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    Page 1294 - Catalog auto parts FEBI for steering and suspension
    P. 1294
    Spare parts cross-references


    Catalog auto parts suspersions

    Auto Parts / 107 460 06 05           03669    484, 486               906 460 99 55            33078   498
         123 460 15 05           03670    404, 472               107 460 00 61            08694   404, 472
         123 460 16 05           06374    404                    109 460 02 61            08695   397, 470, 484, 486
         124 460 08 05           02381    406, 408, 414, 416,    124 460 01 61            06470   406, 408, 412, 414,
                                          418                                                     416, 418, 420, 438,
         124 460 09 05           02382    406, 408, 414, 416,
                                                                 126 460 00 61            08696   404, 474
         124 460 12 05           06467    406, 406, 408, 408,    201 460 00 61            06471   406, 408, 418, 422,
                                          412, 414, 414, 416,                                     424, 426
                                          416, 418, 418
                                                                 163 460 00 80 S1         26241   465
         126 460 08 05           07256    474                    203 460 00 80 S1         26239   441
         126 460 09 05           10153    474                    210 460 00 80 S2         23355   454
         140 460 08 05           04882    476                    220 460 00 80 S1         26240   478
         164 460 00 05           30037    464, 466, 468          631 463 00 29            17566   467
         201 460 15 05           08038    422, 424, 426          000 463 51 32            01263   397, 398, 400, 404,
         202 460 04 05           01665    438, 448                                                470, 472, 474, 482,
                                                                                                  484, 486
         202 460 05 05           22839    438, 448
         309 460 31 05           02734    428, 430, 432          124 463 04 32            01261   406, 408, 410, 412,
                                                                                                  414, 416, 418, 422,
         414 460 02 05           33690    501
                                                                                                  424, 426, 438, 448,
         601 460 15 05           03389    428, 430, 432, 434                                      488, 492
         631 460 07 05           17577    467
         638 460 02 05           21450    499                    140 463 03 32            27572   476
         901 460 02 05           21449    496                    163 463 00 66            27573   465
         124 460 01 19           05114    406, 408, 412, 414,    163 463 00 66 S1         27637   465
                                          416, 418, 420
                                                                 220 463 00 66            23609   478
         126 460 08 19           05841    398, 400, 404, 470,    203 463 03 96            29658   453, 459
                                          472, 474, 484, 486
                                                                 211 463 03 96 S1         34134   442, 460
         140 460 08 19           01989    476                    111 586 00 33/2          01120   396, 402, 403, 471,
         202 460 03 19           01952    438, 448, 492
         000 460 85 48           08204    428, 430, 432, 434     110 586 00 33            01129   396, 402, 403, 471,
         000 460 86 48           08212    428, 430, 432, 434                                      483
         638 460 00 48           12194    499                    111 586 00 33            01124   396, 402, 403, 471,
         639 460 04 48           33703    500                                                     483
         639 460 04 48 S1        33707    500                    116 586 01 33            04995   405, 473
         639 460 05 48           33702    500                    168 981 03 18            21401   1105
         639 460 05 48 S1        33706    500                    168 981 05 18 S1         21402   1105
         901 460 01 48           12197    496                    211 990 00 99            23505   1119, 1124, 1140
         906 460 01 48           31273    498                    211 990 02 99            23507   1119, 1124, 1140
         201 460 00 50           02345    422, 424, 426          passend für / to fit:
         638 460 00 55           12195    499                    Mini
         639 460 02 55 SK        30096    500                    31 10 6 779 437          21485   502
         901 460 01 55           12198    496                    31 10 6 779 438          21486   502
         906 460 00 55 SK        30706    498                    31 12 6 756 309          21487   502
        1268       Die von uns gelieferten Produkte sind ausschließlich dem bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch zuzuführen. / The products delivered by us are to be put exclusively to the intended use. / Auto Parts
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