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    Spare parts and filters cross references


    Catalog cross reference filters

    Auto Parts / E. PRODUCT GUIDE
          3904840S      SY-KLONE 902K5; Kit to install   3907721S   CUMMINS 3944897; Hydraulic   3910317   Sensing Unit for use with 3910313
                        Self-cleaning Pre-cleaner on       Filter Head; Used with: LF3970      Thermostat 100-120 degrees
                        equipment with 5"/5.25"/5.5"                                           Fahrenheit 38 to 49 degrees
                          Intake Size; Used with: AP8404,                                      Celsius; **CSA Approved
          3904841S      SY-KLONE 902K6; Kit to Install
                        Self-cleaning Pre-cleaner on                             3910450S      Replacement Bowl; Used with:
                        equipment with 6.25"/6.5"/7"   3909058S   Mounting Band; Used with:    AP4500
                        Intake Size; Used with: AP8404,    AH19048, AH19049
                                              3910200S     Replacement Bowl; Used with:
                                                                                 3910500S      Replacement Bowl; Used with:
          3904842S      SY-KLONE 903K9; Kit to Install
                        Self-cleaning Pre-cleaner on
                        equipment with 7"/9" Intake Size;
                        Used with: AP8410, AP8404
                                              3910300S     Replacement Bowl; Used with:   3911025S   Remote Mount Filter Minder Air
                                                           AP3000                              Filter Restriction Gauge (25"
                                                                                               Gauge); Replaces 3303943S
          3905073S      SY-KLONE 902K7; Kit to Install
                        Self-cleaning Pre-cleaner on
                        equipment with 9" Intake Size;                           3911026S      Remote Mount Filter Minder Air
                        Used with: AP8405, AP8406   3910312   Thermostat for use with coolant   Filter Restriction Gauge (35"
                                                           tank heaters; Includes 4 ft. cord   Gauge)
                                                           80 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit 27
                                                           to 38 degrees Celsius (Uses
                                                           3910316 Sensing Unit); Replaces
          3905074S      SY-KLONE 903K10; Kit to Install    259290, 259291; **CSA
                        Self-cleaning Pre-cleaner on       Approved
                        equipment with 10"/11" Intake
                        Size; Used with: AP8405, AP8406                          3911277S      CUMMINS 3944685; Plate
                                                           Thermostat for use with Coolant
                                              3910313      tank heaters; Includes 4 ft. cord   3911940S   Sensor; Used with: FH23000,
                                                           100-120 degrees Fahrenheit 38 to    FH23001, FH23002, FH23003,
          3905161S      Direct Mount Filter Minder;        49 degrees Celsius                  FH23300, FH23301, FS1040,
                        Restriction Gauge; Replaces        (Uses 3910317 Sensing Unit);        FS1007 WIF
                        3304584S                           Replaces 259292; **CSA
                                              3910314      Thermostat for use with coolant
                                                           tank heaters; Includes 4 ft. cord
                                                           120-140 degrees Fahrenheit 49 to   3912384S   Gasket service pack; Contains 1
                                                           60 degrees Celsius; (Uses           small o-ring for fill cap and 1 large
          3905573S      Replacement hinged plastic         3910318 Sensing Unit);              o-ring for bowl; Used with:
                        Cover; Used with: CC2805           Replaces 259293, 259294; **CSA      FF5369, FS1029, FS19536,
                                                           Approved                            FF5369W, FS1029W
                                              3910315      Thermostat for use with coolant   3912703S   O-Ring; Used with: 3915556S,
          3905830S      Mounting Band w/ 10" bolt          tank heaters; Includes 4 ft. cord   3915420S
                        pattern; Used with: AH1152         140-160 degrees Fahrenheit 60 to
                                                           71 degrees Celsius; (Uses
                                                           3910319 Sensing Unit); Replaces  3912717S   Fuel Filter Head; Head used with
                                                             259295, 259368; **CSA             FS19512, FS19511, FS19511B
                                              3910316      Sensing unit for use with 3910312
                                                           Thermostat 80 to 100 degrees
                                                           Fahrenheit 27 to 38 degrees
          3907161       Oil Pan Heater; 1/2" Oil Pan Htr   Celsius; **CSA Approved             NEW HOLLAND 86512435; Fuel
                        150W/120V; 3825414C without                              3912970
                        heater cord                                                            Tank Filter
                                                                                 3913023S      Viton Gasket
          3907721       Remote Mount Head; Head used                                              Overall Height:   0.1 (3)
                        with LF3729                                                            Largest OD:    1.13 (29)
                                                                                               Largest ID:    0.92 (23)
                                                                                               Cross Section: Round
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