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    Page 65 - Catalog filters DONALDSON for MERCEDES-BENZ trucks and buses
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    Spare parts DONALDSON cross-references


    Catalog for MERCEDES-BENZ trucks

    Auto Parts / CROSS REFERENCE LIST                                                     TRUCK & BUS
                    OE Manufacturer   Donaldson    OE Manufacturer      Donaldson    OE Manufacturer      Donaldson
                       number          number         number              number        number              number
                                                     0010945204          P771561       0030949504          P781465
                                                     0010946504          P778472       0030949604          P781465
                   0000901151          P550481
                                                     0010947904          P181137       0040940204          P781350
                   0000901251          P550632
                                                     0010948204          P181089       0040940904          P771508
                   0000901451          P550489
                                                     0010948304          P771583       0040941104          P781349
                   0000901551          P550632
                                                     0010949304          P771510       0040942404          P785542
                   0000922705          P550481
                                                     0010949404          P778472       0040942504          P785542
                   0000925405          P550481
                                                     0010949604          P778462       0040942604          P612826
                   0000940004          P550310
                                                     0011840225          P558425       0040943304          P780848
                   0001800109          P550170
                                                     0011840425          P558425       0040943504          P784457
                   0001801609          P550768
                                                     0011840525          P558425       0040944104          P783198
                   0001801709          P550761
                                                     0011842225          P550309       1121800009          P550564
                   0001801809          P550750
                                                     0011843825          P550041       1121840025          P550564
                   0001802109          P550769
                                                     0011844125          P550766       3141800109          P550766
                   0001802509          P552471
                                                     0011844225          P550315       3521800009          P550117
                   0001802909          P550769
                                                     0011844325          P550315       3521800109          P550315
                   0001842145          P554925
                                                     0011844425          P550766       3521800209          P554925
                   0001843825          P550041
                                                     0011844925          P554925       3524700092          P550481
                   0001844025          P554925
                                                     0011845125          P550766       3621800110          P558425
                   0001844125          P554925
                                                     0011845225          P550315       3641800009          P550766
                   0001846725          P550117
                                                     0011845425          P550766       3641800109          P550766
                   0002690321          P550744
                                                     0011845525          P550315       3641800110          P550766
                   0004290897          P781466
                                                     0011846625          P550750       3641800309          P550766
                   0004291097          P781466
                                                     0011846725          P554925       3661800009          P550315
                   0004291297          P781466
                                                     0020923001          P550473       3661800309          P550315
                   0004293395          P781466
                                                     0020940004          P771561       3661800310          P550315
                   0004293595          P781466
                                                     0020942404          P771582       3661800609          P550767
                   0004293695          P781466
                                                     0020947004          P780291       3661800709          P550764
                   0004293795          P781466
                                                     0020947304          P771576       3661800809          P550315
                   0004300669          P781466
                                                     0020949204          P783197       3661800909          P550767
                   0004300969          P781466
                                                     0020949304          P783198       3661801009          P550764
                   0004660004          P550309
                                                     0020949404          P783197       3661801025          P550764
                   0004660004          P550310
                                                     0021840425          P550750       3661801309          P550764
                   0004660204          P550309
                                                     0021840525          P550493       3661840125          P550315
                   0004660604          P550309
                                                     0021840625          P550750       3661840125          P550763
                   0004662804          P550309
                                                     0021847725          P550041       3661840125          P550764
                   0008301118          P784473
                                                     0030941504          P778613       3661840225          P550766
                   0008301218          P785366
                                                     0030941604          P777551       3661840225          P550767
                   0008301518          P787391
                                                     0030944204          P771595       3661840525          P550763
                   0008303318          P612827
                                                     0030944904          P771510       3661840825          P550315
                   0008356947          P787408
                                                     0030944904          P771595       3661840825          P550763
                   0010922201          P550473
                                                     0030946004          P778441       3661840825          P550764
                   0010922301          P550473
                                                     0030947004          P778485       3661840925          P550315
                   0010922302          P550473
                                                     0030947504          P612826       3661840925          P550764
                   0010922401          P550473
                                                     0030948204          P612826       3661841025          P550315
                   0010928401          P550473
                                                     0030948304          P784015       3661841025          P550763
                   0010929001          P550473
                                                     0030949004          P781349       3661841025          P550764
                   0010941004          P181087
                                                     0030949104          P780834       3661841125          P550766
                   0010944204          P771561
                                                     0030949204          P780848       3661841125          P550767
                   0010944704          P771508
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