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    Page 707 - Catalog spare parts BOGE for cars
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    Page 707 - Catalog spare parts BOGE for cars

    Auto Parts / VOLKSWAGEN
            PASSAT Variant (3A5, 35I)  02.88 -  06.97
           1.6, 74 kW    07.94 12.95    (3): Alternative Repair Kit: 32-A75-0  Ċ 32-A75-F ą    (3): Alternative Repair Kit: 27-982-1    27-982-P ą
           2.0, 79 kW    03.95 08.96                           Ċ 32-A75-0                                           Č
           2.0 16V, 110 kW  01.94 05.97    Chass. 31-P-026 436->  Ċ 32-E80-0                               27-982-1
           1.9 TDI, 66 kW  10.93 05.97  (13): Center lower mounting hole to                                27-882-0
           1.9 TDI, 81 kW  03.96 05.97  upper edge lid was away:                (158): for vehicles without off-road     89-011-0
                                     345.60 mm                                  suspension
                                     (158): for vehicles without off-road     89-001-0
           1.8, 55 kW    08.90 05.97    ->07.1991              Ĉ 32-810-0      (3): Alternative Repair Kit: 27-982-1    27-982-P ą
           1.8, 66 kW    02.88 05.97  (173): installation only with threaded                                        Č
           2.0, 85 kW    02.90 05.97  suspension strut                                                     27-982-1
           2.0 16V, 100 kW  08.88 09.93  ->07.1991             Ĉ 32-810-F ą                                27-882-0
                                     (3): Alternative Repair Kit: 32-810-0
           1.6 TD        08.88 09.93                                            (158): for vehicles without off-road     89-011-0
           1.9 D         05.89 10.93  (173): installation only with threaded    suspension
                                     suspension strut
           1.9 TD        03.91 05.97
                                     ->Chass. 31-P-026 435     Ċ 32-A70-0
                                     (12): Center lower mounting hole to
                                     upper edge lid
                                     was away: 320,75 mm
                                     Chass. 31-P-026 436->     Ċ 32-A75-0
                                     (13): Center lower mounting hole to
                                     upper edge lid was away:
                                     345.60 mm
                                     Chass. 31-P-026 436->     Ċ 32-A75-F ą
                                     (3): Alternative Repair Kit: 32-A75-0
                                     (13): Center lower mounting hole to
                                     upper edge lid was away:
                                     345.60 mm
                                     Chass. 31-P-026 436->     Ċ 32-E80-0
                                     (13): Center lower mounting hole to
                                     upper edge lid was away:
                                     345.60 mm
                                     ->Chass. 31-P-026 435       87-285-A
                                     (229): with integrated ball bearing
                                     Chass. 31-P-026 436->       87-375-R
                                     (158): for vehicles without off-road     89-001-0
           1.8 G60 Syncro  08.88 05.97    ->07.1991            Ĉ 32-810-0                                  27-113-0
           2.0 Syncro    10.90 05.97  (173): installation only with threaded                               89-060-0
                                     suspension strut
                                     ->07.1991                 Ĉ 32-810-F ą
                                     (3): Alternative Repair Kit: 32-810-0
                                     (173): installation only with threaded
                                     suspension strut
                                     ->Chass. 31-P-026 435     Ċ 32-A70-0
                                     (12): Center lower mounting hole to
                                     upper edge lid
                                     was away: 320,75 mm
                                     Chass. 31-P-026 436->     Ċ 32-A75-0
                                     (13): Center lower mounting hole to
                                     upper edge lid was away:
                                     345.60 mm
                                     Chass. 31-P-026 436->     Ċ 32-A75-F ą
                                     (3): Alternative Repair Kit: 32-A75-0
                                     (13): Center lower mounting hole to
                                     upper edge lid was away:
                                     345.60 mm
                                     ->Chass. 31-P-026 435       87-285-A
                                     (229): with integrated ball bearing
                                     Chass. 31-P-026 436->       87-375-R
          ZF Friedrichshafen AG | ZF Services | Obere Weiden 12 | 97424 Schweinfurt | Germany | |  659
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