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    Page 1182 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for technics
    P. 1182
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for technics


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for technics

    Auto Parts / Off-Highway
                           NEW HOLLAND                       NEW HOLLAND                       NEW HOLLAND
                    Tractors (Also See Versatile Tractors)  Tractors (Also See Versatile Tractors)  Tractors (Also See Versatile Tractors)
                                (cont'd)                         (cont'd)                          (cont'd)
                  TS135A w/6.7L Eng. (Cont'd)       TV145 w/7.5L Eng. (Cont'd)        TM165 w/675TA Eng.
                   Radial Seal O. Air                S. Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N  L u b e   ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215
                    (w/Pre-Cleaner) (82034628)......... RS3734   22160-up) (87803441).................. BF7951-D  H y d .  ( 8 2 0 0 5 0 1 6 )........................... BT8382
                   Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / o       O. Air  ( 8 2 0 1 4 7 9 3 )......................... PA5357  H y d .  ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )............................. BT8851-MPG
                    Pre-Cleaner) (82034619).............. RS3884  I. Air  (To S/N 22260) (82008607). PA3949  P. Fuel  ( 8 7 8 0 1 3 4 1 )....................... BF7784-D
                   Radial Seal I. Air  ( 8 2 0 3 4 6 2 2 )....... RS3885  C o o l a n t  ( E 8 N N - 8 A 4 2 4 - D A ).......... BW5071  S. Fuel/Water Separator
                   Cab Air  (High Profile Roof)     TVT145 w/Sisu 6.6L Turbo Eng.      ( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D
                    ( 8 2 0 3 4 6 6 4 ).................................... [ 2 ]  PA5396  H y d .  ( 1 9 2 2 0 0 2 8 0 7 0 5 )................... PT9395-MPG  O. Air  ( w / P r e - C l e a n e r )
                   Cab Air  (Low Profile Roof)       T r a n s .  ( 1 9 2 3 1 0 2 8 0 0 1 4 )................ PT9531   ( 8 2 0 1 4 7 9 3 ).................................... PA5357
                    ( 8 7 3 1 1 1 9 4 ).................................... [ 2 ]  PA5400  F u e l  ( 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 8 2 )................... BF9837-D  O. Air  (w/o Pre-Cleaner)
                   Cab Air  ( R e c i r c u l a t i o n )  M150 w/GSD675T Eng.         ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 6 ).................................... PA3948
                    ( 8 7 3 0 2 6 8 7 ).................................... PA5399  L u b e   ( 8 1 8 7 9 1 3 4 ).......................... B7089  I. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 7 )........................... PA3949
                  TVT135 w/Sisu 6.6L Turbo Eng.      CCLS Hyd. Pump  ( 8 2 0 0 5 0 1 6 )..... BT8382  TVT170 w/Sisu 6.6L Turbo Eng.
                   H y d .  ( 1 9 2 2 0 0 2 8 0 7 0 5 )................... PT9395-MPG  CCLS Hyd. Pump  ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )....... BT8851-MPG  H y d .  ( 1 9 2 2 0 0 2 8 0 7 0 5 )................... PT9395-MPG
                   T r a n s .  ( 1 9 2 3 1 0 2 8 0 0 1 4 )................ PT9531  P. Fuel  ( 8 7 8 0 1 3 4 1 )....................... BF7784-D  T r a n s .  ( 1 9 2 3 1 0 2 8 0 0 1 4 )................ PT9531
                   F u e l  ( 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 8 2 )................... BF9837-D  S. Fuel/Water Separator   F u e l  ( 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 8 2 )................... BF9837-D
                  TM140 w/7.5L Eng.                   ( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D  TM175, TM190 w/7.5L Eng.
                   L u b e   ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215  Fuel/Water Separator   L u b e   ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215
                   Lift Pump Hyd.  ( 8 2 0 0 5 0 1 6 )......... BT8382   ( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 1 ).................................... BF7681-D  Lift Pump Hyd.  ( 8 6 0 1 8 7 5 8 )......... BT9391-MPG
                   H y d .  ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )............................. BT8851-MPG  O. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 0 )......................... PA3491  Charge Pump Hyd. Spin-on
                   Single Fuel/Water Separator       I. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 1 )........................... PA3492   ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )...................................... BT8851-MPG
                    ( 8 7 8 0 2 7 2 8 ).................................... BF7746-D  TM150 w/675TA Eng.  Single Fuel/Water Separator
                   Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( T o  L u b e   ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215   ( 8 7 8 0 2 7 2 8 ).................................... BF7746-D
                    S/N 218236 (30 Micron))          H y d .  ( 8 2 0 0 5 0 1 6 )........................... BT8382  Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( T o
                    ( 8 7 8 0 2 3 3 2 ).................................... BF7784-D  H y d .  ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )............................. BT8851-MPG   S/N 218236 (30 Micron))
                   Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( T o  P. Fuel  ( 8 7 8 0 1 3 4 1 )....................... BF7784-D   ( 8 7 8 0 2 3 3 2 ).................................... BF7784-D
                    S/N 218236 (5 Micron))           Fuel/Water Separator             Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( T o
                    ( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D   ( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D   S/N 218236 (5 Micron))
                   Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N  O. Air  ( w / P r e - C l e a n e r )   ( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D
                    218236-up (5 Micron)) (87803441) BF7951-D   ( 8 2 0 1 4 7 9 3 ).................................... PA5357  Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N
                   Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N  O. Air  (w/o Pre-Cleaner)       218236-up (5 Micron)) (87803441) BF7951-D
                    218236-up (30 Micron))            ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 6 ).................................... PA3948  Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N
                    ( 8 7 8 0 3 4 4 4 ).................................... BF7954-D  I. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 7 )........................... PA3949   218236-up (30 Micron))
                   O. Air  ( w / P r e - C l e a n e r )  TM155 w/7.5L Eng.            ( 8 7 8 0 3 4 4 4 ).................................... BF7954-D
                    ( 8 2 0 1 4 7 9 3 ).................................... PA5357    Radial Seal O. Air  ( 8 2 0 2 7 5 7 3 )..... RS5397
                   O. Air  (w/o Pre-Cleaner)         L u b e   ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215  Radial Seal I. Air  ( 8 2 0 2 7 5 7 4 )....... RS5398
                    ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 6 ).................................... PA3948  Lift Pump Hyd.  ( 8 2 0 0 5 0 1 6 )......... BT8382  Cab Air  ( 8 2 0 3 4 6 6 0 )...................... [ 2 ] PA5404
                   I. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 7 )........................... PA3949  H y d .  ( 9 8 2 1 3 8 7 )............................. BT8851-MPG  TVT190 w/Sisu 6.6L Turbo Eng.
                                                     Single Fuel/Water Separator
                   Cab Air  ( 8 2 0 3 4 6 6 0 )...................... [ 2 ] PA5404   ( 8 7 8 0 2 7 2 8 ).................................... BF7746-D  H y d .  ( 1 9 2 2 0 0 2 8 0 7 0 5 )................... PT9395-MPG
                  TV140 w/7.5L Diesel Eng.           Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( T o  T r a n s .  ( 1 9 2 3 1 0 2 8 0 0 1 4 )................ PT9531
                   L u b e   ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215   S/N 218236 (30 Micron))  F u e l  ( 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 8 2 )................... BF9837-D
                   H y d .  ( 8 6 0 1 6 7 6 0 )........................... [ 2 ] BT8503-MPG   ( 8 7 8 0 2 3 3 2 ).................................... BF7784-D  TVT195 w/Sisu 6.6L Turbo Eng. (Tier 3)
                   H y d .  (w/Swather Head)         Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( T o  H y d .  ( 1 9 2 2 0 0 2 8 0 7 0 5 )................... PT9395-MPG
                    ( 8 6 0 1 6 7 6 0 ).................................... [ 3 ]  BT8503-MPG   S/N 218236 (5 Micron))  T r a n s .  ( 1 9 2 3 1 0 2 8 0 0 1 4 )................ PT9531
                   In-Line Fuel  ( 8 6 5 9 7 4 7 3 )............... BF1173   ( 8 7 8 4 0 5 9 0 ).................................... BF7677-D  P. Fuel  ( 4 7 3 3 5 7 0 9 )....................... BF9839-D
                   P. Fuel  (30 Micron) (87801341).... BF7784-D  Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N  S. Fuel/Water Separator
                   S. Fuel/Water Separator  ( 5       218236-up (5 Micron)) (87803441) BF7951-D   ( 4 7 3 3 5 7 1 5 ).................................... BF7951-D
                    Micron) (87840590)....................... BF7677-D  Dual Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N  TG210, TG230 w/Cummins 8.3L Eng.
                   O. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 6 )......................... PA3948   218236-up (30 Micron))  Dual-Flow Lube  ( 8 6 9 9 0 9 8 0 )........ BD324
                   I. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 7 )........................... PA3949   ( 8 7 8 0 3 4 4 4 ).................................... BF7954-D
                   C o o l a n t  ( E 8 N N - 8 A 4 2 4 - D A ).......... BW5071  O. Air  ( w / P r e - C l e a n e r )  H y d .  ( 8 7 4 1 3 8 0 9 )........................... BT23542-MPG
                  TV145 w/7.5L Eng.                   ( 8 2 0 1 4 7 9 3 ).................................... PA5357  H y d .  ( 8 4 2 2 6 2 5 8 )........................... BT9363-MPG
                                                                                      P. Fuel  ( 8 4 4 7 6 8 0 7 )....................... BF1280
                   L u b e   ( 8 6 6 0 5 8 9 7 ).......................... B7215  O. Air  (w/o Pre-Cleaner)  Final Fuel  ( 8 4 5 5 7 0 9 9 ).................. BF788
                   H y d .  ( 8 6 0 1 6 7 6 0 )........................... BT8503-MPG   ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 6 ).................................... PA3948  In-Line Fuel  ( 8 7 4 0 0 4 9 6 )............... BF7693
                   H y d .  ( 9 8 4 2 3 9 2 )............................. BT8848-MPG  I. Air  ( 8 2 0 0 8 6 0 7 )........................... PA3949  Radial Seal O. Air  ( 8 7 3 3 8 6 6 8 )..... RS5291
                   In-Line Fuel  ( 8 6 5 9 7 4 7 3 )............... BF1173  Cab Air  ( 8 2 0 3 4 6 6 0 )...................... [ 2 ] PA5404  Radial Seal I. Air  ( 4 5 1 5 2 6 A 1 )...... RS5292
                   S. Fuel/Water Separator  (To S/N  TVT155 w/Sisu 6.6L Turbo Eng.    Radial Seal Cab Air  ( 8 6 9 9 4 1 5 6 ).. RS5591XP
                    22160) (87802728)........................ BF7746-D  H y d .  ( 1 9 2 2 0 0 2 8 0 7 0 5 )................... PT9395-MPG  C o o l a n t  ( 8 6 9 9 0 9 7 7 )..................... BW5071
                   P. Fuel/Water Separator  ( S / N  T r a n s .  ( 1 9 2 3 1 0 2 8 0 0 1 4 )................ PT9531
                    22160-up) (87803444).................. BF7954-D  F u e l  ( 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 8 2 )................... BF9837-D
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
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