Page 1192 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for technics
P. 1192
Catalog Baldwinfilters for technics
Auto Parts / Off-Highway
Tractors (Also See Versatile Tractors) Tractors (Also See Versatile Tractors) Tractors (Also See Versatile Tractors)
(cont'd) (cont'd) (cont'd)
8260 w/7.5L Diesel Eng. (Cont'd) 8870, 8870A, 8970, 8970A w/675TA Eng. 9282 w/Cummins 6CTA8.3 Eng.
S. Fuel/Water Separator (Cont'd) Dual-Flow Lube............................ BD103 +
( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D I. Air ( 9 8 4 6 4 9 5 )............................. PA3656 Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1259
O. Air ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 0 )......................... PA3491 Cab Air ( 9 8 2 3 7 8 2 )........................ PA3824 9384 w/Cummins M11 Eng.
I. Air ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 1 )........................... PA3492 C o o l a n t ( 8 6 1 3 6 1 )......................... BW5074 Dual-Flow Lube ( F l e e t g u a r d
C o o l a n t ( E 8 N N 8 A 4 2 4 D A )............ BW5071 T9020 w/9.0L Eng. L F 9 0 0 9 )......................................... BD7309
8340 Dual-Flow Lube ( 8 7 3 4 9 5 9 3 )........ BD324 Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1259
O. Air ( 8 2 0 0 8 5 9 6 )......................... PA3902 Main Hyd. ( 8 6 0 1 8 7 5 8 ).................. BT9391-MPG 9482 w/Cummins M11 Eng.
I. Air ( 8 2 0 0 8 5 9 7 )........................... PA3903 H y d . (Axle) (86989735)................. BT8850-MPG Dual-Flow Lube ( L F 3 0 0 0 )............ BD103 +
8340SL, 8340SLE w/Ford 456 Diesel Eng. H y d . (Mega-Flow) (86989735)...... BT8850-MPG Fuel/Water Separator ( F S 1 0 0 0 ).. BF1259
L u b e ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215 T r a n s . ( 8 6 9 8 9 7 3 5 )........................ BT8850-MPG O. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 4 )............................. PA1886 +
H y d . ( 8 2 0 0 5 0 1 6 )........................... BT8382 F u e l ( 8 7 3 6 0 5 7 2 )........................... BF7815 I. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 7 )............................... PA1904
H y d . ( F 0 N N - 3 N 9 7 6 - A A )................ BT8393 Fuel/Water Separator 9484 w/Cummins Eng.
H y d . (8240SLE) (9821387)........... BT8851-MPG ( 8 7 3 5 6 1 9 4 ).................................... BF1385-SPS Dual-Flow Lube ( 9 7 0 3 1 1 2 ).......... BD103 +
Fuel/Water Separator Radial Seal O. Air ( 8 7 4 0 8 7 0 4 )..... RS5455 H y d . ( 8 6 0 1 6 7 6 0 )........................... [ 2 ] BT8503-MPG
( 8 6 5 5 5 2 4 6 ).................................... BF1226 Radial Seal I. Air ( 8 7 4 0 8 7 0 5 )....... RS5456 Fuel/Water Separator ( V 7 9 0 8 0 ).. BF1212 +
O. Air (11/91-8/95) (82008600).... PA3491 Radial Seal AirCond. O. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 4 )............................. PA1886 +
I. Air (11/91-8/95) (82008601)...... PA3492 ( 8 6 9 9 4 1 5 6 ).................................... [ 2 ] RS5591XP I. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 7 )............................... PA1904
O. Air (9/95-98) (82008596)......... PA3902 C o o l a n t ( S 3 0 2 0 3 0 )....................... BW5074 Cab Air ( 9 7 0 7 3 2 3 )........................ PA30271
I. Air (9/95-98) (82008597)........... PA3903 T9030, T9040 w/12.9L Eng. C o o l a n t ( 9 6 7 2 3 0 1 )....................... BW5071
C o o l a n t ( E 8 N N - 8 A 4 2 4 - D A ).......... BW5071 L u b e ( 5 0 4 0 8 2 3 8 2 )........................ [ 2 ] B7174-MPG 9682 w/Cummins N14 Eng.
8360, 8560 w/7.5L Diesel Eng. Main Hyd. ( 8 6 0 1 8 7 5 8 ).................. BT9391-MPG Dual-Flow Lube............................ BD103 +
L u b e ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215 H y d . (Axle) (86989735)................. BT8850-MPG Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1212 +
CCLS Hyd. Pump ( 8 2 0 0 5 0 1 6 )..... BT8382 H y d . (Mega-Flow) (86989735)...... BT8850-MPG 9684, 9884 w/Cummins N14 Eng.
CCLS Hyd. Pump ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )....... BT8851-MPG T r a n s . ( 8 6 9 8 9 7 3 5 )........................ BT8850-MPG +
P. Fuel (To S/N 85156B) F u e l ( 8 4 8 1 8 7 4 4 )........................... BF7927 Dual-Flow Lube ( 9 7 0 3 1 1 2 ).......... BD103
( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 1 ).................................... BF7681-D Fuel/Water Separator H y d . ( 8 6 0 1 6 7 6 0 )........................... [ 2 ] BT8503-MPG
P. Fuel (S/N 85156B-up) ( 8 7 4 1 3 7 1 7 ).................................... BF1249-O Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1259 +
O. Air ( V 9 5 6 1 1 )............................. PA2676
( 8 7 8 0 1 3 4 1 ).................................... BF7784-D A i r C o n d . ( 8 6 9 9 4 1 5 6 ).................... [ 2 ] RS5591XP
S. Fuel/Water Separator Crankcase Ventilation Breather I. Air ( V 9 5 6 1 2 )............................... PA2708
Cab Air ( 9 7 0 7 3 2 3 )........................ PA30271
( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D ( 5 0 0 3 8 3 0 4 0 ).................................. CV15002
O. Air ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 6 )......................... PA3948 T9050 w/12.9L Eng. C o o l a n t ( 9 6 7 2 3 0 1 )....................... BW5071
I. Air ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 7 )........................... PA3949 L u b e ( 5 0 4 0 8 2 3 8 2 )........................ [ 2 ] B7174-MPG 9820 w/Cummins L10 Eng.
C o o l a n t ( E 8 N N - 8 A 4 2 4 - D A ).......... BW5071 Main Hyd. ( 8 6 0 1 8 7 5 8 ).................. BT9391-MPG Dual-Flow Lube............................ BD103 +
8670, 8670A, 8770, 8770A w/675TA Eng. H y d . (Axle) (86989735)................. BT8850-MPG Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1212 + +
L u b e ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215 H y d . (Mega-Flow) (86989735)...... BT8850-MPG O. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 4 )............................. PA1886
H y d . (To S/N D419451) T r a n s . ( 8 6 9 8 9 7 3 5 )........................ BT8850-MPG I. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 7 )............................... PA1904
( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )...................................... BT8851-MPG F u e l ( 5 0 4 0 8 2 3 8 4 )......................... BF7927 Coolant.......................................... BW5071
H y d . (S/N D419541-up) Fuel/Water Separator 9840, 9860, 9880 w/Cummins NTA855 Eng.
( 8 6 0 1 8 7 5 8 ).................................... BT9391-MPG ( 8 7 4 1 3 7 1 7 ).................................... BF1249-O Dual-Flow Lube............................ BD103 +
H y d . ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 8 )............................. BT8874-MPG A i r C o n d . ( 8 6 9 9 4 1 5 6 ).................... [ 2 ] RS5591XP Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1212 +
Fuel/Water Separator ( w / D r a i n ) T9060 w/Cummins QSX15 Eng. O. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 4 )............................. PA1886 +
( 8 7 8 4 0 1 3 6 ).................................... BF1231 Dual-Flow Lube ( 4 4 1 7 0 0 A 1 )........ BD7153 + I. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 7 )............................... PA1904
Fuel/Water Separator ( w / O p e n Main Hyd. ( 8 6 0 1 8 7 5 8 ).................. BT9391-MPG Coolant.......................................... BW5071
Port) (87840136)........................... BF1223-O H y d . (Axle) (86989735)................. BT8850-MPG NEW HOLLAND
O. Air ( 9 8 4 6 4 9 4 )........................... PA3655 H y d . (Mega-Flow) (86989735)...... BT8850-MPG Utility Vehicles
I. Air ( 9 8 4 6 4 9 5 )............................. PA3656 T r a n s . ( 8 6 9 8 9 7 3 5 )........................ BT8850-MPG 120 Rustler w/Kubota D722 Diesel Eng.
Cab Air ( 9 8 2 3 7 8 2 )........................ PA3824 F u e l ( 8 7 3 9 5 3 5 6 )........................... BF9920 L u b e ( 1 0 2 7 0 3 3 0 1 )........................ B179
C o o l a n t ( 8 6 1 3 6 1 )......................... BW5074 Fuel/Water Separator Radial Seal Air ( 8 7 3 0 0 1 7 9 ).......... RS3704
8870, 8870A, 8970, 8970A w/675TA Eng. ( 8 7 4 0 8 7 1 0 ).................................... BF7912 125 Rustler w/Kawasaki 24 HP Eng.
L u b e ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215 A i r C o n d . ( 8 6 9 9 4 1 5 6 ).................... [ 2 ] RS5591XP L u b e ( 4 9 0 6 5 - 2 0 7 8 )....................... B33
H y d . ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 8 )............................. BT8874-MPG C o o l a n t ( 4 4 1 7 0 2 A 1 )..................... BW5086 In-Line Fuel ( 2 5 0 5 0 2 2 S ).............. BF7903
T r a n s . (To S/N D419451) 9184 w/Cummins Eng. Radial Seal Air ( 8 7 3 0 0 1 7 8 ).......... RS3704
( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )...................................... BT8851-MPG Dual-Flow Lube ( 9 7 0 3 1 1 2 ).......... BD103 + NEW HOLLAND
T r a n s . (S/N D419451-up) H y d . ( 8 6 0 1 6 7 6 0 )........................... [ 2 ] BT8503-MPG Windrowers
( 8 6 0 1 8 7 5 8 ).................................... BT9391-MPG Fuel/Water Separator ( V 7 9 0 8 0 ).. BF1212 + 114 Pivot Tongue
Fuel/Water Separator ( w / D r a i n ) O. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 4 )............................. PA1886 + H y d . ( E 7 N N - 6 7 1 4 - F A ).................. BT260-10
( 8 7 8 4 0 1 3 6 ).................................... BF1231 I. Air ( V 3 0 9 2 7 )............................... PA1904
Fuel/Water Separator ( w / O p e n Cab Air ( 9 7 0 7 3 2 3 )........................ PA30271
Port) (87840136)........................... BF1223-O C o o l a n t ( 9 6 7 2 3 0 1 )....................... BW5071
O. Air ( 9 8 4 6 4 9 4 )........................... PA3655
+ See Product Guide for Variations of This Number.
WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
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