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    Page 56 - Catalog filters DONALDSON for IVECO trucks
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    Catalog for IVECO

    Auto Parts / OE Manufacturer   Donaldson    OE Manufacturer      Donaldson    OE Manufacturer       Donaldson
                       number          number         number              number        number              number
                   3802821             ------------  500315480           P763995       1100372B            ------------
                   41214148            P787247       500339085           ------------  1160024             P559418
                   41214149            P787247       500387947           P785307       1160025             P553771
                   41270082            P785352       504000160           P784198       1160243             P553004
                   41272124            P785352       504018807           P550903       1173430             P553771
                   41272211            P778485       504024890           P787450       1173481             P559418
                   41272212            P780006       504026056           P550639       1267900             P550310
                   41272515            P778081       504033399           P550520       1289054             P550861
                   41272534            P786829       504033400           ------------  1900823             P550226
                   42032856            P776697       504064501           P772580       1900823             P550342
                   42074972            P553004       504086268           ------------  1901602             P553411
                   42078290            P771561       504272431           ------------  1901603             P551603
                   42471161            P782881       5983900             P550226       1901604             P551604
                   42471166            P784198       61142392            P553004       1901605             P551605
                   42481020            P776697       61315398            P550342       1901629             P556245
                   42488361            P786829       61315399            P550342       1901687             P556245
                   42491185            P762756       61671160            P553771       1901776             P554071
                   42491619            P771534       71961003            P553411       1901779             P181137
                   42522674            P550588       7301916             P550226       1901902             P181046
                   42536332            ------------  7301939             P550226       1901903             P181034
                   42549295            ------------  7571569             P550226       1901919             P553771
                   42553256            P782881       7701348110          P550882       1901925             P181137
                   42553257            P784198       7980508             P181090       1901929             P556245
                   42553258            ------------  7984428             P556245       1902047             P550226
                   42553548            ------------  8123564             P781466       1902048             P771508
                   42555920            ------------  8123679             P553004       1902076             P550226
                   4371582             P550882       8190948             P781466       1902077             P771561
                   4434794             P550882       8830319             ------------  1902096             P550347
                   4600875             P551603       93162385            P785307       1902125             P181137
                   4602186             P553411       93162491            ------------  1902129             P786829
                   4615547             P551603       98432648            P550226       1902134             P553004
                   4621740             P556245       98432653            P550342       1902135             P559418
                   4625547             P551603       98472349            P550226       1902137             P550309
                   4667339             P551604       9917419             P181035       1902138             P550587
                   4667755             P551604       9917881             P181035       1902465             P771508
                   4694322             P551605       9918114             P556245       1903628             P550226
                   4712132             P550580       9918144             P556245       1903669             P772580
                   4719150             P550580       9918184             P556245       1903785             P550226
                   4734562             P554071       9924318             P556245       1904550             P786829
                   4741272             P502222       9933276             P181046       1907460             P550472
                   4741274             P502222       9936891             P550587       1907539             P550665
                   4764693             P553004       9938405             P550587       1907566             P551603
                   4764725             P550587       9941058             P550588       1907567             P553411
                   4787410             P550226       99445200            P550639       1907570             P551604
                   4787733             P550342       99478393            P772580       1907580             P550226
                   4791113             P550226       99484067            P550472       1907582             P550226
                   4792138             P550587       9950451             P550587       1907583             P550226
                   4796458             P550226       9983764             P181137       1908312             P553004
                   4799425             P550226       9987150             P771561       1908547             P550665
                   4800107             ------------                                    1909100             P556245
                                                          IVECO BUS (IRISBUS)
                   4980649             P181137                                         1909101             P551603
                                                     ------------        P557780
                   500314688           P784479                                         1909102             P553411
                                                     1100372A            ------------
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