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    Page 90 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
    P. 90
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and technics


    Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references

    Auto Parts / N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code
                  14169 .......................... 18032  ACC 1421339 ................................  CATP 14240016 ................. PF7572 EXXE 1428748M91 ............ PA2420 MASY 1432051 ................... PA2194 DENS
                  1417 ...........................BC110  NAP  Standard RS3744  14240017 ................... PF311 EXXE 142879 ..................... P20-HD CUMM 1432057 ................... PA2135 DENS
                  14172 .......................... 18031  ACC  Upgrade RS3744XP  14240018 ................... PF332 EXXE 142897 ............Lube P20-HD CUMM 1432058 ................. PA10235 DENS
                  14173 .......................... 19828  ACC 1421340 ................... RS4638 CATP 14240019 ................... BF954 EXXE  Trans. PT385  1432059 ................... PA2121 DENS
                  14174 ............................. P52 READ 142136 ............BT9558-MPG  QUIN 14240021 ................... BF792 EXXE 1429 ......................... PA2399  AMP 1432061 ................... PA2536 DENS
                  141758 ......................... B114  STIL 14213938 ..................... B218 VOLV 14240022 ................... BF720 EXXE 1429 ......................... PA2399  BGA 1432062 ................... PA1657 DENS
                  1417844 [H] ..........................  CATP 1421403 ................... RS4639 CATP 14240023 ................... BF798 EXXE 1429 ...........................BD325  NAP 1432063 ................... PA2031 DENS
                      Filter Only BF7677-D  1421404 ................... RS3745 CATP 14240024 ................. BF7552 EXXE 1429059 ................... PF7896 SCAN 1432065 ................... PA4108 DENS
                  141790 ..................... PA3612  STIL 14215002 ........... PA1865-FN  ISUZ 14240025 ................... BF954 EXXE 1429291 ................... PA5719 CATP 1432066 ................... PA4078 DENS
                  1417959 [H] ..........................  CATP 14215003 ................. PA1657  ISUZ 14240030 ................... BF928 EXXE 1429717M1 ........ PA1902-FN  IHCO 1432067 ................... PA4105 DENS
                      Filter Only [2]PA3633  142150030 ............... PA1657  ISUZ 14240039 ................. PF9890 EXXE 1429717M91 ...... PA1902-FN MASY 1432068 ................... PA4023 DENS
                  1417A ............... P A 4 6 8 8  9 0  GREY 14215006 ........... PA1636-FN  ISUZ 142413 ......................... B233  GILS 1429718M1 .............. PA1912  IHCO 1432069 ................... PA4026 DENS
                  1418 ............................. P446  NAP 14215007 ................. PA2904  ISUZ 1425 ......................... PA2564  AMP 1429718M91 ............ PA1912 HANO 1432070 ................... PA2216 DENS
                  141811 [H] ............................  FLXI 14215009 ........... PA1637-FN  ISUZ 1425 ......................... PA2564  BGA 1429718M91 ............ PA1912 MASY 1432071 ................... PA2215 DENS
                       Filter Only PA2312  14215013 ........... PA1941-FN  ISUZ 1425 ........................... PT491  NAP 1429961M1 .................. PT29 MASY 1432072 ................... PA2041 DENS
                  141812 [H] ............................  FLXI 14215014 ........... PA1690-FN  ISUZ 1425087 ................... PA1754 FORD 143 ............................... B233 AUTV 1432074 ................... PA2169 DENS
                       Filter Only PA2312  14215017 ................. PA2536  ISUZ 14255046 ................. RS3920 VOLV 143 ............................. PF838  DEL 1432076 ................... PA2243 DENS
                  1418240 ....................... B218 OREN 14215019 ........... PA1941-FN  ISUZ 14255061 ................. RS3921 VOLV 143 ........................... PA1824  ERO 1432077 ................... PA4060 DENS
                  1418241 ................. BF587-D OREN 14215041 ........... PA1941-FN  ISUZ 1425619 ................. PA30040  PIER 143 ............................... B233 PARM 1432078 ................... PA2168 DENS
                  1418A ........... PA4688 FOAM GREY 14215043 ........... PA1637-FN  ISUZ 1425906 ................... PA2905 OREN 143 .......Chevy, Suzuki B159 PROT 1432080 ................... PA2214 DENS
                  1419 ......................... PA2450  AMP 14215044 ........... PA1941-FN  ISUZ 1426 ......................... PA2442  AMP  Others B7139  1432081 ................... PA4028 DENS
                  1419 ......................... PA2450  BGA 14215058 ................. PA2582  ISUZ 1426 ........................... PT385  NAP  Check Applications  1432083 ................... PA4127 DENS
                  1419 ................... PT707-HD3  NAP 14215062 ........... PA1941-FN  ISUZ 1426089 ................... PA2641 OREN 143 ........................... PA2114  UNN 1432084 ................... PA4031 DENS
                  1419010 ............. PA1690-FN JONB 14215067 ................. PA2779  ISUZ 1426098 ................... PA2641 OREN 1430 ......................... PA2409  AMP 1432085 ................... PA4380 DENS
                  1419132 ......w/Drain BF1212 OREN 14215069 ........... PA1637-FN  ISUZ 14261 ......................... PF838 CHAB 1430 ......................... PA2409  BGA 1432086 ................... PA4150 DENS
                       Open End for Bowl  14215075 ................. PA2577  ISUZ 14261549 ................. RS3992 VOLV 1430 ..................... PT207-HD GRES 1432088 ................... PA4305 DENS
                            BF7798-O  14215116 ..............................  ISUZ 14261556 ................. RS3993 VOLV 1430 ............................. P186  NAP 1432089 ................... PA4307 DENS
                   w/Sensor Port BF7798-SP  Standard PA2676  1426450M91 ............ PA1981 MASY 14300 [H] ..............................  MIC 1432090 ................... PA4354 DENS
                  1419133 ....................... P176 OREN  Upgrade PA2676XP  1426451M91 ...... PA1902-FN MASY  Filter Only 415 SERIES  +  1432091 ................. PA10233 DENS
                  1419139 ......w/Drain BF1212 OREN 14215126 ................. PA1657  ISUZ 142674209 ............................  AKER 143000303 ............... PA2772 BOGE 1432092 ................... PA2171 DENS
                       Open End for Bowl  14215132 ........... PA1636-FN  ISUZ  PT23051-MPG  143001462 ............... PA3697  NISS 1432093 ................... PA2207 DENS
                            BF7798-O  14215133 ................. PA1657  ISUZ 1426790 [H] ..........................  CATP 143005090 ............... PA5328 DENS 1432097 ................... PA2042 DENS
                   w/Sensor Port BF7798-SP  14215134 ........... PA1637-FN  ISUZ  Filter Only PT9390-MPG  143005090 ............... PA5328 KOMA 1432098 ................... PA2042 DENS
                  1419455 ............. PA1636-FN FORD 14215137 ................. PA2536  ISUZ 1427 ......................... PA2443  AMP 1430421 [H] ..........................  CATP 1432100 ................... PA2124 DENS
                  14195 ....................... P20-HD CHAM 14215140 ........... PA1750-FN  ISUZ 1427 ........................... PA615 CHEK  Filter Only BT8879-MPG  1432101 ................... PA2167 DENS
                  141A .......................... PA650 GREY 14215144 ........... PA1676-FN  ISUZ 1427 ........................... PT498  NAP 1430492M92 .............. PT370 MASY 1432105 ................... PA4081 DENS
                  141AX ...................... PA4698 GREY 14215152 ........... PA1667-FN  ISUZ 14271010140 ........... PA3757  ISEK 1431 ......................... PA2526  AMP 1432109 ................... PA2182 DENS
                  142 ............................... P198  DEL 14215166 ........... PA1822-FN  ISUZ 14271012840 ........................  ISEK 1431 ......................... PA2526  BGA 143217 ..................... BF7838 KALM
                  142 ........................... PA2776  ERO 14215167 ................. PA2305  ISUZ  PA1865-FN  1431 ...........................BD232  NAP 1432209 ................... PA4793 FORD
                  142 ............................... B166 PROT 14215170 ................. PA1912  ISUZ 142710128400 ......................  ISEK 143101 ....................... BT216  GURI 1432605 ................................ OREN
                  142 ........................... PA2124  UNN 14215183 ........... PA1681-FN  ISUZ  PA1865-FN  143110 ....................... BT259  GURI  Standard PA1886
                  1420 ......................... PA2444  AMP 14215184 ........... PA1902-FN  ISUZ 142714C91 ...........................  IHCO 14311522800 ........................  ISEK  Upgrade PA1886XP
                  1420 ......................... PA2444  BGA 14215193 ........... PA1646-FN  ISUZ  Exc. 86 Series PT379 KIT  PA1690-FN  143283 ..................... PA2547  TIMB
                  1420 .....................................  NAP 14215196 ........... PA1681-FN  ISUZ  Check Applications  143115228000 ......................  ISEK 1432849 .......... PT9390-MPG CATP
                     Standard Media PT480  14215604 ................. PA2031  ISUZ 1427219 ..................... BF790 OREN  PA1690-FN  143287 ....................... BF825 POCL
                    Glass Media PT480-MPG  14215802 ................. PA2904  ISUZ 14274209 ..............................  AKER 1431673 .................. BW5073 OREN 1432A ...................... RS3920 GREY
                  14200 ......................... SF898  CAC 1421660 ................... RS4579 CLAA  PT23051-MPG  1431699 .................. BW5075 OREN 1433 ......................... PA2473  AMP
                  14200 [H] ..............................  MIC 1421670 ................... RS4580 CLAA 1427510 ......w/Drain BF1212 OREN 1431A6 ........................... P52  DIAM 1433 ......................... PA2473  BGA
                   Filter Only 415 SERIES  +  1421704 ..................... P7417 FORD  Open End for Bowl  1431A6 ........................... P52 REOT 1433 ........................... PT285  NAP
                  1420089 ................... PE5272 MBNZ 1422 .........Standard PA2676  AMP  BF7798-O  1431A6 ........................... P52 WHIT 143315 .................. PA2101A  STIL
                  14201 ......................... PF893  CAC  Upgrade PA2676XP  w/Sensor Port BF7798-SP  1432 ......................... PA2468  AMP 1433649 ............... BF1383-O  DAF
                  1420197 ................... PA4938 SCAN 1422 ......................... PA3676  BGA 1427768 ..................... BF812 FORD 1432 ......................... PA2468  BGA 1433650M92 ............ PA2419 MASY
                  14202 ......................... PF894  CAC 1422 ......................... BT8449  NAP 1427806 ....................... P446 FORD 1432 ........................... H9086 LETR 1433690 ................... RS5431  DAF
                  142020 ....................... PA615 POWT 14221522130 ........................  ISEK 1427824 ..................... P7450 FORD 1432 ...................... PT491-10  NAP 1433697 ................... RS4970  DAF
                  1420289 ................... PE5272 MBNZ  PA1690-FN  142784 [H] ............................ CUMM 1432000 ................... PA4041 DENS 1433798 ................................ OREN
                  14203 ......................... BF879  CAC 142273 ......................... P102  STIL 7.13 In. , Filter Only BF7557  1432003 ................... PA2212 DENS  Standard PA2361
                  1420377M91 ...... PA1681-FN MASY 1423 ......................... PA2540  AMP  4.38 In. , Filter Only BF948  1432009 ................... PA2212 DENS  Upgrade PA2361XP
                  14205 ........Others BF840-K1  CAC 1423 ......................... PA2540  BGA  5.45 In. , Filter Only BF957  1432010 ................... PA2201 DENS 1433799 ................... PA2362 OREN
                       Capri, Pinto BF989  1423 ........................... BT472  NAP 142784S [H] ............. FB1311  FLG 1432011 ................... PA2243 DENS 1433860 ................... PT9137 OREN
                      Check Applications  142340 ..................... BF1056  STIL 1427938 ......................... P41 GMCX 1432013 ................... PA4310 DENS 1433A ...................... RS3921 GREY
                  14206 ........Others BF840-K1  CAC 14234111 ................... PF816 BLAW 1427991 ............. PA1681-FN AUTC 1432015 ................... PA2075 DENS 1434 ......................... PA2503  AMP
                       Capri, Pinto BF989  1423477 ..................... BF825 FORD 1427991 ............. PA1681-FN BAKR 1432016 ................... PA2117 DENS 1434 ......................... PA2503  BGA
                      Check Applications  1423477 ..................... BF825 HYST 1427991 ............. PA1681-FN WHIT 1432018 ................... PA4128 DENS 1434 ..................... PT707-HD  NAP
                  1420640 ..................... P7230 CLAA 1423747M91 ............ PA1912 MASY 14279911 [H] ........................  WHIT 1432019 ................... PA2031 DENS 14340356 ................... PT213 VOLV
                  142066 ....................... PT191 CLRK 1423A ...................... PA3597 GREY  Filter Only PA1681-FN  1432020 ................... PA2204 DENS 143403566 ................. PT213 VOLV
                  1420740M91 ...... PA2418-FN MASY 1424 ......................... PA2464  AMP 1428 ......................... PA2312  AMP 1432022 ................... PA4050 DENS 143481C2 ................ PA2619 CASE
                  14208 ......................... BF833  CAC 1424 ......................... PA2464  BGA 1428 ......................... PA2312  BGA 1432028 ................... PA4090 DENS 143481C2 ................ PA2619  IHCO
                  142093 .............. PT189-MPG CATP 1424 ........................... PT498  NAP 1428 ............................. P529  NAP 1432029 ................... PA4106 DENS 143481C91 .............. PA2619 CASE
                  1421 ......................... PA1961  AMP 1424 ........................... PF947 WAUK 14280200 ........ PT9330-MPG VOLV 1432030 ................... PA4104 DENS 143481C91 .............. PA2619  IHCO
                  1421 ...................... PT434-10  NAP 14240002 ..................... BF13 EXXE 1428177M1 .............. CLN&R MASY 1432031 ................. PA10264 DENS 143481C92 .............. PA2619 CASE
                  142100 ..................... PA2631  NEL 14240004 ................. PF7553 EXXE 1428718M91 ............ PA1912 HANO 1432035 ................... PA4182 DENS 143481C92 .............. PA2619  IHCO
                  142100 ..................... PA2631 NLSN 14240005 ................... PF313 EXXE 1428739M91 ...... PA2541-FN HANO 1432036 ............ P A 4 1 0 1         9 0  DENS 1434A ...................... PA3959 GREY
                  1421021 ................... RS3726 SAAB 14240006 ................. PF7554 EXXE 1428739M91 ...... PA2541-FN MASY 1432038 ................... PA2147 DENS 1435 ......................... PA1891  AMP
                  1421021 ................... RS3726 SCAN 14240007 ..................... BF13 EXXE 1428745M91 ...... PA1902-FN MASY 1432044 ................... PA4016 DENS 1435 .................[2]PT727-HD  NAP
                  1421022 ................... RS3724 SAAB 14240009 ................. PF7550 EXXE 1428747M91 ............ PA1912 MASY 1432046 ................... PA4103 DENS 14350 ....................... PA1709  STEI
                  1421022 ................... RS3724 SCAN 14240010 ................... PF311 EXXE 1428748M1 ........ PA1822-FN  IHCO 1432049 ................... PA4015 DENS 1435A ...................... PA4769 GREY
                  14213 ......................... BF932  CAC 14240011 ................... BF954 EXXE 1428748M91 ...... PA2418-FN HANO 1432050 ................. PA10225 DENS 1436 ......................... PA2484  AMP
                   +   See Product Guide for Variations of This Number.  H   H o u s i n g
                   90   Obsolete Pending.
                  CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
                  88 / Auto Parts
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