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    Page 998 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 998
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

          This Cross-Reference Section contains  critical.  Other  filter  manufacturers
          original  equipment  and  competitive  may use one filter to replace two of
          manufacturers’ filter numbers arranged  ours.  Thus,  when  crossing  from  a
          by MANUFACTURER.                non-original equipment filter number,
                                          a  problem  could  develop.  If  a  filter
                                          doesn’t seal when installed, it should
          HOW TO USE THE                  not  be  used.  We  cannot  be
          MANUFACTURERS’                  responsible for misapplications.
          FIRST,  find  the  manufacturer  MEANING OF SYMBOLS
          desired.  These    are   listed  USED IN THIS SECTION
          SECOND, find the desired number.  G Boxed G = Gasket
          Beginning  zeroes,  dashes,  slashes,  Gaskets are listed in the same way
          decimals, etc., are ignored in sorting.  as  filters.  The  boxed  G  points  out
          Numbers are sorted ahead of letters.  that this is a gasket.
          (Fractions  are  sorted  as  whole
          numbers. For example, 1/4 is written  H Boxed H = Housing
          as 1/4 and sorted as 14.)       The boxed H represents a base or a
                                          housing.  If  Baldwin  has  no  exact
          THIRD,  Baldwin  numbers  are   replacement, the filter used is shown
          listed  in  bold  face.  Baldwin  rather than another base or housing
          numbers separated by a comma are  number.
          interchangeable  and  mean  that  + Plus Sign = Variation
          either can be used. A plus sign (+)  See  the  Baldwin  Product  Guide
          indicates other variations of the filter  (Form 562) or the Baldwin Electronic
          are  shown  in  the  Product  Guide  Catalog   on   the   internet   at
          (Form 562) or the Baldwin Electronic  for  variations
          Catalog   on   the   internet   at  of this number.

                                          CLN&R* = Clean and Reuse
                                          Numbers  representing  screens  or
          IMPORTANT NOTICE                other permanent filters (not replaced
                                          by  Baldwin)  are  marked  CLN&R*  if
          All  cross-references  in  this  catalog  they have been reported as capable
          are based on the latest authoritative  of  being  cleaned  and  reused.
          information  available  at  time  of  Baldwin  cannot  be  responsible  for
          publication.  However,  equipment  such reuse.
          manufacturers   often   change  Not U.L. App. = Not U.L. Approved
          component  suppliers  without  notice  Filters  used  in  high  fire-risk
          while continuing to use the same filter  applications  carry  U.L.  approval.
          number. This change could result in a  Ours  are  equivalent  size  but  not
          non-critical  dimension  becoming  fireproof.
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