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    Page 341 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for tractors
    P. 341
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for tractors


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for tractors

                                       Not all filters have the same parts inside, but this
                                        page shows components of a typical spin-on
                                          (starting on the inside and working out).
                                               BY-PASS VALVES
                                                        All  full-flow  lube  systems
                                                        require a by-pass (relief) valve
                                                        to  permit  oil  to  flow  to  the
                                                        bearings even when cold oil is
               CENTERTUBE                               too  thick  to  flow  through  the
                      Spiral   wound,   louvered        filter.  The  valve  also  opens
                      centertube  forms  the  center  of  when  the  filter  becomes
                      most non-air filters. The filtering  plugged.  If  not  located  in  the
                      media  is  placed  around  this   engine system, there must be
                      centertube.  On  larger  filters,  a  a by-pass valve in the filter. (It
                      reinforcement or centering guide  can be both places, providing
                      is sometimes added.               the one in the spin-on opens
                                                        at the same or higher pressure
                                                        than the one in the system.)
                          Used in most “surface type”    The position of the installed
                          filters  where  contaminants   filter  determines  the  need
                          are trapped on the surface.    for this valve in a filter. This
                          The  greater  the  surface,    keeps the oil from draining
                          the greater the capacity.      from  a  filter  when  the
                          Baldwin uses more than sixty   engine  is  shut  off.  (If  the
                          different  media,  depending   filter hangs downward from
                          on the application.            the  base  or  “dome  end
                                                         down,”  this  valve  is  not
                                                         needed,  but  would  cause
                                                         no problems if included.)
               ELEMENT END CAPS
                        End caps (of metal, plastisol  BASEPLATE AND
                        or paper) are bonded to the  SEAMING COVER ASSEMBLY
                        filtering  media  to  prevent
                        unfiltered  liquid  from  by-      The baseplate is attached
                Closed End                                 to the seaming cover and
                        passing   (going   around
                        instead  of  through)  the         the  seaming  cover  is
                        media.  Some  elements  are        attached  to  the  can.  Be
                        constructed  with  two  open       sure  the  gasket  on  the
                Open End  ends. Others have one open       baseplate  seals  with
                                                           mounting  surface  when
                        and one closed end.
                                                           you install a spin-on filter.
                                               SPIN-ON FILTER CAN
                                                        You  change  spin-on  filters
                       Holds element in place to make   quickly  because  there  is  no
                       sure the element seal remains    housing  to  clean. The  entire
                       intact.                          unit is changed each time.
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