Page 1091 - Catalog auto parts FEBI for steering and suspension
P. 1091
Catalog auto parts suspersions
Auto Parts / passend für / to fit
Mondeo 01
(10/00 → 01/07)
19857 19857
19858 19858
19859 19859
24220 24220
21019 21019
21017 21017
24223 24223
Hinterachse / Rear axle Hinterachse / Rear axle
Mondeo 07
(02/07 →)
30830 30830
19857 1 206 474 Querstrebe / cross rod Limousine
19858 1 118 921 Querstrebe / cross rod Limousine
19859 1 118 920 Querstrebe / cross rod Limousine
21017 1 130 452 Verbindungsstange / connecting rod Turnier L 110
21019 1 127 648 Verbindungsstange / connecting rod Limousine L 255
24220 1 124 418 Stabilisatorlager / stabillizer mounting Limousine
24223 1 119 588 Stabilisatorlager / stabillizer mounting Turnier
30830 1 425 853 Verbindungsstange / connecting rod L 180
Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen. / The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff. 1065 / Auto Parts