Page 1073 - Catalog auto parts FEBI for steering and suspension
P. 1073
Catalog auto parts suspersions
Auto Parts / passend für / to fit
Z 8
(1998 → 2003)
oben / upper
23888 23889
unten / lower
Hinterachse / Rear axle Hinterachse / Rear axle
12299 12299
18901 18901
12299 33 32 6 770 749 Integrallenker / multi link
18901 33 32 6 767 748 Kugelgelenk, kpl. / ball joint, cpl.
23888 33 32 1 090 905 Hinterachsstrebe / rear axle strut L 306
23889 33 32 1 090 906 Hinterachsstrebe / rear axle strut L 306
Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen. / The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff. 1047 / Auto Parts