Page 848 - Catalog auto parts FEBI for steering and suspension
P. 848
Catalog auto parts suspersions
Auto Parts / passend für / to fit
Agila I
(2000 → 2007)
28058 28058
28712 28712
19501 19501
32470 32470
Agila II
Vorderachse / Front axle
(2008 →)
29830 29830
28056 28056
29826 29826
32140 32141
29827 29827
28000 28000
19501 09208987 Querlenker / control arm → (ch.) 16075421
28000 93195093 Verbindungsstange / connecting rod 08 → L 300
28056 93194002 Spurstange / tie rod 08 → L 306
28058 09204752 Spurstange / tie rod 00 → 07 L 263
28712 09208989 Querlenkerlager / control arm mount 52x28
29826 93193130 S1 Traggelenk / ball joint
29827 93193130 S2 Querlenkerlager / control arm mount 60x50
29830 93194035 Spurstangenendstück / tie rod end M 12 x 1,25
32140 93193131 Querlenker / control arm
32141 93193130 Querlenker / control arm
32470 09209466 Stabilisatorlager / stabilizer mount ∅ A 48 / I 20
822 Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen. / The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff. / Auto Parts