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    Page 745 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for trucks and buses
    P. 745
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and buses


    Catalog Baldwinfilters

    Auto Parts / Trucks & Buses
                             P E T E R B I L T                 P E T E R B I L T                P E T E R B I L T
                             Trucks (cont'd)                  Trucks (cont'd)                   Trucks (cont'd)
                  389 w/Paccar MX-13 (12.9L) Eng. (2019)  520 w/Cummins ISL-G (8.9L) Eng. (2019)  520 w/Cummins ISX 11.9G (11.9L) Eng. (2018)
                   Centrifugal Lube  ( 1 9 2 2 4 9 6 P E )... BC7326  +  (Cont'd)     Dual-Flow Lube  ( 4 3 6 7 1 0 0 ).......... BD50000
                   Std. Radial Seal Air  ( X 0 1 1 6 2 2 )... [ 2 ] RS5287  Cab Air  ( F R 1 1 1 1 0 )....................... CLN&R  Fuel/Water Separator  ( 3 6 0 7 1 4 0 ). BF7695
                   Radial Seal XP Air  ( X 0 1 1 6 2 2 )..... [ 2 ] RS5287XP  Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414PG).... BA5379  Radial Seal O. Air  (w/o Blank
                   Cab Air  ( 5 S 0 1 3 8 1 7 )...................... PA5765  T r a n s .  (2 In. Kit) (Allison   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS4638
                   Air Dryer  (TRP AC1001).............. BA5374  +   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / B l a n k
                   C o o l a n t  ( 1 8 4 3 6 5 9 P E )................... B5088  +  T r a n s .  (4 In. Kit) (Allison   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS3870
                   T r a n s .  (Fuller 4304827)................ BT223   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT  Radial Seal I. Air  ( D o n .
                   S t e e r i n g   (Nelson 87904M)........... PT9354-MPG  S t e e r i n g   (Nelson 87972A)............ PT9386-MPG   P 7 7 7 8 6 9 )....................................... RS3871
                   Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r   Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r  Cab Air  ( F R 1 1 1 1 0 )....................... CLN&R
                    3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233   3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233  Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414PG).... BA5379
                  389 w/Paccar MX-13 (12.9L) Eng. (2020)  520 w/Cummins ISX 11.9 (11.9L) Eng.  C o o l a n t  ( 3 6 8 0 4 3 4 )....................... B5087
                   Centrifugal Lube  ( 1 9 2 2 4 9 6 P E )... BC7326    ( 2 0 1 7 - 1 8 )  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Fuel/Water Separator              Dual-Flow Lube  ( F l e e t g u a r d   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                    (Fleetguard FS19765G)................ PF46094   L F 1 4 0 0 0 N N ).................................. BD50000  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( K 3 7 1 0 1 1 ) PF46081  Fuel/Water Separator    2 9 5 5 8 1 1 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                   Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414)......... BA5374   (Fleetguard FS19764)................... PF9814  S t e e r i n g   (Nelson 87972A)............ PT9386-MPG
                   Trans. Spin-on  (Fuller 4304827).. BT223  F u e l  ( 2 8 9 3 6 1 2 )............................. BF9885  +  Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r
                   Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r   Radial Seal O. Air  (w/o Blank    3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233
                    3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS4638  520 w/Cummins L9N (8.9L) Eng. (2020)
                  397 w/Cat 3406 (14.6L) Eng.        Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / B l a n k  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                   F-F Lube  (Std. Version)           Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS3870   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                    ( 1 R 0 7 1 6 )....................................... B99  +  Radial Seal I. Air  ( D o n .  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   F-F Lube  (High Efficiency Vers.)   P 7 7 7 8 6 9 )....................................... RS3871   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                    ( 1 R 1 8 0 8 )....................................... B7299  +  Cab Air  ( F R 1 1 1 1 0 )....................... CLN&R  Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r
                   Fuel/Water Separator Spin-on      Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414PG).... BA5379   3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233
                    ( 8 N 0 2 0 5 )....................................... BF1268  T r a n s .  (2 In. Kit) (Allison  520 w/Paccar PX-9 (8.9L) Eng. (2017-18)
                   Fuel/Water Separator Spin-on       2 9 5 4 8 9 8 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  Dual-Flow Lube  ( 3 4 0 1 5 4 4 ).......... BD7309  +
                    ( 2 5 6 8 7 5 3 )...................................... BF1259  T r a n s .  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  Fuel/Water Separator  ( K 3 7 1 0 2 9 ) PF46081
                   F u e l  ( 1 R 0 7 4 9 )............................... BF7587  +   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT  Radial Seal O. Air  (w/o Blank
                   F u e l  ( 1 R 0 7 1 2 )............................... BF614  +  S t e e r i n g   (Nelson 87972A)............ PT9386-MPG   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS4638
                  520 w/Cummins ISL-G (8.9L) Eng. (2018)  Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r  Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / B l a n k
                   Dual-Flow Lube  ( F l e e t g u a r d   3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS3870
                                                     Diesel Exhaust Fluid  ( 5 3 0 3 6 0 4 ).. PE17000
                    L F 9 0 0 9 )......................................... BD7309     Radial Seal I. Air  ( D o n .
                   Fuel/Water Separator             520 w/Cummins ISX 11.9 (11.9L) Eng. (2019)   P 7 7 7 8 6 9 )....................................... RS3871
                    (Fleetguard NG5900).................... BF7695  Dual-Flow Lube  ( 4 3 6 7 1 0 0 ).......... BD50000  Cab Air  ( F R 1 1 1 1 0 )....................... CLN&R
                   Radial Seal O. Air  (w/o Blank    Fuel/Water Separator             Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414PG).... BA5379
                    Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS4638   (Fleetguard FS19764)................... PF9814  T r a n s .  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / B l a n k  F u e l  ( 2 8 9 3 6 1 2 )............................. BF9885  +   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                    Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS3870  Radial Seal O. Air  (w/o Blank  T r a n s .  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Radial Seal I. Air  ( D o n .      Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS4638   2 9 5 4 8 9 8 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                    P 7 7 7 8 6 9 )....................................... RS3871  Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / B l a n k  S t e e r i n g   (Nelson 87972A)............ PT9386-MPG
                   Cab Air  ( F R 1 1 1 1 0 )....................... CLN&R   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS3870  Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r
                   Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414PG).... BA5379  Radial Seal I. Air  ( D o n .   3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233
                   C o o l a n t  (w/4 Units BTA +)   P 7 7 7 8 6 9 )....................................... RS3871  +  520 w/Paccar PX-9 (8.9L) Eng. (2019)
                    (Fleetguard WF2071).................... BW5071  Cab Air  ( F R 1 1 1 1 0 )....................... CLN&R  Dual-Flow Lube  ( F l e e t g u a r d
                   C o o l a n t  (w/12 Units BTA +)  Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414PG).... BA5379   L F 9 0 0 9 )......................................... BD7309  +
                    (Fleetguard WF2074).................... BW5074  T r a n s .  (2 In. Kit) (Allison  Radial Seal O. Air  (w/o Blank
                   Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS4638
                    2 9 5 5 8 1 1 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  T r a n s .  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / B l a n k
                   Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT   Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS3870
                    2 9 5 5 8 1 1 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT  S t e e r i n g   (Nelson 87972A)............ PT9386-MPG  Radial Seal I. Air  ( D o n .
                   S t e e r i n g   (Nelson 87972A)............ PT9386-MPG  Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r   P 7 7 7 8 6 9 )....................................... RS3871
                   Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r    3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233  Cab Air  ( F R 1 1 1 1 0 )....................... CLN&R
                    3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233  520 w/Cummins ISX 11.9 (11.9L) Eng. (2020)  Air Dryer  (Bendix 5008414PG).... BA5379
                  520 w/Cummins ISL-G (8.9L) Eng. (2019)  Dual-Flow Lube  ( 4 3 6 7 1 0 0 ).......... BD50000  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Radial Seal O. Air  (w/o Blank    F u e l  ( 2 8 9 3 6 1 2 )............................. BF9885   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                    Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS4638  T r a n s .  (2 In. Kit) (Allison  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Radial Seal O. Air  ( w / B l a n k   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 7 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT   2 9 5 5 8 1 1 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                    Band) (Don. P777868).................. RS3870  T r a n s .  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Radial Seal I. Air  ( D o n .      2 9 5 5 8 1 1 8 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                    P 7 7 7 8 6 9 )....................................... RS3871   +  Opt. Rear Axle  ( M e r i t o r
                                                      3 2 8 0 V 8 3 9 4 )................................... B233
                   +   See Product Guide for Variations of This Number.
                  Check Original Equipment Numbers In Parentheses.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                     which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to  743 / Auto Parts
       740   741   742   743   744   745   746   747   748   749   750
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