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    Page 292 - Catalog auto parts AUGER for MERCEDES
    P. 292
    AUGER for trucks MERCEDES


    Catalog AUGER for TRUCKS

    Auto Parts / MERCEDES
              Auger Nr.     OEM Nr.          Description          Model                            Picture
              71414         305 420 07 19 S  Brake Shoe, Brake Drum  300  O 303
                            305 420 13 19 S  Unlined, with Roller,  307  O 305
                                             66581' Sheet Type    307    O 307
                                                                  357    O 405
                                                                  357    O 407
                                                                  357    O 408
                                                                  373    O 330
                                                                  373    O 362
                                                                  600    O 303
             57744          346 423 09 06    Brake Anchor,        307 O 305
                            652 423 00 06    Brake Shoe           307 O 307
                                                                  664 O 371
                            942 423 03 06                         664 O 400
                                                                  343 L 2628
                                                                  343 LK 2624
                                                                  343 LK 2628
             73398         346 421 31 06    Brake Anchor, Brake Shoe  671  O 345,EURO2     NEW
                           393 421 00 06                         671     O 345,EURO1
                                                                         O 345,CONECTO C
                                                                 671     O 345,CONECTO UE
                                                                 671     O 345,CONECTO M
                                                                 671     O 345,EURO3
                                                                 671     O 345,CONECTO H
                                                                 671     O 345 G,EURO2
                                                                 671     O 345 K,EURO1
             54793          346 421 11 74    Pin, Brake Shoe
                            497 421 00 74
             54015          674 421 00 50    Bushing, Brake Shoe  730 VL 3/11 D-4,4 ...
                                                                  731 AL 3/40 D-6 …
                                             ø30xø34x47,5         732 VL 3/7 D-5 …
                                                                  733 AL 4/5D-4,3/48:7 …
                                                                  739 VO 4/13 DL-7 …
                                                                  740 HL 7/057DS-13 …
                                                                  741 HD 4/02 DG-10/41:7 …
                                                                  744 HL 4/35 D-7,8 …
             54895          307 421 05 50    Bushing, Brake Shoe  349 L 1921, LK 1921
                            302 421 05 50                         699 LU 1720, 1920, 1921,1924
                                             ø30xø34x42           730 VL  2/7-3,6  /  VO 3/9 L-5 …
                                                                  731 AD 7/13 D-9/4,637/AL 3/6 D-6
                                                                  733 VL 3/7 D-5/VO 3/10 D-6 …
                                                                  737 AT  4/1S-7,0…
             55246          318 421 00 50    Bushing, Brake Shoe  730  VL 2/10   D-3.5 …
                                                                  742  HL 2/12 D-4.5 …
                                             ø28xø31x34           744  HL 4/30 D-6. 4 …
                                         Aufgeführte Original-Ersatzteilenummern dienen nur zu Vergleichszwecken / OE part numbers serve for comparison and referenceonly  291 / Auto Parts
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