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    Page 706 - Catalog filters BALDWIN for trucks and buses
    P. 706
    Baldwinfilters cross-references for trucks and buses


    Catalog Baldwinfilters

    Auto Parts / Trucks & Buses
                              O S H K O S H                    O S H K O S H                     O S H K O S H
                             Trucks (cont'd)                  Trucks (cont'd)                   Trucks (cont'd)
                  HB2718 w/Cat C13 Eng. w/Cat C15 or C16  MPT-Series w/Cat C11 Eng. (Cont'd)  MPT-Series w/Cummins ISC 8.3 (8.3L) Eng.
                  Blower Eng. (Cont'd)               Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )  (Cont'd)
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r   (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r
                    Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r   Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r   Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r
                    Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r   Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +
                   T r a n s .  (2 In. Kit) (Allison   Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +  Air Dryer  (Bendix 107796)........... BA5377
                    2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  Air Dryer  (Bendix 107796)........... BA5377  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                   T r a n s .  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                    2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                  HT2723 w/Cat C13 Eng.              Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                   L u b e   (To 1/04) (1R0716).............. B99  +   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT  Opt. Trans. Spin-on  ( F u l l e r
                   L u b e   (1/04-on) (1R1808).............. B7299  +  Opt. Trans. Spin-on  ( F u l l e r   +   1 7 2 3 7 )........................................... B2  +
                   Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port   1 7 2 3 7 )........................................... B2  MPT-Series w/Cummins N14 Eng.
                    for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O  MPT-Series w/Cat C12 Eng.  Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )  L u b e   (To 1/04) (1R0716).............. B99  +   for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O
                    (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072  L u b e   (1/04-on) (1R1808).............. B7299  +  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )  Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port   (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072
                    (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329   for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )   (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329
                    Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP   (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )   Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP
                    Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +   (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r
                   T r a n s .  (2 In. Kit) (Allison  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r   Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +
                    2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT   Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP  Air Dryer  (Bendix 107796)........... BA5377
                   T r a n s .  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                    2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT   Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                  J3080 w/Cat 3408 Eng.              Air Dryer  (Bendix 107796)........... BA5377  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                   Lube............................................... [ 2 ] B99  +  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                   Fuel Spin-on................................. BF614  +   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT  Opt. Trans. Spin-on  ( F u l l e r   +
                                                     Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                  J30120 w/Detroit Diesel 12V-71 Eng.   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT   1 7 2 3 7 )........................................... B2
                   F-F Lube Ele.................................. [ 2 ] P20-HD  +  Opt. Trans. Spin-on  ( F u l l e r  MPT-Series w/Detroit Series 60 Eng.
                   F-F Lube Spin-on.......................... [ 2 ] B95  +   1 7 2 3 7 )........................................... B2  +  Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port
                   P. Fuel Spin-on............................. BF784  MPT-Series w/Cat C13 Eng.   for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O
                   S. Fuel Spin-on............................. BF785         +       Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )
                  MPT-Series w/Cat C10 Eng.          L u b e   (To 1/04) (1R0716).............. B99   +   (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072
                                                     L u b e   (1/04-on) (1R1808).............. B7299
                   L u b e   (To 1/04) (1R0716).............. B99  +  Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )
                                                                                       (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329
                   L u b e   (1/04-on) (1R1808).............. B7299  +   for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r
                   Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )   Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP
                    for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O   (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )   Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +
                    (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072   (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329  Air Dryer  (Bendix 107796)........... BA5377
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison
                    (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329   Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r  Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison
                    Port Thd. 9/16-18) (Racor R90P).. BF1329-SP   Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( S e n s o r  Air Dryer  (Bendix 107796)........... BA5377  Opt. Trans. Spin-on  ( F u l l e r
                    Port Thd. 1/2-20) (Racor R90P).... BF1339-SP  +  Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison   1 7 2 3 7 )........................................... B2  +
                   Air Dryer  (Bendix 107796)........... BA5377   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT
                   Trans. Ele.  (2 In. Kit) (Allison  Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  P Series w/Cat 3208 (10.4L) Eng.
                    2 9 5 4 0 4 9 3 )..................................... PT9416-MPG KIT   2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT  L u b e   ( 8 N 9 5 8 6 ).............................. [ 2 ] BT230  +
                   Trans. Ele.  (4 In. Kit) (Allison  Opt. Trans. Spin-on  ( F u l l e r  L u b e   ( 9 N 5 6 8 0 ).............................. [ 2 ] BT364
                    2 9 5 4 0 4 9 4 )..................................... PT9415-MPG KIT   1 7 2 3 7 )........................................... B2  +  Box-Style Fuel/Water Separator. BF912
                   Opt. Trans. Spin-on  ( F u l l e r  MPT-Series w/Cummins ISC 8.3 (8.3L) Eng.  Fuel Spin-on................................. BF970   +
                    1 7 2 3 7 )........................................... B2  +      P Series w/Cat 3306 (10.5L) Eng.
                  MPT-Series w/Cat C11 Eng.          Dual-Flow Lube  ( F l e e t g u a r d   +  L u b e   (Standard Vers.).................. B7600  +
                                                      L F 9 0 0 9 )......................................... BD7309
                   L u b e   (To 1/04) (1R0716).............. B99  +  Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port  Box-Style Fuel/Water Separator. BF912
                   L u b e   (1/04-on) (1R1808).............. B7299  +   for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O  Fuel Spin-on................................. BF970   +
                   Fuel/Water Separator  (Open Port  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )
                    for Bowl) (Racor R90P)................. BF46083-O   (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072
                   Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / B o w l )  Fuel/Water Separator  ( w / D r a i n )
                    (Racor R90P)................................ BF46072   (Racor R90P)................................ BF1329
                       +   See Product Guide for Variations of This Number.
                      Check Original Equipment Numbers In Parentheses.
                     WARNING: These products can expose you to chemicals, including Diisononyl Phthalate, Carbon black extracts, Nickel, 1,3 Butadiene, Ethylene Oxide,
                     Epichlorohydrin, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, and Bisphenol, Ethylene Glycol, Ethylene Oxide, 1,3 Butadiene, Epichlorohydrin,
                  704  which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to / Auto Parts
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