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    Page 8 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 8
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

          ARE ARRANGED
          Alphabetically by Manufacturer  number for that filter. Verify that the OE
          All  trucks,  truck  engines  and  related  number is the same on your truck before
          equipment  are  listed  in  this  section  use. If the OE number is different on your
          alphabetically  by  manufacturer.  Names  truck,  refer  to  the  Cross-Reference
          which are initials only are listed as if the  Section  of  this  catalog  or  the  Baldwin
          initials spelled a word. Therefore, M & W  Electronic  Catalog  on  the  internet  at
          is  listed  under  “MW”  at  the  end  of  the  for  the  proper
          M’s.  Wherever  the  possibility  of  replacement filter.
          confusion may exist, a reference to the
          correct listing will be found in this section.
                                          MEANING OF SYMBOLS
          Alphabetically by Vehicle Type  USED IN THIS SECTION
          Within  each  manufacturer,  all  vehicle
          types are arranged alphabetically.
                                          When more than one Baldwin number
          Alphabetically by Model Name    can  be  used,  the  numbers  are  listed
          Within each vehicle type, all models are  separated by a comma (BF957,-D).
          arranged  alphabetically.  If  the  model  When there are variations of a Baldwin
          has numbers as all or part of the model  product,  a  plus  sign  (+)  (BF957+)
          name, it will be listed numerically after  indicates you can find these variations in
          the alphabetically listed models. Light-  the Baldwin Product Guide (Form 562) or
          duty trucks are listed in the Automotive  the  Baldwin  Electronic  Catalog  on  the
          Section  of  the  Baldwin  Applications  internet at
          Catalog, Form 124.
                                          An asterisk (*) indicates an extra-long
          By Engine Make                  life version is available.
          Under  each  model,  the  engines  are
          listed according to make and then size,  Numbers  representing  screens  or
          from  the  smallest  to  the  largest  other  permanent  filters  (not  replaced
          engines. If you don’t know the model of  by  Baldwin)  are  marked  CLN&R*
          the truck, refer to the engine listing in  (Clean and Reuse) if they have been
          this section.                   reported as capable of being cleaned
                                          and  reused.  Baldwin  cannot  be
          Optional Filters                responsible for such reuse.
          Optional  filters  often  appear  at  the
          beginning of the list ahead of the first
          model  listing.  Refer  to  the  Cross-  IMPORTANT NOTICE
          Reference  Section  of  this  catalog  or
          the Baldwin Electronic Catalog on the  All   product   applications   and
          internet at if you  specifications in this catalog are based
          have  an  Original  Equipment  (OE)  or  on  the  latest  authoritative  information
          competitive part number.        available  at  the  time  of  publication.
                                          However, there are many filter options
                                          offered  by  equipment  manufacturers
          NUMBERS IN BRACKETS             during  a  given  model  year  making  it
          OR PARENTHESES                  impossible to be absolutely certain that
                                          all  equipment  of  the  same  make,
                                          model and year will use the same filter.
          The number in square brackets in front of
          our  bold  face  part  number  shows  the  For  this  reason,  we  cannot  be
          quantity for a single change per truck. If  responsible for misapplications.
          the number is in parentheses at the close  Original  equipment  manufacturer’s
          of  our  part  number,  that  is  the  quantity  tradenames  or  trademarks  are  for
          included  in  the  package  and  sold  as  a  identification  purposes  only.  There  is
          unit.                           no   affiliation,   sponsorship   or
          A  number  in  parentheses  after  the  connection   with   the   original
          description  is  the  Original  Equipment  equipment parts or manufacturer.
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