Page 688 - Catalog auto parts FEBI water pumps
P. 688
Catalog water pumps
Auto Parts / ref. no.
ref. no. ref. no.
1201.K1 21877 396, 398, 404–408, 77 00 861 686 21988 423, 424, 432, 438,
415 441, 448, 449, 452,
1201.L1 32682 393
77 00 864 596 21241 422, 423, 431, 432,
1201.L2 21877 396, 398, 404–408, 452, 454, 455
77 00 866 518 21237 423, 432, 440
1201.L3 32682 393
77 01 461 405 09025 425, 426, 439
1201.39 09261 394, 395, 399–404
77 01 463 182 09025 425, 426, 439
1201.48 09257 394, 400–403, 410,
411, 415 77 01 464 736 09319 421, 422, 424, 427,
428, 433–435, 441,
1201.58 09255 391–393, 395, 399,
403, 409 442, 444–453
77 01 465 513 09023 426, 447
1201.60 09257 394, 400–403, 410,
411, 415 77 01 466 419 09024 421, 444–446
1201.61 09258 399–404, 407, 410, 77 01 466 419 S 09024 421, 444–446
414, 416, 418
77 01 466 419 S1 09024 421, 444–446
1201.62 09257 394, 400–403, 410, 77 01 466 571 09021 426
411, 415
77 01 466 578 09319 421, 422, 424, 427,
1201.63 09261 394, 395, 399–404
428, 433–435, 441,
1201.91 09262 394, 401–407, 410– 442, 444–453
77 01 467 153 09018 421, 454
1201.93 19069 405–407, 411
77 01 467 153 S 09018 421, 454
1201.98 18639 404, 410
77 01 467 153 S1 09018 421, 454
1206.E3 32682 393
77 01 468 491 09319 421, 422, 424, 427,
1207.18 09260 391–393, 395, 397, 428, 433–435, 441,
399, 400, 409, 416, 442, 444–453
77 01 468 492 09319 421, 422, 424, 427,
1207.23 09260 391–393, 395, 397, 428, 433–435, 441,
399, 400, 409, 416, 442, 444–453
77 01 470 880 22242 439
6822.PT 32682 393
77 01 472 182 22144 421, 425, 427–430,
6822.QZ 32682 393 434–437, 439, 443,
451, 453, 454, 456
6823.GY 32682 393
77 01 472 625 21995 428, 429, 436, 439,
suitable for:
Porsche 77 01 473 327 22241 423, 425, 428, 430–
433, 437, 438, 440,
955 106 033 00 29669 420
442, 443, 448, 450–
955 106 033 10 29669 420 453, 455
suitable for: 77 01 473 365 09319 421, 422, 424, 427,
428, 433–435, 441,
Renault 442, 444–453
74 38 610 006 22145 435, 448 77 01 474 190 21995 428, 429, 436, 439,
74 38 610 035 22145 435, 448
77 01 474 435 29703 430, 435, 436, 442,
77 00 105 176 21239 423–425, 429–435,
437, 438, 440, 442– 450
444, 448–453, 455 77 01 475 995 22241 423, 425, 428, 430–
433, 437, 438, 440,
77 00 105 378 21239 423–425, 429–435, 442, 443, 448, 450–
437, 438, 440, 442–
444, 448–453, 455 453, 455
77 01 476 496 22241 423, 425, 428, 430–
77 00 274 330 21239 423–425, 429–435, 433, 437, 438, 440,
437, 438, 440, 442–
444, 448–453, 455 442, 443, 448, 450–
453, 455
77 00 736 091 09027 422, 444, 445
The products we deliver are exclusively for the intended use. 687
The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.
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