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    Auto Parts / Medium/Heavy Duty Applications                                                                    NISSAN
          U20  (truck)               UD2600  (truck)            1640359E00 Fuel     FF5307  W-CK620  (truck)
          Engine: NISSAN PD6H        Engine: NISSAN FE6T         _____________________________________________________________________    Year: 1991-1995
          1527490127 Lube      LF3441  15208Z9006 Lube    LF3436   URVAN E24 2.5L (van)    Engine: NISSAN RE10
          1527490227 Lube      LF3629  D6546Z9007 Air   AF1768M   Year: 1985-UP            1527499985 Lube     LF3384
                                                                Engine: NISSAN TD23 DIESEL
          1654695001 Air       AF353K  16403Z9003 Fuel    FF5138   Engine: NISSAN TD25 DIESEL   1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157
          1644490127 Fuel      FF5090  FL91599003 Coolant   WF2073                         _____________________________________________________________________
           ____________________________________________________________________     _____________________________________________________________________   See: URVAN E24 2.3L   W-CL88  (truck)
          U30  (truck)               UD2800  (truck)             _____________________________________________________________________    Year: 1990-1993
                                                                VG2YS41  (truck)
          Year: 1973-1980            Year: 1992-UP              Year: 1991                 Engine: NISSAN FE6T
          Engine: NISSAN PE6H        Engine: NISSAN FE6TA       Engine: NISSAN FD42        See: U-CL88
          1527499428 Lube      LF3441  See: UD1800                                         _____________________________________________________________________
          1527499227 Lube      LF3629    _____________________________________________________________________   165460T006 Air, Cartridge   AF25392  W-CV620  (truck)
                                                                                    FF5172  Year: 1992-1995
                                                                1640301T01 Fuel, Spin-On
                                     UD2800  (truck)
          1654695001 Air       AF353K   Engine: NISSAN FE6T      _____________________________________________________________________    Engine: NISSAN RF10
          1654695003 Air       AF353K   See: UD2600             VH4YS41  (truck)           1527499985 Lube     LF3384
          1644499128 Fuel      FF5069    _____________________________________________________________________   Year: 1992
           ____________________________________________________________________    UD3000  (truck)   Engine: NISSAN FD42   1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157
          U30  (truck)               Engine: NISSAN NE6T        165460T006 Air, Cartridge   AF25392  W-CW540  (truck)
          Engine: NISSAN PD6H        See: UD3300 CPC            1640301T01 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5172  Year: 1992-1995
          See: U20                    _____________________________________________________________________     _____________________________________________________________________
           ____________________________________________________________________    UD3000HD  (truck)   W-CD620  (truck)   Engine: NISSAN RF8T
          U35  (truck)               Year: 1992-UP              Year: 1992-1995            See: W-CK540
          Engine: NISSAN PD6H                                                              _____________________________________________________________________
          See: U20                   Engine: NISSAN NE6TA       Engine: NISSAN RF10        W-CW610  (truck)
           ____________________________________________________________________   15201Z9007 Lube   LF3651  1527499985 Lube   LF3384  Year: 1989-1995
          UA520  (truck)             15201Z9008 Lube      LF3652  1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157  Engine: NISSAN RE10
          Year: 1990-UP              D6546Z9009 Air, Primary   AF1862M    _____________________________________________________________________    1527499985 Lube   LF3384
          Engine: NISSAN PF8         D6546Z9008 Air, Secondary   AF1863M   W-CK450  (truck)   1654699203 Air, Primary   AF1862M
          1527499325 Lube      LF3384  1644499525 Fuel    FF192   Year: 1989-1995          1654699217 Air     AF1862M
                                                                Engine: NISSAN PF6T
          1654699306 Air      AF1862M  FL91599003 Coolant   WF2073                         1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157
                                      _____________________________________________________________________   See: U-CK450
          1644499428 Fuel      FF5157                                                      _____________________________________________________________________
           ____________________________________________________________________   UD3000SD  (truck)    _____________________________________________________________________    W-CW620  (truck)
                                                                W-CK450  (truck)
          UD1100  (truck)            Year: 1992-UP              Year: 1989-1992            Year: 1989-1995
          Engine: NISSAN FD35T       Engine: NISSAN FE6TA       Engine: NISSAN PF6T        Engine: NISSAN RF10
          1520901D20 Lube     LF3316*  See: UD1800                                         1527499985 Lube     LF3384
                                      _____________________________________________________________________   See: U-CK450
          1654601D20 Air       AF4877                            _____________________________________________________________________   1654699203 Air, Primary   AF1862M
          16403Z9003 Fuel      FF5138   UD3300  (truck)         W-CK450E  (truck)          1654699217 Air     AF1862M
                  Fuel, Spin-On   FF5158   Year: 1992-UP        Year: 1989-1992            1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157
           ____________________________________________________________________   Engine: NISSAN NE6TA   _____________________________________________________________________
          UD1300  (truck)            See: UD3000HD              Engine: NISSAN RF6T        W-LK250  (truck)
                                                                 _____________________________________________________________________   Year: 1993-1995
          Year: 1992-UP               _____________________________________________________________________   See: U-CW450
                                     UD3300 CPC (truck)
          Engine: NISSAN TD42T       Engine: NISSAN NE6T        W-CK450E  (truck)          Engine: NISSAN FE6TA
          1520805D01 Lube, Full Flow   LF3638   1527499189 Lube   LF3406(2)   Year: 1992-1995   See: U-LK250
          1654601D20 Air       AF4877   D6546Z9007 Air, Primary   AF1768M   Engine: NISSAN PF6T   _____________________________________________________________________
                                                                                           WAGON  (truck)
          1640305D00 Fuel      FF5266                           See: U-CW450
           ____________________________________________________________________   D6546Z9006 Air, Secondary   AF1767    _____________________________________________________________________   Engine: NISSAN LD28 DIESEL
          UD1800  (truck)            1644499525 Fuel      FF192  W-CK520  (truck)          See: GLORIA 2800
          Year: 1992-UP              D6546Z9025 Air Kit   AA2912  Year: 1989-1993          _____________________________________________________________________
          Engine: NISSAN FE6TA       FL91599003 Coolant   WF2073  Engine: NISSAN RF8       WF03  (lift truck)
          15201Z9007 Lube      LF3651    _____________________________________________________________________    See: U-CW520   Engine: NISSAN TD42   LF3659
                                                                 _____________________________________________________________________   15208W3401 Lube
                                     UD550T  (truck)
          15201Z9008 Lube      LF3652   Year: 1986-1988         W-CK520  (truck)           1654651H10  Air    AF4573K
          D6546Z9007 Air      AF1768M   Engine: NISSAN NE6T     Year: 1992-1995            1640359E00  Fuel    FF5307
          1644499525 Fuel       FF192
          FL91599003 Coolant   WF2073   See: CPC12              Engine: NISSAN RF8         5839647601B Hydraulic   HF6159
           ____________________________________________________________________    UD600T  (truck)   See: U-CV520
                                                                 _____________________________________________________________________   WGF03  (lift truck)
          UD1800 CMA (truck)
          Engine: NISSAN FE6T        Year: 1992-UP              W-CK540  (truck)           Engine: NISSAN TD42
          15208Z9006 Lube      LF3436   Engine: NISSAN NE6TA    Year: 1992-1995            See: WF03
          D6546Z9007 Air      AF1768M   See: UD3000HD           Engine: NISSAN RF8T   LF3384   YF03  (lift truck)
                                                                1527499985 Lube
          16403Z9003 Fuel      FF5138  UF03  (lift truck)       1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157   Year: 1985-UP
          FL91599003 Coolant   WF2073  Engine: NISSAN P40        _____________________________________________________________________   Engine: NISSAN SD33T
           ____________________________________________________________________    1520855Y00  Lube   LF3434  W-CK610  (truck)   15209C8602  Lube   LF690
          UD2000  (truck)            16404K4046  Fuel     FF5152  Year: 1990-1992          16403Z7000B Fuel    FF5114
          Year: 1992-UP              5839647601B Hydraulic   HF6159  Engine: NISSAN RE10   5839647601B Hydraulic   HF6159
          Engine: NISSAN FE6TA        _____________________________________________________________________    _____________________________________________________________________
          See: UD1800                UF05  (lift truck)         1527499985 Lube     LF3384   YF03  (lift truck)
           ____________________________________________________________________    Engine: NISSAN P40   1654699203 Air, Primary   AF1862M   Year: TO-1985
          UD2300  (truck)            15208W1120 Lube      LF3659   1654699217 Air   AF1862M   Engine: NISSAN SD33T
          Year: 1992-UP                                         1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157
                                                                 _____________________________________________________________________   1520861525  Lube
          Engine: NISSAN FE6TA       16404K4046  Fuel     HF6159  W-CK610  (truck)         16403Z7000B Fuel    FF5114
                                     5839647601B Hydraulic
          See: UD1800                 _____________________________________________________________________
           ____________________________________________________________________    UGF03  (lift truck)   Year: 1992-1995   5839647601B Hydraulic   HF6159
          UD2300  (truck)                                       Engine: NISSAN RE10        _____________________________________________________________________
          Engine: NISSAN FE6T        Engine: NISSAN P40         1527499985 Lube     LF3384   YGF03  (lift truck)
                                                                                           Year: 1985-UP
                                     See: UF03
          See: UD1800 CMA             _____________________________________________________________________   1640399011 Fuel, Spin-On   FF5157
           ____________________________________________________________________    URVAN E24 2.3L (van)    _____________________________________________________________________   Engine: NISSAN SD33T
          UD2600  (truck)            Year: 1985-UP              W-CK620  (truck)           See: YF03
          Year: 1992-UP              Engine: NISSAN TD23 DIESEL   Year: 1990-1992          _____________________________________________________________________
                                                                                           ZG2YS41  (truck)
          Engine: NISSAN FE6TA       Engine: NISSAN TD25 DIESEL   Engine: NISSAN RE10      Year: 1991
          See: UD1800                                           See: W-CK610
           ____________________________________________________________________   15208W1120 Lube   LF3659    _____________________________________________________________________   Engine: NISSAN FD42
                                     1654602N00 Air, Primary   AF25070K                    165460T006 Air, Cartridge   AF25392
          * See Upgrade Table in Page E1                                                                Page B1169 / Auto Parts
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