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    Page 101 - Catalog auto parts AUGER for MERCEDES
    P. 101
    AUGER for buses MERCEDES


    Catalog AUGER for BUSES

    Auto Parts / MERCEDES
                                                                                              Power Unit
               Auger Nr.    OEM Nr.          Description         Model                           Picture
               56161        655 330 06 19    King Pin Kit,       671 O 345
                                             Axle Steering Knuckle,  356 O 404
                                             without King Pin    357 O 405
                                                                 357 O 407
                                                                 357 O 408
                                             ø50xø78x25          396 OH 1622 L
                                                                 396 OH 1625 L
                                                                 396 OH 1628 L
                                                                 698 BU 5-25
                                                                 698 BT-25
               56163        655 330 07 19    King Pin Kit,       671 O 345
                                             Axle Steering Knuckle,  357 O 405
                                             without King Pin    357 O 407
                                                                 357 O 408
                                                                 396 OH 1622 L
                                             ø50xø80x25          396 OH 1625 L
                                                                 396 OH 1628 L
                                                                 698 BU 5-25
                                                                 698 BT-25
                                                                 698 BGT-25
               67902        655 330 01 19    King Pin Kit,       612 O 405
                            357 330 00 19    Axle Steering Knuckle,  612 O 407
                                                                 612 O 408
                                                                 396 OH 1622 L
                                                                 396 OH 1625 L
                                                                 396 OH 1628 L
                                                                 698 BGT-25
                                                                 698 BGU-25
                                                                 698 BT-25
                                                                 698 BU-5-25
               70247        655 330 00 19 S  King Pin Kit,       373   O 303/ O 302
                                             Axle Steering Knuckle  600  O 330
                                                                 357/612 O 405
                                                                 357/612 O 407
                                                                 357/612 O 408
                                                                 396   OH 1622 L
                                                                 396   OH 1625 L
                                                                 396   OH 1628 L
                                                                 698   BU 5-25
                                                                 698   BGU-25
               70248        655 330 01 19 S  King Pin Kit,       357/612 O 405
                            357 330 00 19 S  Axle Steering Knuckle  357/612 O 407
                                                                 357/612 O 408
                                                                 396   OH 1622 L
                                                                 396   OH 1625 L
                                                                 396   OH 1628 L
                                                                 698   BU 5-25
                                                                 698   BGU-25
                                                                 698   BT-25
                                                                 698   BGT-25
               57351        345 334 00 15    Thrust Ring,        321 O 362
                            360 334 01 15    Axle Steering Knuckle  344 O 355
                                                                 345 OH 1313,1314,1316
                            360 334 02 15    ø73,5xø100x16       345 OF 1113 INDONESIEN
                                                                 345 OH 1419,1420,1520
                                                                 345 OH 1113:OH1316
                                                                 382 OH 1315/OH 1318
                                                                 384 OF 1315/OF 1318
                                                                 384 OF 1317,1318
                                                                 684 OH 1113/1518 INDONESIA
               100   Aufgeführte Original-Ersatzteilenummern dienen nur zu Vergleichszwecken / OE part numbers serve for comparison and reference only / Auto Parts
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