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    Spare parts cross-references for cars


    Catalog BENDIX for cars

                                                                             PREMIUM              SEVERE
             PART TYPE            YEAR    APPLICATION                        NO.       PART NO.   DUTY NO.
             Chevrolet (Cont'd.)
             Corvette (Cont'd.)
             Disc Brake Rotor (cont'd)  2013-09  Rear-V8 - 6.2L Base, w/ Heavy Duty Brakes  PRT5663
                                   2010   Rear-V8 - 6.2L Grand Sport                    PRT5791
                                   2008   Rear-V8 - 6.2L Exc. Heavy Duty Brakes         PRT5791
                                   2008   Rear-V8 - 6.2L Heavy Duty Brakes              PRT5663
                                   2007-05  Rear-V8 - 6.0L Exc. Heavy Duty Brakes       PRT5791
                                   2007-05  Rear-V8 - 6.0L Heavy Duty Brakes            PRT5663
                                   2004-97  Rear Left-All                               PRT5170
                                   2004-97  Rear Right-All                              PRT5169
                                   1996-88  Rear-All                                    PRT1478
                                   1987-84  Rear-All                                    PRT1284
                                   1982-65  Rear-All                                    PRT1213
             Brake Drum            1964-63  Front-All                                   PDR0042
                                   1962-53  Front-All                                   PDR0022
                                   1964-53  Rear-All                                    PDR0022
             Disc Brake Pad Set    2018-17  Front-All Hardware Included      CFC1844
                                   2016-11  Front-All GAS, Hardware Included  CFC1522   SBC1522
                                   2015-14  Front-All DIESEL, Hardware Included  CFC1467  SBC1467
                                   2015-11  Front-All FLEX, Hardware Included  CFC1522  SBC1522
                                   2018-16  Rear-All Hardware Included       CFC1857    SBC1857
                                   2015-14  Rear-L4 - 2.0L Hardware Included  CFC1468   SBC1468
                                   2015-11  Rear-L4 - 1.4L Hardware Included  CFC1468   SBC1468
                                   2010   Rear-All Hardware Included         CFC1468    SBC1468
             Disc Brake Rotor      2019-16  Front-All                                   PRT6063
                                   2015-14  Front-All 15" Wheels                        PRT6063
                                   2015-14  Front-All 16" Wheels                        PRT6093
                                   2013-11  Front-All                                   PRT6063
                                   2015-13  Rear-All 10.5" diameter rotor               PRT6062
                                   2015-13  Rear-All 11.54" diameter rotor              PRT6097
                                   2012-11  Rear-All                                    PRT6062
             Brake Drum            2015-11  Rear-All                                    PDR0843
             Cruze Limited
             Disc Brake Pad Set    2016   Rear-All Hardware Included         CFC1468    SBC1468
             Disc Brake Rotor      2016   Front-All                                     PRT6063
                                   2016   Rear-All 10.5" diameter rotor                 PRT6062
             Brake Drum            2016   Rear-All                                      PDR0843
             Del Ray
             Brake Drum            1958-57  Front-All                                   PDR0022
                                   1958-57  Rear-All                                    PDR0022
             El Camino
             Disc Brake Pad Set    1987-78  Front-All Hardware Not Included  CFC154     SBC154     MKD154FM
                                   1977-69  Front-All Hardware Included                 SBC52      MKD52FM
             Drum Brake Shoe       1972-64  Front-All w/ 9.5" X 2.56" Brakes            246
                                   1987-78  Rear-All w/ 9.5" X 2.06" Brakes             514
                                   1977-73  Rear-All w/ 11" X 2.12" Brakes              462
                                   1975-64  Rear-All w/ 9.5" X 2.06" Brakes             242
                                   1975-64  Rear-All w/ 9.5" X 2.06" Brakes             245
                                   1965-64  Rear-All w/ 11" X 2.07" Brakes              228
                                   1960-59  Rear-All                                    228
             Disc Brake Rotor and Hub  1987-82  Front-All                               PRT1233
                                   1981-79  Front-All                                   PRT1219
                                   1978   Front-All                                     PRT1167
                                   1977-73  Front-All                                   PRT1040
                                   1972-68  Front-All                                   PRT1039
                                   1967   Front-All with single piston caliper          PRT1039
             Brake Drum            1972-69  Front-All                                   PDR0059
                                   1968-66  Front-All Finned Drum                       PDR0059
                                   1968-64  Front-All plain drum                        PDR0052
                                   1987-78  Rear-All                                    PDR0454
                                   1977-76  Rear-All                                    PDR0342
                                   1975-73  Rear-All                                    PDR0454
                                   1972-70  Rear-All Chevrolet style round axle cover   PDR0053
                                   1969-68  Rear-All                                    PDR0053
                                   1967   Rear-All finned drum                          PDR0053
                                   1966-64  Rear-All                                    PDR0053
             Disc Brake Pad Set    2006-04  Front-All Hardware Not Included             SBC1031
                                   2006-04  Rear-All Hardware Not Included              SBC1030
             Disc Brake Rotor      2006-04  Front-All                                   PRT6131
             Disc Brake Pad Set    2018   Front-All w/ J17 Brakes            CFM1886    SBM1886
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