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    Page 667 - Catalog auto parts FEBI motor and transmission mounting
    P. 667
    Spare parts cross-references


    Catalog mounting auto parts

    Auto Parts / passend für / to fit
               Vento (1H)                                                         HL             HR              V
                (1992 → 1999)
                1.4                                                              01107          07124           07184
                (mot.) ABD / AEX
                1.6                                                              15928          07124           07184
                (55 kW) (mot.) ABU
                1.6                                                              15928          07124           07185
                (55 kW) (mot.) AEA / AEE
                1.6                                                              01107          07122           07186
                (74 kW) (mot.) AEK / AFT / AKS                                   01107          07121           07186
                1.8                                                              01107          07121           07185
                (55 kW) (mot.) AAM
                1.8                                                              01107          07121           07185
                (66 kW) (mot.) ABS / ACC
                1.8                                                              01107          07121           07185
                (66 kW) (mot.) ADZ                                               01107          07121           07183
                1.9 D                                                            01107          07121           07183
                (mot.) 1Y
                1.9 TD                                                           01107          07122           07183
                (mot.) AAZ
                                         febi 01107            febi 07121            febi 07122            febi 07124
                                     Ref. No. 357 199 402 B  Ref. No. 1H0 199 262 A  Ref. No. 1H0 199 262 B  Ref. No. 1H0 199 262 E
                                                               gelb / yellow        grün / green           blau / blue
                   febi 07183            febi 07184            febi 07185            febi 07186            febi 15928
              Ref. No. 1H0 199 609 B  Ref. No. 1H0 199 609 E  Ref. No. 1H0 199 609 F  Ref. No. 1H0 199 609 G  Ref. No. 191 199 381 A
                   grün / green           blau / blue          weiß / white         braun / brown
               Der Einbau darf nur durch geschultes Fachpersonal erfolgen. / The installation may exclusively be performed by trained specialist staff.  649 / Auto Parts
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