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    Page 28 - Catalog filters DONALDSON for VOLVO trucks and buses
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    Spare parts DONALDSON cross-references


    Catalog for VOLVO trucks and buses

    Auto Parts / CROSS REFERENCE LIST                                                     TRUCK & BUS
                    OE Manufacturer   Donaldson    OE Manufacturer      Donaldson    OE Manufacturer      Donaldson
                       number          number         number              number        number              number
                                                     1660619             P777152       243464              P550588
                                                     16606196            P777152       2434645             P550588
                   1080918             P777767
                                                     1660808             P778403       3090268             P781466
                   10809180            P777767
                                                     1660903             P783756       3090288             P781466
                   10809184            P777767
                                                     16609034            P783756       3098081             P762756
                   1082111             P528708
                                                     16609035            P783756       3114655             P763960
                   10821114            P528708
                                                     1661667             P787492       31146558            P763960
                   11007388            P535089
                                                     1661808             P778403       323139              P550310
                   110073889           P535089
                                                     16618084            P778403       3231396             P550310
                   11036607            P164378
                                                     16618085            P778403       347138              P777357
                   110366077           P164378
                                                     1665563             P780815       3471380             P777357
                   11448509            P164378
                                                     16655631            P780815       347437              P771551
                   11706667            P553004
                                                     1665898             P778779       349619              P550309
                   1193281             P762756
                                                     1665908             P778778       3496191             P550309
                   119935450           P553771
                                                     16659088            P778778       3496197             P550309
                   119962280           P550425
                                                     1699132             P781466       3517857             P550882
                   1257201             P550587
                                                     16998304            P552096       35178573            P550882
                   12572012            P550587
                                                     19132811            P762756       3581078             P556245
                   1266286             P550882
                                                     20405160            P550529       35810787            P556245
                   12662862            P550882
                                                     20411815            P606720       3622248             P771561
                   1266388             P550882
                                                     20411816            P605552       362264              P771528
                   15036627            P554403
                                                     20430751            P550529       38251336            P553004
                   1517575             P550750
                                                     20450423            P550747       3831236             P553771
                   1517842             P780165
                                                     20450423            P551767       3945966             P551767
                   15178429            P780165
                                                     20514654            P559628       3950728             P771561
                   1521527             P550633
                                                     20532237            P552096       3976603             P554407
                   1526187             P554770
                                                     20541383            P559628       39766035            P554407
                   1526188             P554770
                                                     20557234            P781466       39766036            P554407
                   15261886            P554770
                                                     20732726            P780622       3976655             P550587
                   1542743             P777152
                                                     20732726            P785522       39766555            P550587
                   15427438            P777152
                                                     20732728            P780624       3979928             P922917
                   1544428             P780519
                                                     20746873            P787438       3989632             P550747
                   15444284            P780519
                                                     20776259            P550633       4078472             P551168
                   1544449             P778605
                                                     20815011            P550529       418432              P550882
                   15444490            P778605
                                                     20972293            P550529       4184321             P550882
                   1584575             P535089
                                                     20972915            P781466       420799              P550372
                   15845753            P535089
                                                     20976003            P550529       4207999             P550372
                   1585618             P554403
                                                     20998346            P559628       423135              P558250
                   15856180            P554403
                                                     20998367            P559628       4231353             P558250
                   1586882             P528708
                                                     21130158            P787438       434061              P550588
                   15868821            P528708
                                                     233897              P550861       457230              P771528
                   1660375             P780519
                                                     2338978             P550861       466634              P553191
                   16603755            P780519
                                                     233898              P550060       4666343             P553191
                   1660376             P780519
                                                     2338986             P550060       466987              P553004
                   16603763            P780519
                                                     233988              P550060       4669873             P553004
                   16603765            P780519
                                                     236628              P556245       4669875             P553004
                   1660377             P778403
                                                     2366284             P556245       469954              P558250
                   16603771            P778403
                                                     2416725             P553004       4699542             P558250
                   1660600             P778436
                                                     2430049             P553004       471392              P550425
                   16606006            P778436
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