Page 308 - Catalog cross-references filters BALDWIN
P. 308
Catalog Baldwinfilters cross-references
Auto Parts / N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code N u m b e r Baldwin Code
6162535100 [H] .................... KOMA 61676 ................. PA1676-FN GLOB 61817 ........................ C704-L BUDA 61851381 ......Others B173-S AUEX 61886 .......Standard PA1886 GLOB
Standard , Filter Only 6168 ......................... PA1973 NAP 61817 ........................ C704-L FIAT Mazda B227 Upgrade PA1886XP
[2]B196 61683 ....................... PA1683 GLOB 61817 ........................ C704-L TRCT Check Applications 61894 .......Standard PA1894 GLOB
Extended Life, Filter Only 61690 ................. PA1690-FN GLOB 618179 ...................... C704-L ALCH 61851391 .............................. AUEX Upgrade PA1894XP
[2]B96 6169998 ................................ FORD 618179 ...................... C704-L BUDA Chevy, Suzuki B159 618FPS1734 ......................... CONP
6162535101 [H] .................... KOMA Standard PA1885 618179 ...................... C704-L TRCT Others B7139 Standard PA1885
Standard , Filter Only Upgrade PA1885XP 61818 ........................ C704-L ALCH Check Applications Upgrade PA1885XP
[2]B196 616P ............................. P352 GREY 61818 ........................ C704-L BUDA 61851392 ..................... B156 AUEX 618P ....................... PF816-S GREY
Extended Life, Filter Only 617 ............................... P184 AMP 61818 ........................ C704-L TRCT 61851393 ..................... B178 AUEX 619 ............................. P7127 ASAH
[2]B96 617 ................................. B97 DEL 6182 ......................... PA4026 NAP 61851394 ....................... B33 AUEX 619 ............................... B975 CRO
6162535102 [H] .................... KOMA 61701 ....................... PA2650 GENC 6183 ......................... PA2207 NAP 61851398 ..................... P125 AUEX 619 ............................. BF593 DEL
Standard , Filter Only 6170940004 ............. PA1901 DAIM 6184 ......................... PA2153 NAP 61851452 .............................. AUEX 619 ........................... PA4198 PROT
[2]B196 6170940004 ............. PA1901 MBNZ 61846 .......Standard PA1846 GLOB MWM, VW B114 6190 ......................... BF7619 TEHO
Extended Life, Filter Only 6171211 ................... RS5391 DENN Upgrade PA1846XP Isuzu, Nissan B118 61901 ........................... B228 KAES
[2]B96 6171211 ................... RS5391 EAGD 618478 ......................... PT48 ALCH Check Applications 6190164M1 .............. BT8417 MASY
6162535400 [H] .................... KOMA 617127C1 ................ PA2300 IHCO 618478 ......................... PT48 BUDA 61851515 ......................... B2 AUEX 61904 ....................... PA1904 GLOB
Standard , Filter Only 6171800009 ................. P102 DAIM 618478 ......................... PT48 FIAT 61851515MP ..............[12]B2 AUEX 61905 ....................... PA1905 GLOB
[2]B196 6171800009 ................. P102 MBNZ 618478 ......................... PT48 TRCT 61851516 ..................... B243 AUEX 619051 ................... SA10127 PUR
Extended Life, Filter Only 6171800125 ................. P102 MBNZ 6184942 ..................... B7001 FORD 61851516MP ..........[12]B243 AUEX 6190627M1 .............. RS3544 MASY
[2]B96 6171840025 ................. P102 DAIM 61851036 ....................B35-S AUEX 61851521 ..................... B163 AUEX 6190628M1 .............. RS3545 MASY
6162535402 [H] .................... KOMA 6171840025 ................. P102 MBNZ 61851036MP ........ [12]B35-S AUEX 61851522 ................... B1432 AUEX 6190800100 ............. PA1893 MITS
Standard , Filter Only 6171840125 ................. P102 DAIM 61851040 ....................B43-S AUEX 61851522MP ........[12]B1432 AUEX 6190800500 ............. PA1911 MITS
[2]B196 6171840125 ................. P102 MBNZ 61851040MP ........ [12]B43-S AUEX 61851607 ................... BT339 AUEX 6190810M1 .............. BT8417 TERE
Extended Life, Filter Only 6172 ......................... PA2698 ERO 61851042 ....................... B31 AUEX 61851626 ..................... B141 AUEX 619121 ........... PA618 FOAM PUR
[2]B96 6172 ......................... PA2072 NAP 61851042MP ............[12]B31 AUEX 61851734 ................... B7039 AUEX 6191349AB ................ P9600 CHRY
61626 ........................... B141 PARM 6172024 ................... PA4790 FORD 61851045 ....................... B30 AUEX 61851734MP ........[12]B7039 AUEX 6191362H1 .............. RS3715 MASY
61626 ........................... B141 RKHL 61726 ............................... B2 KAES 61851060 ................... B1428 AUEX 61851742 ..................... B134 AUEX 6191362M1 .............. RS3715 IHCO
6162736101 [H] .................... KOMA 61729 ........................... B229 KAES 61851060MP ........[12]B1428 AUEX 61851794 ......................... B7 AUEX 6191362M1 .............. RS3715 MASY
Filter Only [3]BF7546 6173 ......................... PA2855 ERO 61851061 ......................... B6 AUEX 61854047 ................... P7398 AUEX 6191515M1 .............. RS3954 CASE
6162736102 [H] .................... KOMA 6173 ......................... PA2193 NAP 61851068 ..................... B233 AUEX 61857021 ................... P7338 AUEX 6191516M1 .............. RS3547 CASE
Filter Only [3]BF1248 61734 ......................... B7039 PARM 61851068MP ..........[12]B233 AUEX 61857029 ................. P40102 AUEX 6191516M91 ............ RS3547 CASE
6162736302 [H] .................... KOMA 61734BP .................... B7039 PARM 61851069 ....................... B27 AUEX 61857033 ................... P1440 AUEX 619180 ......................... B236 KAES
Filter Only [2]BF596 6174 ......................... PA3404 ERO 61851069MP ............[12]B27 AUEX 61857041 ................... P7406 AUEX 6192 ......................... PA1963 NAP
6162736502 [H] .................... KOMA 6174 ......................... PA2164 NAP 61851085 ....................... B34 AUEX 61857045 ................... B7444 AUEX 6192187 ................... BF1047 FORD
Filter Only [3]BF957 61740 ........................... P174 ARMS 61851085MP ............[12]B34 AUEX 61857050 ................... P7515 AUEX 6193 ......................... PA4105 NAP
61630 ........................... P140 PARM 61742 ........................... B134 PARM 61851088 ..................... B178 AUEX 61857060 ..................... B160 AUEX 6193 ........................... BF980 TEHO
61630 ........................... P140 RKHL 6174MP ................... PA2164 NAP 61851145 ................... P1419 AUEX 61857060MP ..........[12]B160 AUEX 619381C1 .................CLN&R IHCO
61634 .......Standard PA1634 GLOB 6176 ....................... PA30303 NAP 61851186 ................... P7137 AUEX 61857061 ................... P7400 AUEX 6194 ....................... PA30013 NAP
Upgrade PA1634XP 6176076 ................... BF7844 FORD 61851191 ..................... B114 AUEX 61857064 ................... P7454 AUEX 61942013 ................. PA4173 AUEX
61637 ................. PA1637-FN GLOB 61765 ....................... PA1765 GLOB 61851212 ................... P7136 AUEX 61857078 ................... P7493 AUEX 61942015 ................. PA4353 AUEX
6163837040 ............. PA2478 KOMA Not for Use as Cab Air 61851223 ................... P7138 AUEX 61857079 ................... P7411 AUEX 61942020 ................... PA615 AUEX
61643A ................. PA1621-2 BRAY 6177 ............................ 19992 ACD 61851226 ................... P1443 AUEX 61857082 ................... P7442 AUEX 61942039 ................. PA2076 AUEX
61647 ....................... PA1647 GLOB 61778 ....................... PA1778 GLOB 61851228 ................... B1435 AUEX 61857083 ................... P7415 AUEX 61942044 ................. PA2010 AUEX
6164913 ................... BF7522 FORD 61779 ....................... PA1779 GLOB 61851231 ................... B7424 AUEX 61857090 ................... P1433 AUEX 61942054 ................... PA642 AUEX
6165 ......................... PA1657 NAP 61780 ....................... PA1780 GLOB 61851246 ................... P1418 AUEX 61857092 ................... B7243 AUEX 61942055 ................... PA657 AUEX
616513 ............... PA1690-FN CLRK 617801 ....................... PT213 VOLV 61851258 ....................... B39 AUEX 61857099 ................... B1438 AUEX 61942067 ................. PA2005 AUEX
616520 ............... PA1690-FN FORD 61781 ....................... PA1781 GLOB 61851307 ..................... B163 AUEX 61857145 ....................... B37 AUEX 61942073 ................. PA2051 AUEX
61654541 .............................. FIAT 61782 ....................... PA1782 GLOB 61851311 ..................... B163 AUEX 61857173 ................... P7418 AUEX 61942077 ................. PA1802 AUEX
Standard PA1884 61783 ....................... PA1783 GLOB 61851315 ................... B1416 AUEX 61857186 ................... P7417 AUEX 61942083 ................... PA658 AUEX
Upgrade PA1884XP 61784 ....................... PA1784 GLOB 61851334 .........Others B227 AUEX 61857187 ................... P7399 AUEX 61942086 .......... P A 4 3 5 7 9 0 AUEX
61654541 .............................. IVEC 6179 ......................... PA2134 NAP Subaru B301 61857202 ................... B1441 AUEX 61942088 ................. PA1680 AUEX
Standard PA1884 61794 ............................... B7 PARM Isuzu B421 61857202MP ........[12]B1441 AUEX 61942095 ................. PA1758 AUEX
Upgrade PA1884XP 61794 ......................... PF857 PUR Check Applications 61857203 ................... P7313 AUEX 61942096 ................. PA2079 AUEX
61657203 ................... BF797 FIAT 6179400 ..................... PF857 PUR 61851334MP ........................ AUEX 61857210 ................... P7308 AUEX 61942098 ................. PA2008 AUEX
616582 ..................... PA1911 CATP 617966M ........................ P40 ALCH Others [12]B227 61857250 ................... P7364 AUEX 61942099 ................. PA2009 AUEX
6166 ........................... PT466 MICP 617966M ........................ P40 BUDA Subaru [12]B301 61857302 ................... B1435 AUEX 61942101 ................. PA2006 AUEX
6166 ......................... PA2148 NAP 617966M ........................ P40 FIAT Isuzu [12]B421 61857303 ................... P7408 AUEX 61942103 ................. PA2077 AUEX
61660298 ................... BT347 FIAT 617966M ........................ P40 TRCT Check Applications 61857312 ................... P7436 AUEX 61942116 ................. PA2002 AUEX
6166512 ................... PA2051 FORD 61797 ....................... PA1797 GLOB 61851342 ..................... B178 AUEX 61857327 ................... P7438 AUEX 61942133 ................. PA2103 AUEX
61669 ....................... PA1669 GLOB 6179700 ..................... B7275 FORD 61851348 .............................. AUEX 61857356 ................... B1402 AUEX 61942136 ................. PA2121 AUEX
6167 ......................... PA2002 NAP 618 ............................. BT839 AMP Geo, Suzuki B159 61857502 ................... B7449 AUEX 61942141 ................. PA2074 AUEX
6167 ........................... P7084 NIPP 618 ............................. BT839 BGA Others BT223 61857512 ................... P7450 AUEX 61942164 ................. PA4341 AUEX
61670 ....................... PA1670 GLOB 618 ............................. BF592 DEL Check Applications 61857526 ................... P7492 AUEX 61942170 .............. PA2101A AUEX
61671160 ..................... B236 FIAT 618 ........................... PA4358 PROT 61851348MP ..........[12]B159 AUEX 61857561 ................... B7452 AUEX 61942177 ................. PA2244 AUEX
61671160 ..................... B236 IVEC 6180 ......................... PA2136 NAP [12]BT223 61857620 ................. BT7349 AUEX 61942181 ................. PA4129 AUEX
61671600 ..................... B236 ALCH 6180515130 ............... BT216 KOMA 61851355 ................... B1429 AUEX 61857620MP ........................ AUEX 61942188 ................. RS4189 AUEX
61671600 ..................... B236 BUDA 618074 ..................... PA2700 SAMB 61851356 ................... B1402 AUEX [12]BT7349 61942218 ................. RS4189 AUEX
61671600 ..................... B236 FIAT 618079 ........................... P41 WHIT 61851357 ................... B1400 AUEX 61857674 ................... P7489 AUEX 61942295 ................. PA4091 AUEX
61671600 ..................... B236 TRCT 61814 ........................ C704-L ALCH 61851358 ................... B1400 AUEX 61857806 ................... P7488 AUEX 61942329 ................. PA4179 AUEX
616720 ............... PA1690-FN FORD 61814 ........................ C704-L BUDA 61851361 ..................... B113 AUEX 61857899 ..................... B329 AUEX 61942341 ................. PA4181 AUEX
61673585 ..................... B236 ALCH 61814 ........................ C704-L FIAT 61851365 ................... B1400 AUEX 6186 ......................... PA2216 NAP 61942349 ................. PA2075 AUEX
61673585 ..................... B236 BUDA 61814 ........................ C704-L TRCT 61851372 ..................... B329 AUEX 61876 ........................... B229 KAES 61942384 ................. PA4118 AUEX
61673585 ..................... B236 FIAT 618142 ...................... C704-L ALCH 61851372MP ..........[12]B329 AUEX 618760 ......................... B229 KAES 61942385 ................. PA4163 AUEX
61673585 ..................... B236 IVEC 618142 ...................... C704-L BUDA 61851374 ................... BT223 AUEX 618781007510 ............. P723 ISEK 61942389 ................. PA4132 AUEX
61673585 ..................... B236 TRCT 618142 ...................... C704-L TRCT 61851378 ................... B1422 AUEX 6188 ......................... PA2001 NAP 61942412 ................. PA4359 AUEX
61674455 ................... BF988 FIAT 61815 ....................... PA1815 GLOB 61880 ....................... PA1880 GLOB 61942472 ................. PA4111 AUEX
61675 ....................... PA1675 GLOB 61817 ........................ C704-L ALCH
90 Obsolete Pending.
H H o u s i n g
CAUTION: For general references only. Check catalog for correct filter application. Any use of this interchange to determine filter application is done at the installers risk.
WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
306 / Auto Parts