
651 200 2101 2020 0028 coolant pump M65I 022 651.955 Code. 929L.*flü3rl906
with gasket, pulley .955 Code. 9J7KtR(Ut>906
a 108 mm and .955 Code. 940KtB03tf906
long shah, housing .955 Code. 940KtR09tf906
without core
i o n w a Kuhlmittelpumpe M65! 022 G 651.957 Code. 929K*fi(U*f9aa
mit Dichtung.
c i>lI (Kim iw l ia in»n>ian aitgnii numtien an m »a<<«5 ia m
a IDS mm und
Code. 92911tB03ft906
langet Welle.
M65I 022 R
Gehäuse ohne
Code. 937KtflQ3tl906