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    Page 43 - Catalog filters DONALDSON for JOHN DEERE
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    Spare parts DONALDSON cross-references


    Catalog for DONALDSON

    Auto Parts / OE Manufacturer   Donaldson    OE Manufacturer       Donaldson   OE Manufacturer       Donaldson
                       number           number        number              number        number              number
                   F120236             ------------  LVA802765           ------------  RE191729            ------------
                   F120269             ------------  LVA802810           ------------  RE195491            ------------
                   F120972             ------------  LVU14258            ------------  RE196945            ------------
                   F120973             ------------  LVU800097           ------------  RE197065            ------------
                   F121868             ------------  M113621             P822686       RE198488            ------------
                   F121871             ------------  M123378             P535396       RE199681            ------------
                   F122100             G100314       M131802             P821575       RE199682            ------------
                   F122305             ------------  M131803             P822858       RE201745            ------------
                   F122930             ------------  M801002             P502051       RE205726            ------------
                   F123464             ------------  M801101             P502166       RE210102            ------------
                   F123994             ------------  M802606             P775687       RE210103            ------------
                   F125896             ------------  M802658             ------------  RE21058             P551670
                   F125940             ------------  M806418             P550641       RE210857            ------------
                   F301161             G130097       M806419             P550162       RE21748             P550777
                   F304866             ------------  M811032             ------------  RE219782            ------------
                   F413331             P551329       MIU10010            ------------  RE220719            ------------
                   F414574             P558616       MIU10011            ------------  RE230985            ------------
                   F425264             P552073       MIU800645           ------------  RE237396            ------------
                   F433395             P550248       PE10011906          P771561       RE24619             P611440
                   F433787             P550440       PE10011907          P776695       RE261960            ------------
                   F434072             P781039       PE68016093          P550362       RE27091             P556745
                   F434392             P532504       PE71011292          P772579       RE27284             P167830
                   F434394             P777279       PE71011293          P775300       RE273801            ------------
                   F434395             P777414       PMFS1280            ------------  RE34040             P551553
                   F434679             P552072       PMLF9009            ------------  RE34958             P164384
                   F435510             P163324       R119168             P606803       RE34963             P527680
                   F435741             ------------  R120501             ------------  RE34966             P533654
                   F435742             P532504       R131204             ------------  RE34967             P533653
                   F437523             ------------  R48881              ------------  RE38965             P173521
                   F632756             ------------  R502513             P550779       RE39527             P164378
                   KV16429             P828889       R502778             ------------  RE42050             P558000
                   L101786             ------------  R60846              ------------  RE42051             P550777
                   L101794             ------------  R65450              ------------  RE44647             P553000
                   L152026             ------------  RE11325             P552010       RE45825             P181052
                   L155288             ------------  RE11889             P165231       RE45826             P123160
                   L156225             ------------  RE11992             P554685       RE45827             P546566
                   L156235             ------------  RE12793             P158854       RE45828             P127787
                   L156236             ------------  RE151778            ------------  RE45864             P165877
                   L38598              ------------  RE160384            P551000       RE46310             P607365
                   L57652              ------------  RE161181            P564042       RE46311             P610696
                   LVA10419            P164375       RE164839            P603755       RE46380             P558329
                   LVA11522            P550755       RE171235            P780522       RE47313             P164378
                   LVA12302            ------------  RE171236            P780523       RE48882             ------------
                   LVA12812            ------------  RE172178            ------------  RE502203            P555006
                   LVA13038            ------------  RE172447            P603757       RE503032            ------------
                   LVA13065            ------------  RE174130            P170949       RE503254            P550351
                   LVA14167            ------------  RE181915            ------------  RE50455             P550351
                   LVA14421            ------------  RE187966            ------------  RE504836            P550779
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