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    Page 740 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for cars
    P. 740
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for cars


    Catalog Baldwinfilters for cars

    Auto Parts / English
                                    Date Coding Methods
                                                  BALDWIN FILTER DATE CODING METHODS
                                    You will find several different date coding methods used on Baldwin products and packaging. Please look for one of these
                                    coding methods whenever you are trying to find the date of manufacture for a Baldwin product.
                                    n  Six (6) Digit Numeric Code     -   e.g. 010316
                                         Introduced November 8, 2002 (Replaces (3) Digit Numeric Code)
                                                                                                1st Two Digits              - 01 -        indicate month (January)
                                                                                                2nd Two Digits             - 03 -        indicate day of month (3rd)
                                                                                                Last Two Digits            - 16 -        indicate year (2016)
                                    n  Eleven (11) Digit Numeric Code  -  e.g. 08291614301
                                         Introduced November 8, 2002 (Replaces (10) Digit Numeric Code)
                                                                                                1st Two Digits              - 08 -        indicate month (August)
                                                                                                2nd Two Digits             - 29 -        indicate day of month (29th)
                                                                                                5th and 6th Digits        - 16 -        indicate year (2016)
                                                                                                Next 4 Digits              - 1430 -      indicate time of day (Military) (2:30 p.m.)
                                                                                                Last Digit                      - 1 -         indicates filter line
                                    Date Coding Methods Used Prior to 2003
                                    n  Three (3) Digit Numeric Code   -   e.g. 082
                                                                                                1st Two Digits              - 08 -        indicate month (August)
                                                                                                Last Digit                      - 2 -         indicates year (2002)
                                    n  Ten (10) Digit Numeric Code   -   e.g. 0829214303
                                                                                                1st Two Digits              - 08 -        indicate month (August)
                                                                                                2nd Two Digits             - 29 -        indicate day of month (29th)
                                                                                                5th Digit                        - 2 -         indicates year (2002)
                                                                                                Next 4 Digits              - 1430 -      indicate time of day (Military) (2:30 p.m.)
                                                                                                Last Digit                      - 3 -         for internal control purposes
                                    n  Numeric Digits and Diamonds - e.g. 234 uuuuu
                                                                                                1st Digit                        - 2 -         indicates last digit of the year (2002)
                                                                                                Diamonds               - uuuuu -  indicate month (August)
                                                                                                                                                     Number of diamonds subtracted from 13
                                                                                                                                                     equals the month (13 - 5 = 8 = August)
                                                         A WORD ABOUT WARRANTIES
                                    Heavy-duty equipment manufacturers and dealers like to  2. Obtain a sample of oil, fuel or coolant in the system at
                                    sell their brand of filter. But, the law does not permit them  the time of the failure.
                                    to  require  you  to  use  their  brand  in  order  to  keep  the  3. Save  damaged  parts  for  evidence  of  the  claimed
                                    warranty  in  effect.  Baldwin  filters  meet  or  exceed  damage.
                                    manufacturers’ requirements and specifications. If engine  4. For  an  air  filter,  cover  the  open  ends  with  tape  to
                                    damage  is  caused  by  our  filter,  our  warranty  applies  prevent  dust  from  entering  the  element  during
                                    regardless  of  whether  your  equipment  is  still  under  the  shipping.
                                    manufacturer’s warranty.
                                                                                       5. Send copies of any repair bills.
                                    If a filter is suspected of causing a failure, don’t throw away
                                    the evidence. Instead, in order to process a warranty claim,  6. Send the entire suspect filter, including the gaskets.
                                    follow the Product Investigation Procedure . . .     Do not cut open the filter or tamper with it in any way.
                                                                                         Package  the  filter  carefully  to  prevent  damage  to
                                      1. Complete a Field Report Form (Form 387). Describe  packaging or paperwork.
                                        the events on a separate sheet.
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