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    Page 476 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
    P. 476
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and technics


    Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references

    Auto Parts / N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code   N u m b e r  Baldwin  Code
                  AF25417 .................. PA3636  FLG AF255089 ................ PA1851  GFF AF25614 .................. RS4963  FLG AF25708M ............... RS4993  FLG AF25852 .................. PA2699  FLG
                  AF25418 .................. PA4602  FLG AF25509K .......... PA3924-FN  FLG AF25615 .................. RS4549  FLG AF25709 .................. PA4888  FLG AF25854 .................. RS4131  FLG
                  AF25419 .................. PA4603  FLG AF255133 ................ PA2712  GFF AF25617 ................. RS3934  FLG AF25710 .................. RS5455  FLG AF25855 .................. PA4852  FLG
                  AF254196 ............. PA1626-2  GFF AF25519 .................. RS3703  FLG AF25618 .................. RS5304  FLG AF25711 .................. RS5456  FLG AF25856 .................. RS5344  FLG
                  AF25423 .................. PA2237  FLG AF2552 .................... PA2433  REF AF25619 .................. RS3826  FLG AF25713 .................. PA4652  FLG AF25857 .................. RS5345  FLG
                  AF25424 .................. PA3684  FLG AF25520 .................. RS3545  FLG AF25620 .................. RS3827  FLG AF25719 .................. PA4723  FLG AF25858 .................. RS4564  FLG
                  AF25425 .................. PA3685  FLG AF25521 .................. RS3709  FLG AF25621 .................. PA4110  FLG AF25720K .......... PA3671-FN  FLG AF2587 .................... PA1781  REF
                  AF25426 .................. RS3888  FLG AF25522 .................. RS5484  FLG AF25623 .................. RS3952  FLG AF25721 .................. RS3922  FLG AF25872 .................. RS5431  FLG
                  AF25427 .................. PA3844  FLG AF25523 .................. RS3745  FLG AF25624 .................. RS3737  FLG AF25722 .................. RS3923  FLG AF25873 .................. RS4970  FLG
                  AF25428 .................. PA3838  FLG AF25524 .................. RS3708  FLG AF25625M ............... PA5699  FLG AF25723 .................. RS3992  FLG AF25875 .................. RS4968  FLG
                  AF25429 .................. RS3722  FLG AF25525 ...............................  FLG AF25626 .................. RS5483  FLG AF25724 .................. RS3993  FLG AF25876 .................. RS4969  FLG
                  AF25430 .................. RS3531  FLG  Standard RS3516  AF25627 .................. RS4638  FLG AF25725 .................. RS3990  FLG AF25877 .................. PA4573  FLG
                  AF25432K .......... PA4674-FN  FLG  Upgrade RS3516XP  AF25629 .................. PA4120  FLG AF25726 .................. RS3991  FLG AF25878 .................. PA4574  FLG
                  AF25433 .................. PA4819  FLG AF25526 .................. RS3542  FLG AF25630 .................. PA3980  FLG AF25727 .................. RS3942  FLG AF2588 .................... PA1782  REF
                  AF25434 .................. RS3547  FLG AF25527 .................. PA3812  FLG AF25631 .................. RS4966  FLG AF25728 .................. RS3943  FLG AF25884 .................. PA5473  FLG
                  AF25435 .................. RS3740  FLG AF25528K .......... PA3811-FN  FLG AF25632 ...............................  FLG AF25729 .................. RS3994  FLG AF25885 ........... P A 5 4 7 4         9 0  FLGI
                  AF25436 .................. RS3988  FLG AF25529 .................. PA3819  FLG  Standard Media RS4967  AF25730 .................. RS3995  FLG AF25886 ................. RS3882  FLG
                  AF25437 ...............................  FLG AF25530 .................. PA3419  FLG  Flame Retardant Media  AF25731 .................. PA5426  FLG AF25887 .................. RS3883  FLG
                        Standard RS3744  AF25531 ...............................  FLG  RS5776  AF25732 .................. RS4637  FLG AF25888 .................. PA4802  FLG
                      Upgrade RS3744XP      Standard PA1885  AF25634 .................. RS5351  FLG AF25733 ........... P A 4 9 5 7         9 0  FLG AF25889 ................ RS30078  FLG
                  AF25439 .................. RS3729  FLG  Upgrade PA1885XP  AF25635 .................. RS4864  FLG AF25734 .................. PA3904  FLG AF2589 .................... PA1783  REF
                  AF25440K .......... PA3983-FN  FLG AF25538 .................. RS3715  FLG AF25636 .................. PA4113  FLG AF25741 .................. PA3672  FLG AF25890 ................ RS30077  FLG
                  AF25441 .................. PA3479  FLG AF25539 .................. RS3954  FLG AF25640 .................. RS3732  FLG AF25742 .................. PA2232  FLG AF25894 .................. RS4971  FLG
                  AF25442 ............ PA3651-FN  FLG AF25540K .......... PA3818-FN  FLG AF25647 .................. PA3894  FLG AF25745 .................. PA4632  FLG AF25895 .................. BT9408  FLG
                  AF25443 .................. PA3650  FLG AF25541 .................. PA3763  FLG AF25648 .................. RS3940  FLG AF25746 .................. RS5546  FLG AF25896 .................. RS5361  FLG
                  AF25444 .................. PA3670  FLG AF25542 .................. PA2607  FLG AF2565 .................... PA1625  REF AF25747 .................. RS3732  FLG AF25897 .................. RS4580  FLG
                  AF25449 .................. PA2792  FLG AF25543K .......... PA4604-FN  FLG AF25653 .................. RS5342  FLG AF25748 .................. RS4620  FLG AF25898 .................. RS5301  FLG
                  AF25450 .................. PA3914  FLG AF25544 .................. PA3496  FLG AF25654 .................. PA2767  FLG AF25749 .................. RS4621  FLG AF25899 ................ RS30180  FLG
                  AF25452 .................. PA5498  FLG AF25545 .................. PA3498  FLG AF25656 .................. PA2038  FLG AF25753 .................. PA4881  FLG AF258F .................... PA4081 FEDE
                  AF25453 .................. PA5499  FLG AF25546 .................. PA2756  FLG AF25657 .................. PA3803  FLG AF25754 .................. PA2231  FLG AF259 ...................... PA2536  BOG
                  AF25454 .................. RS3870  FLG AF25547 .................. PA2750  FLG AF25659 .................. PA3782  FLG AF25755 .................. RS5684  FLG AF259 ........................ PA641  FLG
                  AF25456K .......... PA2846-FN  FLG AF25548 .................. PA2751  FLG AF25660 .................. PA3829  FLG AF25756 ...............................  FLG AF259 ...................... PA2536  ROB
                  AF25457 .................. PA3949  FLG AF25549 .................. PA3499  FLG AF25661 .................. PA3804  FLG  No Blank Band RS3744  AF2590 .................... PA1784  REF
                  AF2546 .................................  REF AF25550 .................. RS3715  FLG AF25662 .................. PA3877  FLG  No Blank Band Upgrade  AF25906 ........... P A 5 4 8 0  9 0  FLG
                        Standard PA2456  AF25551 .................. RS3704  FLG AF25664 .................. PA3822  FLG  RS3744XP  AF25907 ........... P A 5 4 8 1   9 0  FLG
                      Upgrade PA2456XP  AF25552 .................. RS3705  FLG AF25665 .................. PA3937  FLG AF25757 .................. PA4113  FLG AF2591 .................... PA1780  REF
                  AF25460 .................. RS3718  FLG AF25553 .................. RS4595  FLG AF25666 .................. PA3802  FLG AF25758M ............... PA2599  FLG AF25910 .................. PA5467  FLG
                  AF25460M ............... RS3718  FLG AF25554 .................. RS3747  FLG AF25667 ...............................  FLG AF25762 ................... LL1886  FLG AF25911 .................. PA5468  FLG
                  AF25461M ............... RS3719  FLG AF25555 .................. RS3542  FLG  Standard RS3517  AF25763M ............... PA2852  FLG AF25921 .................. PA2546  LEYL
                  AF25466M ............... RS3720  FLG AF25556 .................. RS3543  FLG  Upgrade RS3517XP  AF25764 .................. PA2853  FLG AF25930 .................. PA2547  LEYL
                  AF25467M ............... RS3721  FLG AF25557 .................. RS3544  FLG AF25668 .................. PA2839  FLG AF25767 .................. RS3996  FLG AF25938 .................. PA2742  FLGI
                  AF25468 .................. RS3871  FLG AF25558 .................. RS3545  FLG AF25670 .................. PA3757  FLG AF25768 .................. RS3997  FLG AF25939 .................. PA2742  LEYL
                  AF25469 .................. RS3738  FLG AF25560 .................. RS3710  FLG AF25672 .................. PA3781  FLG AF25769 ...............................  FLG AF25947 .................. PA2743  FLGI
                  AF2547 .................... PA2457  REF AF25561 .................. RS3711  FLG AF25673 ............ PA3557-FN  FLG  Standard RS3998  AF25948 .................. PA2743  LEYL
                  AF25470 .................. RS3739  FLG AF25565 .................. RS3920  FLG AF25674 .................. PA2710  FLG  Upgrade RS3998XP  AF25952M ............................  FLG
                  AF25471 .................. PA4551  FLG AF25566 .................. RS3921  FLG AF25675 .................. PA4592  FLG AF25770 .................. RS3999  FLG  Standard RS4634
                  AF25472 .................. PA4820  FLG AF25569 .................. PA1891  FLG AF25676 .................. PA3632  FLG AF25771 .................. PA3497  FLG  Upgrade RS4634XP
                  AF25473 .................. PA4552  FLG AF25570 .................. PA3469  FLG AF25677 .................. PA3777  FLG AF25775 .................. PA4567  FLG AF25953 .................. PA4560  FLG
                  AF25474 .................. PA3957  FLG AF25571 .................. PA3470  FLG AF25678 .................. PA2706  FLG AF25776 .................. PA3495  FLG AF25954 .................. PA4559  FLG
                  AF25476 .................. RS5343  FLG AF25573 .................. PA5328  FLG AF25680 .................. PA3482  FLG AF25777 .................. PA3869  FLG AF25955 .................. RS4572  FLG
                  AF25477 .................. PA3833  FLG AF25574 .................. PA5710  FLG AF25682 .................. PA4088  FLG AF25778 .................. PA3824  FLG AF25956 .................. PA4489  FLG
                  AF25478 .................. RS4794  FLG AF25575 .................. RS3704  FLG AF25683 .................. PA4089  FLG AF25779 .................. PA2353  FLG AF25957 .................. RS5334  FLG
                  AF25479 .................. RS3764  FLG AF25576 .................. RS3705  FLG AF25684 .................. PA4102  FLG AF25780 .................. PA5300  FLG AF25958K .......... PA4870-FN  FLG
                  AF2548 .................... PA4164  CHP AF25578M ............... PA3792  FLG AF25686 .................. PA2711  FLG AF25781 .................. PA5655  FLG AF25960 .................. RS5745  FLG
                  AF2548 .................... PA4164 CIGO AF25580KM ....... PA3557-FN  FLG AF25687 .................. RS3936  FLG AF25785 .................. PA5657  FLG AF25961 .................. RS5746  FLG
                  AF2548 .................... PA4164  LUF AF25582M ............... PA5412  FLG AF25688 .................. PA5425  FLG AF25786 .................. PA4635  FLG AF25962 .................. RS4992  FLG
                  AF25480 .................. RS3730  FLG AF25584M ............... PA4648  FLG AF25689K .......... PA2418-FN  FLG AF25787 .................. PA3939  FLG AF25963 .................. RS5329  FLG
                  AF25481 .................. PA4166  FLG AF25588 ...............................  FLG AF25693 .................. RS4563  FLG AF25788 .................. PA3828  FLG AF25964 ...............................  FLG
                  AF25483 .................. RS4962  FLG  Standard Media RS3542  AF25694 .................. RS3743  FLG AF25789 .................. PA2601  FLG  Standard RS3734
                  AF25484 .................. RS3543  FLG  Flame Retardant Media  AF25695 .................. PA4956  FLG AF25794 .................. RS4679  FLG  Upgrade RS3734XP
                  AF25485 .................. RS3545  FLG  RS4578  AF25697 .................. PA5319  FLG AF25795 .................. RS4678  FLG AF25966M ............... PA1608  FLG
                  AF25490 .................. PA3682  FLG AF25589 .................. RS3736  FLG AF256K .............. PA1980-FN  HAS AF25797 ................ PA30149  FLG AF25967 .................. RS3930  FLG
                  AF25491 .................. RS3885  FLG AF25590 .................. PA4075  FLG AF257 ........................ PA602  FLG AF25798 .................. BT8429  FLG AF25969 .................. RS5313  FLG
                  AF25492 .................. RS3884  FLG AF25591 ............ PA2418-FN  FLG AF257 ...................... PA2414  HAS AF258 ........................ PA655  FLG AF25972 .................. PA4947  FLG
                  AF25496 .................. RS4775  FLG AF25592 .................. RS3545  FLG AF257 ...................... PA2125  ROB AF258 ...................... PA4081  HAS AF25975 .................. RS4959  FLG
                  AF25497 .................. RS3703  FLG AF25593 .................. PA5323  FLG AF25700 .................. RS4576  FLG AF258 ...................... PA2099  ROB AF25976 .................. RS5360  FLG
                  AF25498 .................. PA3902  FLG AF25595 .................. RS3926  FLG AF25701 .................. RS4577  FLG AF25801 .................. PA2833  FLG AF25977 .................. PA2691  FLG
                  AF25499 .................. PA3903  FLG AF25596 .................. RS3927  FLG AF25702 .................. PA4666  FLG AF25803 .................. PA5464  FLG AF25978 .................. PA2670  FLG
                  AF255 .................... PA30034  FLG AF25596M ............... RS3927  FLG AF25703K .......... PA4665-FN  FLG AF25804 .................. PA5463  FLG AF2598 .................... PA2450  REF
                  AF255 ...................... PA2031  ROB AF25598 ...............................  FLG AF25704 .................. RS4562  FLG AF25812 .................. PA5445  FLG AF2599 .................... PA2444  REF
                  AF25500K .......... PA3411-FN  FLG  Standard Media RS3750  AF25705 .................. PA4624  FLG AF25813 .................. PA5446  FLG AF25997 .................. RS5627  FLG
                  AF25501 .................. PA5787  FLG  Upgrade RS3750XP  AF25706 .................. PA4625  FLG AF25829 .................. PA4938  FLG AF26 ........................ SA2159  BWS
                  AF25504 .................. RS4972  FLG AF25599 .................. PA4126  FLG AF25707 .................. RS4636  FLG AF25830 .................. RS4579  FLG AF26 ........................ SA2159 CENE
                  AF25505 .................. RS3988  FLG AF25607 .................. PA4824  FLG AF25708 .................. RS4993  FLG AF25840 .................. PA4612  FLG AF26 ........................ SA2159  CHP
                  AF25506 .................. PA2395  FLG AF25608 .................. PA2147  FLG  AF25841 .................. PA4793  FLG AF26 ........................ SA2159 CIGO
                  AF25507 .................. PA3966  FLG AF25610 .................. RS5448  FLG  AF25848 .................. PA4134  FLG
                  AF25508 .................. PA2256  FLG AF25612 .................. RS5447  FLG  AF25849 .................. PA5626  FLG
                   90   Obsolete Pending.
                  CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
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