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    Page 645 - Catalog brake pads and brake disc FEBI
    P. 645
    Spare parts cross-references


    Catalog brake pads and discs

    Auto Parts / ®
          1605 799 S1        16155   268, 269, 270               4408 275           22698   122
          1605 808           16030   111 - 113, 116, 118,        4414 021           16473   122
                                     120, 121                    4414 029           16472   271
          1605 810           16055   111 -114, 119, 120
                                                                 4414 519           16473   122
          1605 824           16055   111 -114, 119, 120
                                                                 4414 520           16472   271
          1605 825 S1        16323   113 -115
                                                                 4414 632           22698   122
          1605 855 S1        16234   113, 118, 120
                                                                 4500 098           22853   117
          1605 870           16203   111, 114 - 120
                                                                 4501 150           16494   117
          1605 877           16135   267, 268, 270
                                                                 4502 797           16494   117
          1605 878           16157   269
                                                                 4700 711           18888   111
          1605 879           16155   268, 269, 270
                                                                 4704 578           16387   111
          1605 881           16055   111 - 114, 119, 120
                                                                 6235 647           27183   334, 335
          1605 907           16055   111 - 114, 119, 120
                                                                 6235 648           27185   334, 335
          1605 911           16030   111 - 113, 116, 118,
                                     120, 121                    6235 674           24505   333, 335
          1605 912 S1        16107   113, 121                    6238 075           17489   333, 335
          1605 916 S1        16323   113 -115                    6238 230           22072   334, 335
          1605 924 S1        16155   268 - 270                   6238 322           02917   334
          1605 931           16323   113 - 115                   6238 323           17204   334
          1605 957 S1        16232   112, 113, 122               6238 355           24614   311
          1605 959 S1        16233   112                         6238 388           11941   335
          1605 964           16423   114, 115, 117               6238 389           02918   335
          1605 967           16512   267, 268, 269, 271          6238 404           24614   311
          1605 972           16492   119, 122                    6238 429           26207   312
          1605 973           16428   269, 271                    passend füt / to fit
          1605 976           16387   111                         GM / Opel
          1605 979           16494   117                         09110993           16495   117
          1605 980           16495   117                         09111038           22240   117
          1605 982           16493   269                         09111045           24491   269
          1605 984           16513   112, 122                    09111467           16493   269
          1605 992           16491   113, 155, 117, 123          09112585           16495   117
          1605 993           16428   269, 271                    09115064           24615   312
          1605 995           16512   267, 268, 269, 271          09117676           17209   112
          1605 996           16491   113, 115, 117, 123          09117677           17210   112
          1605 998           16491   113, 115, 117, 123          09117678           17211   112, 113, 117, 122, 123
          4402 993           16495   117                         09117771           17212   267, 269
          4403 038           22240   117                         09117772           17213   267, 268, 269, 271
          4403 045           24491   269                         09160398           22853   117
          4403 467           16493   269                         09161450           16494   117
          4404 585           16495   117                         09162600           16494   117
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