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    Page 885 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
    P. 885
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and technics


    Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references

    Auto Parts / N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code
                  SRG200013 [H] ....................  DON SRG290001 [H] ....................  DON SRP11663F2 ......[2]PF823-E  STR SRP3 .............................. P40  STR SRPA112 ................. PA1748  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  Outer Standard, Filter Only  Add 5H-5601 Gasket  SRP30 ............................ P42  STR SRPA119 ........... PA1750-FN  STR
                             PA2453              PA2363   SRP11664F ............ PF823-E  STR SRP327 ...............Lube P194  STR SRPA119K .........PA1750-FN  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP11664F2 ......... PF829(2)  STR  Hyd. P194-HD  SRPA12 ..................... PA662  STP
                           PA2453XP             PA2363XP  SRP1170 .................. F919-C  STR SRP4 .............................. P41  STR SRPA12 ..................... PA662  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2454  Inner, Filter Only PA2364  SRP1170F10 ...... [10]F919-C  STR SRP49 .......................... P184  STR SRPA1209K ......... PA1705-2  STR
                  SRG200014 [H] ....................  DON SRG290002 [H] ....................  DON SRP1170F12 ...... [12]F919-C  STR SRP499 ......................BT112  STR SRPA1211 ................. PA645  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1170F17 ...... [17]F919-C  STR SRP50 ............................ B50  STR SRPA1215 ................. PA666  STR
                             PA2453              PA2363   SRP1170F3 .......... [3]F919-C  STR SRP500 .................... C704-L  STR SRPA14 ..................... PA607  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1170F4 .......... [4]F919-C  STR SRP514 ........................ PT48  STR SRPA1412S ......... PA1629-S  STR
                           PA2453XP             PA2363XP    Add [2] 7B-7635 Gaskets  SRP70FF .........By-Pass P73  STR SRPA1414 ............... PA1630  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2454  Inner, Filter Only PA2364  SRP1170F5 .......... [5]F919-C  STR  Shunt P81  SRPA1418S ......... PA1631-S  STR
                  SRG200015 [H] ....................  DON SRG290010 [H] ....................  DON SRP1170F9 .............. F919-C  STR SRP7365 .................... PF827  STR SRPA16 ..................... PA654  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1170F9A ........[9]F919-C  STR SRP7366 .................... PF827  STR SRPA1616 ............... PA1632  STR
                             PA2453              PA2363   SRP1172 ........... Sec. PF902  STR SRP750 .................... C750-E  STR SRPA16973 ............. PA1626  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1173 ........... Sec. PF906  STR SRP7518 .......... Fuel F415-B  STR SRPA17 ..................... PA638  STR
                           PA2453XP             PA2363XP  SRP1174 ............Pri. F916-C  STR  By-Pass V415-B  SRPA17056 ............. PA1630  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2454  Inner, Filter Only PA2364  Sec. PF916  Full-Flow V415-FF  SRPA17064 ............. PA1621  STR
                  SRG200016 [H] ....................  DON SRG290011 [H] ....................  DON SRP1175 ........... Sec. PF902  STR SRP761 ....................... P84-2  STR SRPA17565 ............. PA1625  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1175E ................. PF902  STR SRP775 ........................ P183  STR SRPA17626 ............. PA1630  STR
                             PA2453              PA2363   SRP1177 .................... PF907  STR SRP79 ........................ PT151  STR SRPA17665 ............. PA1613  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1179 .................... PF910  STR SRP7X18P ........Fuel F415-B  STR SRPA17787 ............... PA639  STR
                           PA2453XP             PA2363XP  SRP1181 .................... PF846  STR  By-Pass V415-B  SRPA18065 ............... PA645  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2454  Inner, Filter Only PA2364  SRP11816 .............. PF820-S  STR  Full-Flow V415-FF  SRPA18376 .......... PA1626-2  STR
                  SRG200030 [H] ....................  DON SRG290012 [H] ....................  DON SRP1182 .................. F844-A  STR SRP7X18PP ..... Fuel F415-B  STR SRPA18490 .......... PA1630-2  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1183 .................... PF845  STR  By-Pass V415-B  SRPA19175 ............. PA1635  STR
                             PA2453              PA2453   SRP1184 ........... Sec. PF906  STR  Full-Flow V415-FF  SRPA2 ....................... PA613  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1190 ....................BF825  STR SRP800 ........................ B296  STR SRPA200L ................... P187  STR
                           PA2453XP             PA2453XP  SRP1191 ....................BF825  STR SRP801 ........................ PT29  STR SRPA21 ..................... PA634  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2454  Inner, Filter Only PA2454  SRP11MD .............. F501-MD  STR SRP803 ........................ P174  STR SRPA212 ................. PA1758  STR
                  SRG200031 [H] ....................  DON SRG290023 [H] ....................  DON SRP1240C ............. V1240-C  STR SRP804 ................................  STR SRPA22 ..................... PA632  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP12804L ............ V1520-R  STR  w/o End Seals P171  SRPA23 ..................... PA631  STR
                             PA2363              PA2363   SRP12900 ............................  STR  w/End Seals P172  SRPA232PLHD ......... PA656  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  Standard Flow V429-B  SRP805 ...................... PF816  STR SRPA242PLHD ......... PA618  STR
                           PA2363XP             PA2363XP       Fast Flow V429-FF  SRP806 .......................... P15  STR SRPA25 ..................... PA651  STR
                  SRG200032 [H] ....................  DON  Inner, Filter Only PA2364  SRP131 .......................... P19  STR SRP809 ........................ P176  STR SRPA251287 ........... PA1670  STR
                       Filter Only PA2507  SRG290024 [H] ....................  DON SRP132 ................... P20-HD  STR SRP810 ...................... PF816  STR SRPA28 ..................... PA653  STR
                  SRG200033 [H] ....................  DON Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP133 ....................... S16-1  STR SRP812 ......................BT223  STR SRPA29 ..................... PA640  STR
                       Filter Only PA2507        PA2363   SRP141 ................... P18-HD  STR SRP820 .............Lube PT108  STR SRPA31 ..................... PA625  STR
                  SRG200035 [H] ....................  DON  Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP147 ...............Lube PT11  STR  Hyd. PT108-HD  SRPA33 ..................... PA602  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only   PA2363XP          Hyd. PT11-HD  SRP821 ........................ P106  STR SRPA34 ..................... PA651  STR
                             PA2453     Inner, Filter Only PA2364  SRP15117 ...................... P54  STR SRP823 ........................ P240  STR SRPA37 ..................... PA675  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1 ................................ B2  STR SRP155618A ............. BT251  STR SRP825 ...................... PF838  STR SRPA4 ....................... PA615  STR
                           PA2453XP   SRP1044O ............. V1044-O  STR SRP1575 ..............................  STR SRP826 ........................ PT12  STR SRPA41 ..................... PA655  STP
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2454  SRP105 .......................... P42  STR  By-Pass V414-B  SRP841241 .................... P40  STR SRPA41 ..................... PA655  STR
                  SRG200036 [H] ....................  DON SRP106 .......................... P80  STR  Full-Flow V414-FF  SRP8420 ................ VT842-O  STR SRPA42 ..................... PA671  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1101 ....................BF948  STR SRP1645C ............................  STR SRP842O ............... VT842-O  STR SRPA445 ................. PA1633  STR
                             PA2453   SRP1101L ..................BF957  STR  Fuel F1645-DS  SRP8B5935 ........... PT61-HD  STR SRPA45 ..................... PA642  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1101LFFSD ...................  STR  Lube V1645-C  SRP8F ...................Lube P82  STR SRPA47 ..................... PA621  STR
                           PA2453XP              BF957-D  SRP1645O ...........................  STR  Fuel PF822  SRPA49 ................... PA2007  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2454  SRP1102 .................... PF947  STR  Full-Flow V1656-O  Hyd. PT82-HD  SRPA5 ....................... PA602  STR
                  SRG200038 [H] ....................  DON SRP1104 .................... PF809  STR SRP1652O ............. V1656-O  STR SRP9365 ................ PF821-S  STR SRPA50 ..................... PA648  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1106 ................ PF821-S  STR SRP16560 .............. V1656-O  STR SRPA1 ....................... PA612  STR SRPA51 ..................... PA616  STR
                             PA2363   SRP1108 .................... PF822  STR SRP1656O ............. V1656-O  STR SRPA100890 ........ PA1621-2  STR SRPA512 ................. PA1684  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1112 ............Pri. F916-C  STR SRP1659 ...................... P186  STR SRPA1009 ............... PA1621  STR SRPA52 ..................... PA650  STP
                           PA2363XP            Sec. PF916  SRP1711 ..............................  STR SRPA101 ................... PA652  STR SRPA52 ..................... PA650  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2364  SRP1117 .............. BF838-F2  STR  Standard Flow V429-B  SRPA1010 ................. PA639  STR SRPA54 ..................... PA652  STR
                  SRG200052 [H] ....................  DON SRP1123 .................... PF802  STR  Fast Flow V429-FF  SRPA1012 ................. PA618  STR SRPA57 ..................... PA657  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1124 ........... Sec. PF906  STR SRP1870C ........Fuel F415-B  STR SRPA101234 ........................  STR SRPA58 ................... PA1648  STR
                             PA2453   SRP1127 .................... PF810  STR  By-Pass V415-B  PA1636-FN  SRPA59 ..................... PA658  STP
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP11270F17 ......................  STR  Full-Flow V415-FF  SRPA101240 ........................  STR SRPA59 ..................... PA658  STR
                           PA2453XP            [17]F919-C  SRP1931E .............. V1874-T  STR  PA1637-FN  SRPA5D .................... PA651  STR
                  SRG200055 [H] ....................  DON SRP1127E ................. PF902  STR SRP1953BAG .............. P996  STR SRPA101246 ........................  STR SRPA60 ..................... PA617  STR
                       Filter Only PA2507  SRP1136 .................... PF926  STR SRP1H1 ....................... PT79  STR  PA1681-FN  SRPA618 ................. PA1610  STR
                  SRG200056 [H] ....................  DON SRP1136O .........Sec. PF902  STR SRP1H11 ............... PT86-HD  STR SRPA101275 ........................  STR SRPA62 ..................... PA641  STR
                       Filter Only PA2507  SRP115 .......................... P53  STR SRP1H117 ................... PT70  STR  PA1690-FN  SRPA64 ..................... PA693  STR
                  SRG200059 [H] ....................  DON SRP1150 .................... PF804  STR SRP1H122 ................... PT72  STR SRPA101760 ........ PA1642-2  STR SRPA67 ................... PA1680  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1155 .................... PF155  STR SRP1H2 ..................... PT154  STR SRPA102090 ........... PA1649  STR SRPA68 ................... PA1735  STR
                             PA2363   SRP1161 .................... PF226  STR SRP1H20 ..................... PT29  STR SRPA102183 ........... PA1641  STR SRPA712 ................. PA1647  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP1162 .................... PF225  STR SRP1H26 ....................... P40  STR SRPA103535 ........................  STR SRPA713 ................. PA1675  STR
                           PA2363XP   SRP1163 .................... PF828  STR SRP1H3 .............. Lube P203  STR  Standard PA1706  SRPA717 ................. PA1603  STR
                  SRG290000 [H] ....................  DON SRP1164 .................... PF819  STR  Hyd. P203-HD  Upgrade PA1706XP  SRPA76 ................... PA1712  STR
                  Outer Standard, Filter Only  SRP1166 ................ PF823-E  STR SRP1H4 ..................... PT185  STR SRPA104873 ........................  STR SRPA8 ..................... PA1828  STR
                             PA2363   SRP11661F ............ PF823-E  STR SRP1H5 ....................... P204  STR  PA1667-FN  SRPA809 ................. PA1613  STR
                   Outer Upgrade, Filter Only  SRP11662F ............... PF824  STR SRP20 .......................... PT29  STR SRPA1082 .............PA633(2)  STR SRPA809S ........... PA1613-S  STR
                           PA2363XP   SRP11663F ............ PF823-E  STR SRP237GB29 ............ PF826  STR SRPA1113 ............... PA1634  STR SRPA9 ....................... PA604  STR
                    Inner, Filter Only PA2364             SRP29 ........................ PF194  STR SRPA1116 ............... PA1669  STR SRPA910 ................... PA656  STR
                   H   H o u s i n g
                  CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
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