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    Page 781 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for trucks and buses
    P. 781
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and buses


    Catalog Baldwinfilters

    Auto Parts / Trucks & Buses
                                R . V . I .                      R . V . I .                      R A I N I E R
                             Trucks (cont'd)                  Trucks (cont'd)                   Trucks (cont'd)
                  Master Diesel J8S                 TRK w/640 Eng.                    RT3300 w/Cummins ISB (6.7L) Eng. (Cont'd)
                   L u b e   ( 7 7 0 1 3 4 9 9 4 2 )...................... B7352  B-P Lube  ( 9 4 4 7 0 0 1 2 3 )................. P42  Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan w/o
                   Can-Type Fuel.............................. BF884  R A I N I E R     Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).............. 20003
                   Fuel Spin-on  ( 7 7 0 1 3 0 5 4 6 )........... BF587-D  +  Trucks  Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan
                  Master Turbo w/S9U 714, S9U 740 Engs.  RT1600 w/Cummins ISB (6.7L) Eng.   w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).......... 20017
                   Dual-Flow Lube............................ BD7120  L u b e   ( 3 9 3 7 7 3 6 )............................ B7177  Trans. Spin-on  ( A l l i s o n
                  Premium 250 w/MIDR 06.02.26 Eng.   F u e l  (Fleetguard FF5632)............. BF7940   2 9 5 3 9 5 7 9 )..................................... BT8460
                                                                                      Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                   F-F Lube  ( 5 0 0 0 6 7 0 7 0 0 )................ B76  +  Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan w/o   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                   B-P Lube Spinner  ( 5 0 0 0 6 7 0 7 3 7 ). BC110   Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).............. 20004  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   F u e l  ( 2 2 8 5 2 8 0 0 )........................... BF988   +  Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                   Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1221  +   w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).......... 20016  R A M
                   Radial Seal O. Air  ( 5 0 1 0 2 3 0 9 1 6 ). RS3728  Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan w/o
                   Radial Seal I. Air  ( 5 0 1 0 2 6 9 5 8 4 )... RS3729   Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).............. 20003  Trucks
                   Single Radial Seal Air            Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan         4500 w/V8-392 (6.4L) Eng. (2014-16)
                    ( 5 0 1 0 2 3 0 8 4 1 )................................ RS3727   w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).......... 20017  L u b e   ( 4 8 9 2 3 3 9 A A )....................... B7443
                   S t e e r i n g   (Iveco 1902137)............. P106-HD  Trans. Spin-on  ( A l l i s o n  F u e l  ( N / S )...................................... N/S
                   Gearbox Hyd.  ( 5 0 0 0 7 9 1 1 4 5 )....... B307   2 9 5 3 9 5 7 9 )..................................... BT8460  A i r  ( 6 8 1 9 0 7 0 5 A A )......................... PA10022
                  Premium 260 w/MIDR 06.02.45 Eng.   Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison  4500 w/V8-392 (6.4L) Eng. (2017)
                   F-F Lube  ( 5 0 0 0 6 7 0 7 0 0 )................ B76  +   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  L u b e   ( 4 8 9 2 3 3 9 A A )....................... B7443
                                                     Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   B-P Lube Spinner  ( 5 0 0 0 6 7 0 7 3 7 ). BC110   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT  F u e l  ( N / S )...................................... N/S
                   F u e l  ( 2 2 8 5 2 8 0 0 )........................... BF988   +  RT1950 w/Cummins ISB (6.7L) Eng.  A i r  ( 6 8 1 9 0 7 0 5 A A )......................... PA10022
                   Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1221  +                  4500 w/L6-408 (6.7L) Turbo Diesel Eng.
                   465.9 mm Radial Seal O. Air       L u b e   ( 3 9 3 7 7 3 6 )............................ B7177    ( 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 )
                    ( 5 0 1 0 2 3 0 8 4 1 )................................ RS3727  F u e l  (Fleetguard FF5632)............. BF7940  L u b e   ( 5 0 8 3 2 8 5 A A )....................... BT7349
                   555.6 mm Radial Seal O. Air       Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan w/o     Fuel/Water Separator Spin-on
                    ( 5 0 1 0 2 3 0 9 1 6 )................................ RS3728   Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).............. 20004   (Mounted Under Cab Frame)
                   Radial Seal I. Air  ( 5 0 1 0 2 6 9 5 8 4 )... RS3729  Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan   ( 6 8 1 9 7 8 6 7 A A )............................... BF46031
                   S t e e r i n g   (Iveco 1902137)............. P106-HD   w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).......... 20016  Fuel Ele.  ( 6 8 0 6 5 6 0 8 A A )............... PF9870
                   Gearbox Hyd.  ( 5 0 0 0 7 9 1 1 4 5 )....... B307  Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan w/o  A i r  ( 5 3 0 3 4 0 5 1 A B )......................... PA4318
                  Premium 340 w/MIDR 06.02.45 Eng.    Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).............. 20003  T r a n s .  (66RFE) (68019688AA)..... 20025
                                                     Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan
                   F-F Lube  ( 5 0 0 0 6 7 0 7 0 0 )................ B76  +   w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).......... 20017  4500 w/L6-408 (6.7L) Turbo Diesel Eng. (2013)
                   B-P Lube Spinner  ( 5 0 0 0 6 7 0 7 3 7 ). BC110  Trans. Spin-on  ( A l l i s o n  L u b e   ( 5 0 8 3 2 8 5 A A )....................... BT7349
                   F u e l  ( 2 2 8 5 2 8 0 0 )........................... BF988  +   2 9 5 3 9 5 7 9 )..................................... BT8460  Fuel/Water Separator Spin-on
                   Fuel/Water Separator................... BF1221  +  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison   (Mounted Under Cab Frame)
                   465.9 mm Radial Seal O. Air        2 9 5 4 8 9 8 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT   ( 6 8 1 9 7 8 6 7 A A )............................... BF46031
                    ( 5 0 1 0 2 3 0 8 4 1 )................................ RS3727  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  Fuel Ele.  ( 6 8 0 6 5 6 0 8 A A )............... PF9870
                   555.6 mm Radial Seal O. Air        2 9 5 4 8 9 8 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT  Fuel Ele.  (Late 2013 Models)
                    ( 5 0 1 0 2 3 0 9 1 6 )................................ RS3728     ( 6 8 1 5 7 2 9 1 A A )............................... PF46108
                   536.6 mm Radial Seal I. Air      RT2600 w/Cummins ISB (6.7L) Eng.  A i r  ( 5 3 0 3 4 0 5 1 A B )......................... PA4318
                    ( 5 0 1 0 2 6 9 5 8 4 )................................ RS3729  L u b e   ( 3 9 3 7 7 3 6 )............................ B7177  T r a n s .  (66RFE) (68019688AA)..... 20025
                   S t e e r i n g   (Iveco 1902137)............. P106-HD  F u e l  (Fleetguard FF5632)............. BF7940  4500 w/L6-408 (6.7L) Turbo Diesel Eng.
                   Gearbox Hyd.  ( 5 0 0 0 7 9 1 1 4 5 )....... B307  Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan w/o    ( 2 0 1 4 - 1 7 )
                  TBHO                                Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).............. 20004  L u b e   ( 5 0 8 3 2 8 5 A A )....................... BT7349
                                                     Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan
                   B-P Lube  ( 9 4 4 7 0 0 1 2 2 )................. P41   w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).......... 20016  Fuel/Water Separator Spin-on
                   Fuel Ele.  ( 2 4 8 6 6 0 9 2 ).................... PF950  Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan w/o   (Mounted Under Cab Frame)
                  Trafic w/SOFIM Diesel Eng.          Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).............. 20003   ( 6 8 1 9 7 8 6 7 A A )............................... BF46031
                   L u b e   (To 3/86) (7701349779)....... BT5  Trans. Pan-Type  (D. Pan  Fuel Ele.  (Under Hood-Drivers
                   Dual-Flow Lube  ( 4 / 8 4 - o n )   w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537966).......... 20017   Side) (68157291AA)...................... PF46108
                    (Crosland 2155)............................ BD7120  Trans. Spin-on  ( A l l i s o n  A i r  ( 5 3 0 3 4 0 5 1 A B )......................... PA4318
                   Fuel Ele.  ( 5 0 0 0 2 4 1 2 5 0 )................ PF7596   2 9 5 3 9 5 7 9 )..................................... BT8460  T r a n s .  (66RFE) (68019688AA)..... 20025
                   71.4 mm Fuel Can-Type............... BF825  +  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison  4500 w/L6-408 (6.7L) Turbo Diesel Eng. (2018)
                   112.7 mm Fuel Can-Type............. BF884   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  L u b e   ( 5 0 8 3 2 8 5 A A )....................... BT7349
                   Fuel Spin-on  ( 7 7 0 1 3 0 5 4 6 )........... BF587-D  +  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  Fuel Ele.  (Under Hood-Drivers
                  Trafic w/Gas Eng.                   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT   Side) (68157291AA)...................... PF46108
                   81.8 mm Lube............................... B173-S  RT3300 w/Cummins ISB (6.7L) Eng.  Fuel/Water Separator Spin-on
                   110.3 mm Lube............................. B233  L u b e   ( 3 9 3 7 7 3 6 )............................ B7177   (Mounted Under Cab Frame)
                   Air.................................................. PA2099  F u e l  (Fleetguard FF5632)............. BF7940   ( 6 8 1 9 7 8 6 7 A A )............................... BF46031
                                                     Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan w/o     A i r  ( 5 3 0 3 4 0 5 1 A B )......................... PA4318
                                                      Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).............. 20004
                                                     Trans. Pan-Type  (S. Pan
                                                      w/Gskt.) (Allison 29537965).......... 20016
                   +   See Product Guide for Variations of This Number.
                  Check Original Equipment Numbers In Parentheses.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to  779 / Auto Parts
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