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    Page 28 - Catalog auto parts AUGER cross-references
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    Spare parts OEM cross-references

    AUTO PARTS OEM cross-references

    Catalog AUGER trucks

    Auto Parts / 00    INDEX
                    Auger Nr. - O.E.M. Nr.
                 51452            81960200252            2.1          51473            81413040042             2.6
                 51452              6879332              3.1          51473            81434200000             2.6
                 51453            81960200286            2.29         51473            81413040042             2.9
                 51454D           81437220061            2.1          51473            81434200000             2.9
                 51454D           81437220044            2.1          51474            81413040041             2.6
                 51455            81437220051            2.1          51474            81413040032             2.6
                 51455            81437220078            2.1          51474            81413040041             2.9
                 51455            81437220079            2.1          51474            81413040032             2.9
                 51456D           81437220062            2.1          51475            81413040044             2.6
                 51456D           81437220045            2.1          51475            81413040052             2.6
                 51461            81413060090            2.6          51475            81413040044             2.9
                 51461            81413060070            2.6          51475            81413040052             2.9
                 51461            81413060087            2.6          51476            81413040040             2.6
                 51461            81413060090            2.7          51476            81413040038             2.6
                 51461            81413060070            2.7          51476            81434200012             2.6
                 51461            81413060087            2.7          51476            81413040040             2.9
                 51462            81413060081            2.6          51476            81413040038             2.9
                 51462            81413060072            2.6          51476            81434200012             2.9
                 51462            81413060058            2.6          51477            81413040037             2.6
                 51462            81413060081            2.7          51477            81413040031             2.6
                 51462            81413060072            2.7          51477            81413040037             2.9
                 51462            81413060058            2.7          51477            81413040031             2.9
                 51463            81413060084            2.6          51480            81413040020            2.10
                 51463            81413060071            2.6          51480            81413040020             2.6
                 51463            81413060067            2.6          51481            81410040050            2.10
                 51463            81413060080            2.6          51481            81413040035            2.10
                 51463            81413060055            2.6          51481            81413040029            2.10
                 51463            81413060084            2.7          51481            81410040050             2.6
                 51463            81413060071            2.7          51481            81413040035             2.6
                 51463            81413060067            2.7          51481            81413040029             2.6
                 51463            81413060080            2.7          51483            81962100294            2.29
                 51463            81413060055            2.7          51484            81961010739             2.4
                 51463            5000286235             7.7          51484            81961010690             2.4
                 51463            5000286235             7.8          51485            83960200506             2.4
                 51464            81413060095            2.6          51485            81434006484             2.4
                 51464            81413060095            2.7          51489            81960206006             2.3
                 51465            81413060088            2.6          51489            81960200172             2.3
                 51465            81413060088            2.7          51489            81960200136             2.3
                 51466            81413060089            2.6          51489            81960200110             2.3
                 51466            81413060089            2.7          51489             4771160000            11.2
                 51467            81413060092            2.6          51491            81413500018            2.11
                 51467            81910010453            2.6          51493            81455030037            2.10
                 51467            81413060092            2.8          51498            81413200092            2.12
                 51467            81910010453            2.8          51498            81413200089            2.12
                 51468            81413060085            2.6          51499            81962100393            2.14
                 51468            81413060078            2.6          51499            83962100512            2.14
                 51468            81413060074            2.6          51500            81962100392            2.14
                 51468            81413060001            2.6          51500            83962100515            2.14
                 51468            81413060085            2.8          51501            85962100012            2.14
                 51468            81413060078            2.8          51501            85962100007            2.14
                 51468            81413060074            2.8          51502            81962100407            2.13
                 51468            81413060001            2.8          51502            81962100362            2.13
                 51469            81413060097            2.6          51503            81962100462            2.15
                 51469            81413060097            2.8          51503            81962100369            2.15
                 51470            81413060096            2.6          51504            81907130909            2.13
                 51470            81413060096            2.8          51504            81907120844            2.13
                 51471            81910200327            2.6          51505            81962100348            2.15
                 51471            81910200255            2.6          51505            81962100340            2.15
                 51471            81910200327            2.8          51505            81962100349            2.15
                 51471            81910200255            2.8          51506            81962100400            2.15
                 51472            81413040043            2.6          51507            81962100437            2.13
                 51472            81413040008            2.6          51507            81962100424            2.13
                 51472            81434200014            2.6          51508            81962100089            2.78
                 51472            81413040043            2.9          51509            81962100339            2.13
                 51472            81413040008            2.9          51509            83962100500            2.13
                 51472            81434200014            2.9          51510            81962100536            2.14
                                           Aufgeführte Original-Ersatzteilenummern dienen nur zu Vergleichszwecken / OE part numbers serve for comparison and reference only  0.27 / Auto Parts
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