Page 767 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
P. 767
Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references
Auto Parts / N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code
N7038 ...................... PA2427 CASE NA1510C ................. PA4044 PHOE NA281 ......Standard PA1885 ASAH NA3552 ................................ PHOE NA3608B ................. RS3930 PHOE
N705243L ....................... P40 MASY NA15120R ............... PA1901 PHOE Upgrade PA1885XP Standard RS3514 NA3609 .................... RS3974 PHOE
N7083 ...................... PA2427 CASE NA1514C ................. PA2234 PHOE NA282 ...................... PA1893 AMCO Upgrade RS3514XP NA3609B ................. RS3975 PHOE
N7332 ...................... BT8862 CASE NA1517CT ............... PA4075 PHOE NA282 ...................... PA1893 ASAH NA3552B ................. RS3515 PHOE NA3610 .................... RS3936 PHOE
N8153 ...................... PA2419 CASE NA1518C ................. PA4113 PHOE NA2860 .................... PA2103 PHOE NA3554 .................... RS3512 PHOE NA3611 ................................ PHOE
N83328345 .............. PA5319 ALNC NA152CR ...................PA657 PHOE NA289 ...................... PA2135 AEC NA3554B ................. RS3513 PHOE Standard Media RS3750
N9 ............................ PA1773 NEL NA153U ................... PA2156 PHOE NA289 ...................... PA2135 AMCO NA3556 ................................ PHOE Upgrade RS3750XP
N9 ............................ PA1773 NLSN NA1547CT ............... PA4088 PHOE NA289 ...................... PA2135 ASAH Standard RS3506 NA3612 .................... RS4131 PHOE
N9016 ...................... PA2351 NUE NA1548C ................. PA4092 PHOE NA290 ......Standard PA1846 ASAH Upgrade RS3506XP NA3613 ............... RS3750XP PHOE
N9024 ...................... PA2405 NUE NA1604C ................. PA4102 PHOE Upgrade PA1846XP NA3556B ................. RS3507 PHOE RS3934
N9025 ............. BT8850-MPG CASE NA161621R ............. PA1901 PHOE NA291 ...................... PA1657 ASAH NA355CR .................PA2002 PHOE NA3613B ................. RS3935 PHOE
N9027 ...................... PA2659 NUE NA1617C ................. PA2231 PHOE NA291221 .............. PA10341 PHOE NA3560 .................... RS3502 PHOE NA3614 .................... RS3954 PHOE
N9029 ...................... PA2474 NUE NA161P ................... PA4031 PHOE NA293 ...................... PA1657 AEC NA3560B ................. RS3503 PHOE NA3615 .................... RS3542 PHOE
N9030 ........................ PA616 NUE NA16331R ............... PA2023 PHOE NA293 ...................... PA1657 ASAH NA3562 ................................ PHOE NA3615B ................. RS3543 PHOE
N9086 ............. BT8874-MPG CASE NA165U ................... PA2156 PHOE NA2938R ................. PA2074 PHOE Standard RS3508 NA3616 .................... RS3954 PHOE
N9209 ..................... PF816-S BOG NA166U ................... PA2042 PHOE NA296 ...................... PA2031 AEC Upgrade RS3508XP NA3616B ................. RS3547 PHOE
N9214 ..................... PF820-S BOG NA1676 .................... PA4181 PHOE NA296 ...................... PA2031 AMCO NA3562B ................. RS3509 PHOE NA3617 .................... RS3728 PHOE
N9224 ........................ PF838 BOG NA168P ................... PA2169 PHOE NA296 ...................... PA2031 ASAH NA3566 ................................ PHOE NA3617B ................. RS3729 PHOE
N9230 ...................... PF7833 BOG NA17129R ............... PA3836 PHOE NA2964 .................... PA2135 PHOE Standard RS3516 NA3618 .................... RS3714 PHOE
N9349 ........................ BT735 ECOA NA171CR ...................PA693 PHOE NA2D000 ................. PA4308 PHOE Upgrade RS3516XP NA3619 .................... RS3884 PHOE
N9354 ....................... F950-F BOG NA173P ................... PA4026 PHOE NA30122R ............... PA2081 PHOE NA3569 ................................ PHOE NA3620 .................... RS3826 PHOE
N9359 ....................... F834-F BOG NA174P .......Toyota PA2171 PHOE NA301952 .............. PA10288 PHOE Standard RS2863 NA3620B ................. RS3827 PHOE
N946095 .................... H9072 CASE Check Applications NA301P ................... PA4016 PHOE Upgrade RS2863XP NA3621 .................... RS3764 PHOE
N9675 ........................ BF900 BOG NA178CR .................PA1680 PHOE NA30M125 ............. PT23015 SFRN NA3569B ................. RS3501 PHOE NA3622 .................... RS3922 PHOE
N9676 ........................ BF980 BOG NA180CR ...................PA621 PHOE NA319P ................... PA4015 PHOE NA3570 .................... RS3520 PHOE NA3622B ................. RS3923 PHOE
N9681 ........................ BF783 BOG NA1820R ................. PA1814 PHOE NA329CR .................PA2006 PHOE NA3570B ................. RS3521 PHOE NA3623 .................... RS3727 PHOE
N9960 ............. Lube P20-HD CASE NA188P ................... PA2214 PHOE NA329P ................... PA4103 PHOE NA3576 .................... RS3726 PHOE NA3624 .................... RS3940 PHOE
Trans. PT385 NA193P ................... PA2243 PHOE NA33130 .................. PA2235 PHOE NA3577 .................... RS3724 PHOE NA3625 .................... RS3746 PHOE
N9960 ............. Lube P20-HD STEI NA195P ................... PA4060 PHOE NA331CR .................PA2007 PHOE NA357CR .................PA2005 PHOE NA3626 .................... RS3926 PHOE
Trans. PT385 NA196P ................... PA4028 PHOE NA332CR .................PA2009 PHOE NA3580 .................... RS3718 PHOE NA3626B ................. RS3927 PHOE
NA101N ................... PA4305 PHOE NA2039C ................. PA4163 PHOE NA333CR .................PA1680 PHOE NA3580B ................. RS3719 PHOE NA37101 .................. PA4313 PHOE
NA103N ................... PA4307 PHOE NA2040C ................. PA4123 PHOE NA335CR .................PA1828 PHOE NA3587 .................... RS3549 PHOE NA40174R ............. PA10116 PHOE
NA1052CR ...............PA2117 PHOE NA2055C ................. PA4132 PHOE NA340CR ...................PA602 PHOE NA3587B ................. RS3747 PHOE NA40C010 ...... PT8997-MPG SFRN
NA105N ................... PA4150 PHOE NA20M125 ............... PT9223 SFRN NA34109 ............... PA2101A PHOE NA3591 .................... RS3870 PHOE NA40M125 ............... PT9224 SFRN
NA1088CR ...............PA2193 PHOE NA211 ...................... PA2031 PHOE NA34175 ................ PA10229 PHOE NA3591B ................. RS3871 PHOE NA413 ...................... PA2075 PHOE
NA1089C ................. PA2103 PHOE NA212 ...................... PA1657 PHOE NA345 ...................... RS3731 PHOE NA3592 .................... RS3528 PHOE NA432CR .................PA2153 PHOE
NA1089N ................. PA4118 PHOE NA212CR .................PA1758 PHOE NA345B ................... RS3732 PHOE NA3592B ................. RS3529 PHOE NA433CR .................PA2024 PHOE
NA1092CR ...............PA2116 PHOE NA218 ...................... PA2536 PHOE NA3463 ................. PA2101A PHOE NA3593 ................................ PHOE NA447P ................. PA10231 PHOE
NA1096C ................. PA2189 PHOE NA218CR .................PA1735 PHOE NA3474 ................. PA2101A PHOE Standard RS3510 NA467CR .................PA2051 PHOE
NA1097C ................. PA2241 PHOE NA22051 .................. PA4043 PHOE NA34831 .................. PA2181 PHOE Upgrade RS3510XP NA472 ...................... PA2895 PHOE
NA10M125 ............... PT9222 SFRN NA221 .................... PA10235 PHOE NA348CR .................PA2008 PHOE NA3593B ................. RS3511 PHOE NA477CR .................PA2008 PHOE
NA1103CR .................PA615 PHOE NA22117 .................. PA2208 PHOE NA3501B ................. RS3505 PHOE NA3594 .................... RS3536 PHOE NA479 ...................... PA4084 PHOE
NA1113CP ............... PA2158 PHOE NA22351R ................. PA658 PHOE NA3502 ................................ PHOE NA3594B ................. RS3537 PHOE NA479CR .................PA2052 PHOE
NA1114C ................. PA2149 PHOE NA2263R ................... PA650 PHOE Standard RS3504 NA3595 ................................ PHOE NA48CO .................... PA613 PHOE
NA1115C ................. PA2152 PHOE NA2266 .................... PA1963 AEC Upgrade RS3504XP Standard RS3700 NA49R ....................... PA615 PHO
NA111U ................... PA2037 PHOE NA2266 .................... PA1963 ASAH NA3504 .................... RS3540 PHOE Upgrade RS3700XP NA50M125 ............... PT9331 SFRN E
NA1129C ................. PA2196 PHOE NA2269 .................... PA2121 AEC NA3504B ................. RS3541 PHOE NA3595B ................. RS3701 PHOE NA513 ............... P A 3 9 4 7 9 0 PHOE
NA1131C ................. PA2150 PHOE NA2269 .................... PA2121 ASAH NA3506B ................. RS3705 PHOE NA3596 ................... RS3882 PHOE NA53CR .....................PA602 PHOE
NA1135C ................. PA2218 PHOE NA2276 .............. PA1636-FN ASAH NA3508 .................... RS3716 PHOE NA3596B ................. RS3883 PHOE NA592CR .................PA1802 PHOE
NA1146C ................. PA2164 PHOE NA2282 .............. PA1637-FN AMCO NA3511 .................... RS3988 PHOE NA3597 ................................ PHOE NA633CR .................PA2140 PHOE
NA114CR ...................PA648 PHOE NA2282 .............. PA1637-FN ASAH NA3511B ................. RS3703 PHOE Standard RS3734 NA6890 .............. E S 1 0 7 4 G JOND
NA1163C ................. PA2257 PHOE NA2290 .................... PA2712 ASAH NA3514 .................... RS3538 PHOE Upgrade RS3734XP NA692 ...................... RS3733 PHOE
NA1166C ................. PA2163 PHOE NA2290 .................... PA2208 PHOE NA3514B ................. RS3535 PHOE NA3597B ................. RS3885 PHOE NA697CR .................PA2079 PHOE
NA1172C ................. PA2160 PHOE NA2293 .................... PA2881 ASAH NA351592 ................ PA2774 PHOE NA3598 ................................ PHOE NA736CR .................PA2077 PHOE
NA117CR ...................PA642 PHOE NA238AU ................. PA2135 PHOE NA3521 .................... RS3544 PHOE Standard RS3744 NA742CR .................PA2074 PHOE
NA1195C ................. PA2191 PHOE NA238U ................... PA2121 PHOE NA3521B ................. RS3545 PHOE Upgrade RS3744XP NA744CR .................PA2472 PHOE
NA1208C ................. PA2231 PHOE NA2443R ................... PA691 PHOE NA3526 .................... RS3712 PHOE NA3598B ................. RS3745 PHOE NA751C ................... PA2103 PHOE
NA1233C ................. PA4079 PHOE NA245 ...................... RS3710 PHOE NA3526B ................. RS3713 PHOE NA3599 .................... RS3888 PHOE NA753CR .................PA2091 PHOE
NA1236C ................. PA2232 PHOE NA245L .................... RS3711 PHOE NA3527 .................... RS3736 PHOE NA3600 .................... RS3952 PHOE NA765CR .................PA2083 PHOE
NA1267C ................. PA4046 PHOE NA25114 .................. PA4048 PHOE NA3527B ................. RS3737 PHOE NA3601 ................................ PHOE NA773CR .................PA2106 PHOE
NA1278CR ...............PA4005 PHOE NA26126 .................. PA4126 PHOE NA3529 .................... RS3720 PHOE Standard RS3518 NA780CR .................PA2483 PHOE
NA1279C ................. PA4107 PHOE NA26144 .................. PA4091 PHOE NA3529B ................. RS3721 PHOE Upgrade RS3518XP NA785CR .................PA2109 PHOE
NA1280C ................. PA4046 PHOE NA26151 .................. PA4091 PHOE NA3533 .................... RS3708 PHOE NA3601B ................. RS3519 PHOE NA812CR .................PA2110 PHOE
NA1284C ................. PA4069 PHOE NA26168 .................. PA4091 PHOE NA3533B ................. RS3709 PHOE NA3602 ................................ PHOE NA826CR .................PA2113 PHOE
NA1285C ................. PA2230 PHOE NA266 ...................... PA2536 ASAH NA3536 .................... RS3534 PHOE Standard RS3530 NA83CR .....................PA607 PHOE
NA1291C ................. PA2237 PHOE NA266Y ................... PA2536 AMCO NA3537 ................................ PHOE Upgrade RS3530XP NA847P ................... PA4050 PHOE
NA1292C ................. PA4071 PHOE NA269 ...................... PA1973 ASAH Standard RS3539 NA3602B ................. RS3531 PHOE NA855CR .................PA2124 PHOE
NA1298C ................. PA4085 PHOE NA269CR .................PA1798 PHOE Upgrade RS3539XP NA3603 .................... RS3550 PHOE NA858C ................... PA2104 PHOE
NA1311C ................. PA2229 PHOE NA270 ...................... PA2712 PHOE NA3540 ................................ PHOE NA3604 .................... RS3740 PHOE NA862P ................... PA4077 PHOE
NA1323C ................. PA4076 PHOE NA271541 ......... P A 4 0 8 2 9 0 PHOE Standard RS3548 NA3604B ................. RS5741 PHOE NA867P ................... PA4104 PHOE
NA1341C ................. PA3763 PHOE NA273 ...................... RS3922 AMCO Upgrade RS3548XP NA3605 .................... RS3707 PHOE NA86CR .....................PA625 PHOE
NA134CR ...................PA650 PHOE NA274 ......Standard PA1884 ASAH NA3540B ................. RS3722 PHOE NA3606 .................... RS3749 PHOE NA875C ................... PA2138 PHOE
NA1362R ................. PA2099 PHOE Upgrade PA1884XP NA3541 .................... RS3532 PHOE NA3607 .................... RS3738 PHOE NA905CR .................PA2134 PHOE
NA1416C ................. PA2200 PHOE NA275 ...................... PA1911 AMCO NA3541B ................. RS3533 PHOE NA3607B ................. RS3739 PHOE NA921CR ................ PA2114 PHOE
NA141U ................... PA2065 PHOE NA275 ...................... PA1911 ASAH NA354CR .................PA2010 PHOE NA3608 .................... RS3715 PHOE
NA1509CT ............... PA2240 PHOE NA279 ...................... PA2536 PHOE
NA150U ................... PA2124 PHOE NA281 ...................... PA1885 AMCO .
90 Obsolete Pending.
G G a s k e t
CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
765 / Auto Parts