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    Page 657 - Catalog cross reference filters FLEETGUARD
    P. 657
    Spare parts and filters cross references


    Catalog cross reference filters

    Auto Parts / E. PRODUCT GUIDE
          AH19063       NELSON 76559N; Uses service   AH19070   NELSON 71254N; Uses service   AH19077   NELSON 77003N; Uses service
                        part(s) 3918202S, 3918220S;        part(s) 3918205S, 3918231S;         part(s) 3918221S; Housing used
                        Housing used with AF1606KM;        Housing used with AF418M,           with AF25546; Air Housing
                        Air Housing; Replaces AH1155       AF490M; Air Housing
                        Overall Height                     Overall Height
                                 w/o Wing Nut: 17.65 (448)    w/o Wing Nut: 17.44 (443)
                        Side Connection Height: 1.5 (38)     Side Connection     AH19078       NELSON 78515N; Uses service
                        Side Connection                                   Height: 2.23 (57)    part(s) 3918224S; Housing used
                                         Loc: 13.84 (352)   Side Connection Loc: 9.75 (248)    with AF25547; Air Housing
                        Side Connection OD:   3.0 (76)     Side Connection OD:  5.0 (127)
                        Largest housing OD:  6.55 (166)    Largest housing OD:12.07 (307)      Overall Height
                        End Connection Height: 2.0 (51)    End Connection Height: 3.5 (89)            w/o Wing Nut: 21.54 (547)
                        End Connection OD:     3.0 (76)    End Connection OD:    5.0 (127)     Side Connection
                        Dust collector:           YES      Dust collector:            YES                      Height: 2.51 (64)
          AH19064       NELSON 76542N; Uses service   AH19073   NELSON 71658N; Uses service      Side Connection Loc: 7.17 (182)
                        part(s) 3918202S, 3918220S;        part(s) 3918236S; Housing used      Side Connection OD:  5.0 (127)
                        Housing used with AF1606KM,        with AF4553M; Air Housing;          Largest housing OD: 8.52 (216)
                        AF1892; Air Housing                Replaces AH1163                     End Connection Height: 2.56 (65)
                                                                                               End Connection OD:   5.0 (127)
                        Overall Height                     Overall Height        AH19079       NELSON 71041N; Uses service
                           w/o Wing Nut: 17.65 (448)           w/o Wing Nut: 24.64 (626)       part(s) 3918226S; Housing used
                        Side Connection Height: 1.5 (38)   Side Connection                     with AF25548; Air Housing
                        Side Connection                                    Height: 1.95 (50)   Overall Height
                                                           Side Connection OD:   7.0 (178)
                                         Loc: 13.84 (352)
                        Side Connection OD:   3.0 (76)     Largest housing OD:  16.1 (409)            w/o Wing Nut: 22.96 (583)
                        Largest housing OD:  6.55 (166)    End Connection Height: 2.0 (51)     Side Connection
                        End Connection Height: 2.0 (51)    End Connection OD:    7.0 (178)                      Height: 2.59 (66)
                        End Connection OD:     3.0 (76)    Dust collector:         YES         Side Connection Loc:  5.45 (138)
                        Dust collector:          YES   AH19074   NELSON 71659N; Uses service   Side Connection OD:   6.0 (152)
          AH19065       NELSON 78058N; Uses service        part(s) 3918236S, 3918242S;         Largest housing OD:  10.1 (257)
                        part(s) 3918203S, 3918222S;        Housing used with AF4553M,          End Connection Height: 3.06 (78)
                        Housing used with AF4059K; Air     AF4554M; Air Housing                End Connection OD:    6.0 (152)
                        Housing                                                  AH19080       NELSON 71227N; Uses service
                                                           Overall Height                      part(s) 3918230S; Housing used
                        Overall Height                         w/o Wing Nut: 24.64 (626)       with AF25549; Air Housing
                           w/o Wing Nut: 18.05 (458)       Side Connection
                        Side Connection Height: 1.5 (38)                     Height: 1.95 (50)   Overall Height
                                                                                                  w/o Wing Nut: 22.96 (583)
                        Side Connection                    Side Connection OD:  7.0 (178)
                                         Loc: 13.11 (333)   Largest housing OD: 16.1 (409)     Side Connection
                        Side Connection OD:  3.75 (95)     End Connection Height: 2.0 (51)                    Height: 4.13 (105)
                        Largest housing OD: 7.89 (200)     End Connection OD:   7.0 (178)      Side Connection Loc: 5.26 (134)
                        End Connection Height: 2.5 (64)    Dust collector:          YES        Side Connection OD:  7.0 (178)
                        End Connection OD:   3.5 (89)   AH19075   NELSON 71836N; Uses service   Largest housing OD: 11.81 (300)
                        Dust collector:          YES       part(s) 3918237S; Housing used      End Connection Height: 3.2 (81)
          AH19066       NELSON 78056N; Uses service        with AF25544; Air Housing           End Connection OD:   6.0 (152)
                        part(s) 3918203S, 3918222S;                              AH19081       NELSON 74049N; Uses service
                        Housing used with AF4059K,         Overall Height                      part(s) 3918199S, Q760311;
                        AF4103; Air Housing                    w/o Wing Nut: 28.96 (736)       Housing used with AF25550; Air
                                                           Side Connection                     Housing
                        Overall Height                                    Height: 2.44 (62)
                           w/o Wing Nut: 18.05 (458)          Side Connection Loc: 20.4 (518)   Overall Height:   9.65 (245)
                        Side Connection Height: 1.5 (38)   Side Connection OD: 10.0 (254)      Side Connection
                                                                                                              Height: 0.61 (15)
                        Side Connection                    Largest housing OD: 18.12 (460)
                                         Loc: 13.11 (333)   End Connection Height: 3.0 (76)      Side Connection Loc: 5.97 (152)
                        Side Connection OD:  3.75 (95)     End Connection OD:    8.0 (203)     Side Opening Offset:   1.43 (36)
                        Largest housing OD:  7.89 (200)    Dust collector:           YES       Side Connection OD:   1.75 (44)
                        End Connection Height: 2.5 (64)   AH19076   NELSON 71838N; Uses service   Largest housing OD:  5.28 (134)
                        End Connection OD:   3.5 (89)      part(s) 3918237S, 3918244S;         End Connection OD:   1.75 (44)
                        Dust collector:          YES       Housing used with AF25544,          Dust collector:           YES
          AH19069       NELSON 71253N; Uses service        AF25545; Uses Element(s):   AH19082   NELSON 74059N; Uses service
                        part(s) 3918205S, 3918231S;        AK160, AK163; Air Housing;          part(s) 3918199S; Housing used
                        Replacement filter:AF418M          Replaces AH1153                     with AF25550; Air Housing
                        Overall Height                     Overall Height                      Overall Height:   9.62 (244)
                           w/o Wing Nut: 18.48 (469)           w/o Wing Nut: 28.96 (736)       Side Connection
                        Side Connection                    Side Connection                                    Height: 0.61 (15)
                                       Height: 3.09 (78)                  Height: 2.44 (62)    Side Connection Loc: 5.97 (152)
                        Side Connection Loc: 9.73 (247)    Side Connection Loc: 20.4 (518)      Side Opening Offset:   1.43 (36)
                        Side Connection OD:   5.0 (127)    Side Connection OD: 10.0 (254)      Side Connection OD:   1.75 (44)
                        Largest housing OD: 12.07 (307)    Largest housing OD: 18.12 (460)     Largest housing OD:  5.28 (134)
                        End Connection Height: 3.5 (89)    End Connection Height: 3.0 (76)     End Connection OD:   1.75 (44)
                        End Connection OD:   5.0 (127)     End Connection OD:    8.0 (203)     Dust collector:           YES
                        Dust collector:          YES       Dust collector:          YES
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